[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/proxy/tests - __init__.py:1.2 test_proxy.py:1.2

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 09:15:48 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/proxy/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv20790/src/zope/proxy/tests

Added Files:
	__init__.py test_proxy.py 
Log Message:
Grand renaming:

- Renamed most files (especially python modules) to lower case.

- Moved views and interfaces into separate hierarchies within each
  project, where each top-level directory under the zope package
  is a separate project.

- Moved everything to src from lib/python.

  lib/python will eventually go away. I need access to the cvs
  repository to make this happen, however.

There are probably some bits that are broken. All tests pass
and zope runs, but I haven't tried everything. There are a number
of cleanups I'll work on tomorrow.

=== Zope3/src/zope/proxy/tests/__init__.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:15:48 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zope/proxy/tests/__init__.py	Wed Dec 25 09:15:17 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# This file is necessary to make this directory a package.

=== Zope3/src/zope/proxy/tests/test_proxy.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:15:48 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zope/proxy/tests/test_proxy.py	Wed Dec 25 09:15:17 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+import pickle
+import unittest
+from zope.proxy import proxy
+class Thing:
+    pass
+class Comparable:
+    def __init__(self, value):
+        self.value = value
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if hasattr(other, "value"):
+            other = other.value
+        return self.value == other
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return not self.__eq__(other)
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        if hasattr(other, "value"):
+            other = other.value
+        return self.value < other
+    def __ge__(self, other):
+        return not self.__lt__(other)
+    def __le__(self, other):
+        if hasattr(other, "value"):
+            other = other.value
+        return self.value <= other
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        return not self.__le__(other)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Comparable: %r>" % self.value
+class ProxyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.x = Thing()
+        self.p = self.new_proxy(self.x)
+    def new_proxy(self, o):
+        return proxy.proxy(o)
+    def test_constructor(self):
+        o = object()
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, proxy.proxy, o, o)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, proxy.proxy, o, key='value')
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, proxy.proxy, key='value')
+    def test_subclass_constructor(self):
+        class MyProxy(proxy.proxy):
+            def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
+                return super(MyProxy, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwds)
+            def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
+                super(MyProxy, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
+        o1 = object()
+        o2 = object()
+        o = MyProxy((o1, o2))
+        self.assertEquals(o1, o[0])
+        self.assertEquals(o2, o[1])
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyProxy, o1, o2)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyProxy, o1, key='value')
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyProxy, key='value')
+        # Check that are passed to __init__() overrides what's passed
+        # to __new__().
+        class MyProxy2(proxy.proxy):
+            def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
+                return super(MyProxy2, cls).__new__(cls, 'value')
+        p = MyProxy2('splat!')
+        self.assertEquals(list(p), list('splat!'))
+        class MyProxy3(MyProxy2):
+            def __init__(self, arg):
+                assert list(self) == list('value')
+                super(MyProxy3, self).__init__('another')
+        p = MyProxy3('notused')
+        self.assertEquals(list(p), list('another'))
+    def test_proxy_attributes(self):
+        o = Thing()
+        o.foo = 1
+        w = self.new_proxy(o)
+        self.assert_(w.foo == 1)
+    def test_getobject(self):
+        obj1 = object()
+        w = self.new_proxy(obj1)
+        self.assert_(proxy.getobject(w) is obj1)
+    def test___class__(self):
+        o = object()
+        w = self.new_proxy(o)
+        self.assert_(w.__class__ is o.__class__)
+    def test_pickle_prevention(self):
+        w = self.new_proxy(Thing())
+        self.assertRaises(pickle.PicklingError,
+                          pickle.dumps, w)
+    def test_proxy_equality(self):
+        w = self.new_proxy('foo')
+        self.assertEquals(w, 'foo')
+        o1 = Comparable(1)
+        o2 = Comparable(1.0)
+        o3 = Comparable("splat!")
+        w1 = self.new_proxy(o1)
+        w2 = self.new_proxy(o2)
+        w3 = self.new_proxy(o3)
+        self.assertEquals(o1, w1)
+        self.assertEquals(o1, w2)
+        self.assertEquals(o2, w1)
+        self.assertEquals(w1, o2)
+        self.assertEquals(w2, o1)
+        self.assertNotEquals(o3, w1)
+        self.assertNotEquals(w1, o3)
+        self.assertNotEquals(w3, o1)
+        self.assertNotEquals(o1, w3)
+    def test_proxy_ordering_lt(self):
+        o1 = Comparable(1)
+        o2 = Comparable(2.0)
+        w1 = self.new_proxy(o1)
+        w2 = self.new_proxy(o2)
+        self.assert_(w1 < w2)
+        self.assert_(w1 <= w2)
+        self.assert_(o1 < w2)
+        self.assert_(o1 <= w2)
+        self.assert_(w1 < o2)
+        self.assert_(w2 <= o2)
+    def test_proxy_callable(self):
+        w = self.new_proxy({}.get)
+        self.assert_(callable(w))
+    def test_proxy_item_protocol(self):
+        w = self.new_proxy({})
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: w[1])
+        w[1] = 'a'
+        self.assertEquals(w[1], 'a')
+        del w[1]
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: w[1])
+        def del_w_1():
+            del w[1]
+        self.assertRaises(KeyError, del_w_1)
+    def test_wrapped_iterable(self):
+        a = [1, 2, 3]
+        b = []
+        for x in self.new_proxy(a):
+            b.append(x)
+        self.assertEquals(a, b)
+    def test_bool_wrapped_None(self):
+        w = self.new_proxy(None)
+        self.assertEquals(not w, 1)
+    # Numeric ops.
+    unops = [
+        "-x", "+x", "abs(x)", "~x",
+        "int(x)", "long(x)", "float(x)",
+        ]
+    def test_unops(self):
+        P = self.new_proxy
+        for expr in self.unops:
+            x = 1
+            y = eval(expr)
+            x = P(1)
+            z = eval(expr)
+            self.assertEqual(z, y,
+                             "x=%r; expr=%r" % (x, expr))
+    def test_odd_unops(self):
+        # unops that don't return a proxy
+        P = self.new_proxy
+        for func in hex, oct, lambda x: not x:
+            self.assertEqual(func(P(100)), func(100))
+    binops = [
+        "x+y", "x-y", "x*y", "x/y", "divmod(x, y)", "x**y", "x//y",
+        "x<<y", "x>>y", "x&y", "x|y", "x^y",
+        ]
+    def test_binops(self):
+        P = self.new_proxy
+        for expr in self.binops:
+            first = 1
+            for x in [1, P(1)]:
+                for y in [2, P(2)]:
+                    if first:
+                        z = eval(expr)
+                        first = 0
+                    else:
+                        self.assertEqual(eval(expr), z,
+                                         "x=%r; y=%r; expr=%r" % (x, y, expr))
+    def test_inplace(self):
+        # XXX should test all inplace operators...
+        P = self.new_proxy
+        pa = P(1)
+        pa += 2
+        self.assertEqual(pa, 3)
+        a = [1, 2, 3]
+        pa = qa = P(a)
+        pa += [4, 5, 6]
+        self.failUnless(pa is qa)
+        self.assertEqual(a, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
+        pa = P(2)
+        pa **= 2
+        self.assertEqual(pa, 4)
+    def test_coerce(self):
+        P = self.new_proxy
+        # Before 2.3, coerce() of two proxies returns them unchanged
+        import sys
+        fixed_coerce = sys.version_info >= (2, 3, 0)
+        x = P(1)
+        y = P(2)
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a is x and b is y)
+        x = P(1)
+        y = P(2.1)
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a == 1.0)
+        self.failUnless(b is y)
+        if fixed_coerce:
+            self.failUnless(a.__class__ is float, a.__class__)
+        x = P(1.1)
+        y = P(2)
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a is x)
+        self.failUnless(b == 2.0)
+        if fixed_coerce:
+            self.failUnless(b.__class__ is float, b.__class__)
+        x = P(1)
+        y = 2
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a is x)
+        self.failUnless(b is y)
+        x = P(1)
+        y = 2.1
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a.__class__ is float, a.__class__)
+        self.failUnless(b is y)
+        x = P(1.1)
+        y = 2
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a is x)
+        self.failUnless(b.__class__ is float, b.__class__)
+        x = 1
+        y = P(2)
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a is x)
+        self.failUnless(b is y)
+        x = 1.1
+        y = P(2)
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a is x)
+        self.failUnless(b.__class__ is float, b.__class__)
+        x = 1
+        y = P(2.1)
+        a, b = coerce(x, y)
+        self.failUnless(a.__class__ is float, a.__class__)
+        self.failUnless(b is y)
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.makeSuite(ProxyTestCase)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout)
+    result = runner.run(test_suite())
+    newerrs = len(result.errors) + len(result.failures)
+    sys.exit(newerrs and 1 or 0)