[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly - COPYRIGHT:1.1 DLispShort.py:1.1 DumbLispGen.py:1.1 SQLTESTG.py:1.1 __init__.py:1.1 gadfly.html:1.1 gadfly.py:1.1 gfSQL.html:1.1 gfclient.py:1.1 gfdb0.py:1.1 gffaq.html:1.1 gfinstall.py:1.1 gfintrospect.py:1.1 gfrecover.html:1.1 gfserve.py:1.1 gfsocket.py:1.1 gfstest.py:1.1 gftest.py:1.1 idl.py:1.1 index.html:1.1 kjParseBuild.py:1.1 kjParser.py:1.1 kjSet.py:1.1 kjbuckets0.py:1.1 kjpylint.py:1.1 kwParsing.html:1.1 pygram.py:1.1 relalg.py:1.1 remotetest.py:1.1 server.html:1.1 sql.mar:1.1 sqlbind.py:1.1 sqlgen.py:1.1 sqlgram.py:1.1 sqlgtest.py:1.1 sqlmod.py:1.1 sqlsem.py:1.1 sqlwhere.py:1.1

Albertas Agejevas alga@codeworks.lt
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 12:34:44 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8544/GadflyDA/gadfly

Added Files:
	COPYRIGHT DLispShort.py DumbLispGen.py SQLTESTG.py __init__.py 
	gadfly.html gadfly.py gfSQL.html gfclient.py gfdb0.py 
	gffaq.html gfinstall.py gfintrospect.py gfrecover.html 
	gfserve.py gfsocket.py gfstest.py gftest.py idl.py index.html 
	kjParseBuild.py kjParser.py kjSet.py kjbuckets0.py kjpylint.py 
	kwParsing.html pygram.py relalg.py remotetest.py server.html 
	sql.mar sqlbind.py sqlgen.py sqlgram.py sqlgtest.py sqlmod.py 
	sqlsem.py sqlwhere.py 
Log Message:
Added Gadfly DA which was previously in an incorrect CVS module.

Small cleanups (the tests now use a temp directory for creating databases).

Oh, this move is based an agreement between Jim and Stephan Richter that
GadflyDA belongs as a default "batteries included" adapter in Zope3.

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/COPYRIGHT ===

The following copyright is modified from the python copyright.

Copyright Notice

The kjParsing source is copyrighted, but you can freely use and copy it
as long as you don't change or remove the copyright:

Copyright Aaron Robert Watters, 1994

                        All Rights Reserved

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
supporting documentation.


        Aaron Robert Watters
        Department of Computer and Information Sciences
        New Jersey Institute of Technology
        University Heights
        Newark, NJ 07102
                phone (201)596-2666
		fax (201)596-5777
		home phone (908)545-3367
		email: aaron@vienna.njit.edu

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/DLispShort.py ===
# Grammar generation 
# for lisp lists with strings, ints, vars, print, and setq

# set this variable to regenerate the grammar on each load

import string
       Value ::  ## indicates Value is the root nonterminal for the grammar
         @R SetqRule :: Value >> ( setq var Value )
         @R ListRule :: Value >> ( ListTail
         @R TailFull :: ListTail >> Value ListTail
         @R TailEmpty :: ListTail >> )
         @R Varrule :: Value >> var
         @R Intrule :: Value >> int
         @R Strrule :: Value >> str
         @R PrintRule :: Value >> ( print Value )
INTREGEX = "["+string.digits+"]+"
STRREGEX = '"[^\n"]*"'
VARREGEX = "["+string.letters+"]["+string.letters+string.digits+"]*"

### declare interpretation functions and regex's for terminals
def intInterp( str ):
    return string.atoi(str)
def stripQuotes( str ):
    return str[1:len(str)-1]
def echo(string):
    return string
def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
    Grammar.Addterm("int", INTREGEX, intInterp)
    Grammar.Addterm("str", STRREGEX, stripQuotes)
    Grammar.Addterm("var", VARREGEX, echo)

### declare the rule reduction interpretation functions.
def EchoValue( list, Context ):
    return list[0]
def VarValue( list, Context ):
    varName = list[0]
    if Context.has_key(varName):
       return Context[varName]
       raise NameError, "no such lisp variable in context "+varName
def NilTail( list, Context ):
    return []
def AddToList( list, Context ):
    return [ list[0] ] + list[1]
def MakeList( list, Context ):
    return list[1]
def DoSetq( list, Context):
    Context[ list[2] ] = list[3]
    return list[3]
def DoPrint( list, Context ):
    print list[2]
    return list[2]
def BindRules(Grammar):
    Grammar.Bind( "Intrule", EchoValue )
    Grammar.Bind( "Strrule", EchoValue )
    Grammar.Bind( "Varrule", VarValue )
    Grammar.Bind( "TailEmpty", NilTail )
    Grammar.Bind( "TailFull", AddToList )
    Grammar.Bind( "ListRule", MakeList )
    Grammar.Bind( "SetqRule", DoSetq )
    Grammar.Bind( "PrintRule", DoPrint )

# This function generates the grammar and dumps it to a file.  
def GrammarBuild():
    import kjParseBuild
    LispG = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
    LispG.SetCaseSensitivity(0) # grammar is not case sensitive for keywords
    LispG.Keywords("setq print")
    LispG.Nonterms("Value ListTail")

    print "dumping as python to "+COMPILEDFILENAME
    outfile = open(COMPILEDFILENAME, "w")

    print "dumping as binary to "+MARSHALLEDFILENAME
    outfile = open(MARSHALLEDFILENAME, "w")

    return LispG

# this function initializes the compiled grammar from the generated file.  
def LoadLispG():
    import TESTLispG
    # reload to make sure we get the most recent version!
    # (only needed when debugging the grammar).
    LispG = TESTLispG.GRAMMAR()
    return LispG

def unMarshalLispG():
    import kjParser
    infile = open(MARSHALLEDFILENAME, "r")
    LispG = kjParser.UnMarshalGram(infile)
    return LispG

########## test the grammar generation
   print "(re)generating the LispG grammar in file TESTLispG.py"
   Dummy = GrammarBuild()
   print "(re)generation done."

print "loading grammar as python"
LispG = LoadLispG()
### declare an initial context, and do some tests.
Context = { 'x':3 }
test1 = LispG.DoParse1( '()', Context)
test2 = LispG.DoParse1( '(123)', Context)
test3 = LispG.DoParse1( '(x)', Context)
test4 = LispG.DoParse1( '" a string "', Context)
test5 = LispG.DoParse1( '(setq y (1 2 3) )', Context )
test6 = LispG.DoParse1( '(SeTq x ("a string" "another" 0))', Context )
test7str = """
  ; this is a lisp comment
  (setq abc (("a" x)
             ("b" (setq d 12))
             ("c" y) ) ; another lisp comment
test7 = LispG.DoParse1( test7str, Context)
test8 = LispG.DoParse1( '(print (1 x d))', Context)

print "unmarshalling the grammar"
LispG2 = unMarshalLispG()
### declare an initial context, and do some tests.
Context = { 'x':3 }
test1 = LispG2.DoParse1( '()', Context)
test2 = LispG2.DoParse1( '(123)', Context)
test3 = LispG2.DoParse1( '(x)', Context)
test4 = LispG2.DoParse1( '" a string "', Context)
test5 = LispG2.DoParse1( '(setq y (1 2 3) )', Context )
test6 = LispG2.DoParse1( '(SeTq x ("a string" "another" 0))', Context )
test7str = """
  ; this is a lisp comment
  (setq abc (("a" x)
             ("b" (setq d 12))
             ("c" y) ) ; another lisp comment
test7 = LispG2.DoParse1( test7str, Context)
test8 = LispG2.DoParse1( '(print (1 x d))', Context)

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/DumbLispGen.py ===

# test for kjParseBuild module automatic parser generation
# lisp lists with strings, ints, vars, and setq

import string

### The string representation for the grammar.
### Since this is used only by GrammarBuild()
### it could be put in a separate file with GrammarBuild()
### to save space/load time after Grammar compilation.
       Value ::  ## indicates Value is the root nonterminal for the grammar
         @R SetqRule :: Value >> ( setq var Value )
         @R ListRule :: Value >> ( ListTail
         @R TailFull :: ListTail >> Value ListTail
         @R TailEmpty :: ListTail >> )
         @R Varrule :: Value >> var
         @R Intrule :: Value >> int
         @R Strrule :: Value >> str

### the name of the file in which to create the compiled
### grammar declarations

### declare comment form(s) as regular expressions 

### declare regular expression string constants for terminals

#integer terminal::::::: 
INTREGEX = "["+string.digits+"]+"

#string terminal:::::::: 
STRREGEX = '"[^\n"]*"'

#var terminal:::::::: 
VARREGEX = "["+string.letters+"]["+string.letters+string.digits+"]*"

### declare interpretation functions for terminals

# int interpretation function: translates string to int: 
# Could use string.atoi without the extra level of indirection 
# but for demo purposes here it is.  
def intInterp( str ):
   return string.atoi(str)

# interpretation function for strings strips off the surrounding quotes.  
def stripQuotes( str ):
   if len(str)<2:
      TypeError, "string too short?"
   return str[1:len(str)-1]

# interpretation function for vars just returns the recognized string
def echo(string):
   return string

# This function declares the nonterminals both in the 
# "grammar generation phase" and in loading the compiled 
# grammar after generation 
def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
   Grammar.Addterm("int", INTREGEX, intInterp)
   Grammar.Addterm("str", STRREGEX, stripQuotes)
   Grammar.Addterm("var", VARREGEX, echo)

### declare the rule reduction interpretation functions.

# EchoValue() serves for Intrule and Strrule, since 
# we just want to echo the value returned by the 
# respective terminal interpretation functions.  
# Parser delivers list of form [ interpreted_value ] 
def EchoValue( list, Context ):
   if len(list)!=1:
      raise TypeError, "this shouldn't happen! (1)"
   return list[0]

# for Varrule interpreter must try to look up the value 
# in the Context dictionary 
# Parser delivers list of form [ var_name ] 
def VarValue( list, Context ):
   if len(list)!=1:
      raise TypeError, "Huh? (2)"
   varName = list[0]
   if Context.has_key(varName):
      return Context[varName]
      raise NameError, "no such lisp variable in context "+varName

# for an empty tail, return the empty list 
# Parser delivers list of form [")"] 
def NilTail( list, Context ):
   if len(list) != 1 or list[0] != ")":
      return TypeError, "Bad reduction?"
   return []

# For a full tail, add the new element to the front of the list 
# Parser delivers list of form [Value, TailValue] 
def AddToList( list, Context ):
   if len(list) !=2:
      return TypeError, "Bad reduction?"
   return [ list[0] ] + list[1]

# For a list, simply return the list determined by the tail 
# Parser delivers list of form ["(", TailValue ] 
def MakeList( list, Context ):
   if len(list)!=2 or list[0]!="(":
      raise TypeError, "Bad reduction? (3)"
   return list[1]

# For a setq, declare a new variable in the Context dictionary 
# Parser delivers list of form # ["(", "setq", varName, Value, ")"] 
def DoSetq( list, Context):
   if len(list) != 5\
     or list[0] != "("\
     or list[1] != "setq"\
     or list[4] != ")":
      print list
      raise TypeError, "Bad reduction? (4)"
   VarName = list[2]
   if type(VarName) != type(''):
      raise TypeError, "Bad var name? (5)"
   Value = list[3]
   # add or set the variable in the Context dictionary
   Context[ VarName ] = Value
   return Value

# This function Binds the named rules of the Grammar string to their 
# interpretation functions in a Grammar.  
def BindRules(Grammar):
    Grammar.Bind( "Intrule", EchoValue )
    Grammar.Bind( "Strrule", EchoValue )
    Grammar.Bind( "Varrule", VarValue )
    Grammar.Bind( "TailEmpty", NilTail )
    Grammar.Bind( "TailFull", AddToList )
    Grammar.Bind( "ListRule", MakeList )
    Grammar.Bind( "SetqRule", DoSetq )

# This function generates the grammar and dumps it to a file.  
# Since it will be used only once (after debugging), 
# it probably should be put in another file save memory/load-time.  
# the result returned is a Grammar Object that can be used 
# for testing/debugging purposes.  
# (maybe this should be made into a generic function?)  
def GrammarBuild():
    import kjParseBuild

    # initialize a Null compilable grammar to define
    LispG = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
    # declare terminals for the grammar

    # declare the keywords for the grammar
    # defun is not used, included here for demo purposes only
    LispG.Keywords("setq defun")

    # Declare punctuations
    # dot is not used here

    # Declare Nonterms
    LispG.Nonterms("Value ListTail")

    # Declare comment forms

    # Declare rules

    # Compile the grammar

    # Write the grammar to a file except for
    # the function bindings (which must be rebound)
    outfile = open(COMPILEDFILENAME, "w")

    # for debugging purposes only, bind the rules
    # in the generated grammar

    # return the generated Grammar
    return LispG

# this function initializes the compiled grammar from 
# generated file.  
def LoadLispG():
    import TESTLispG2
    # make sure we have most recent version (during debugging)
    # evaluate the grammar function from generated file
    LispG = TESTLispG2.GRAMMAR()
    # bind the semantics functions
    return LispG

########## test grammar generation

# do generation
Dummy = GrammarBuild()

# load the grammar from the file as LispG
LispG = LoadLispG()

# declare an initial context, and do some tests.
Context = { "x":3 }
test1 = LispG.DoParse1( "()", Context)
test2 = LispG.DoParse1( "(123)", Context)
test3 = LispG.DoParse1( "(x)", Context)
test4 = LispG.DoParse1( '" a string "', Context)
test5 = LispG.DoParse1( "(setq y (1 2 3) )", Context )
test6 = LispG.DoParse1( '(setq x ("a string" "another" 0))', Context )
test7str = """
  ; this is a lisp comment
  (setq abc (("a" x)
             ("b" (setq d 12))
             ("c" y) ) ; another lisp comment
test7 = LispG.DoParse1( test7str, Context)

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/SQLTESTG.py ===
# this was used for debugging null productions (a nearly full sql grammar
# is available on request).

#set this to automatically rebuild the grammar.

  ## highest level for select statement (not select for update)
  select-statement ::
  @R selectR :: select-statement >> 
  ## generalized to allow null from clause eg: select 2+2
  @R fromNull :: from-clause >>
  @R fromFull :: from-clause >> FROM 
  @R whereNull :: where-clause >>
  @R whereFull :: where-clause >> WHERE 
  @R groupNull :: group-by-clause >>
  @R groupFull :: group-by-clause >> GROUP BY 
  @R havingNull :: having-clause >> 
  @R havingFull :: having-clause >> HAVING
  @R unionNull :: union-clause >> 
  @R unionFull :: union-clause >> UNION 

  all-distinct select-list table-reference-list
  where-clause group-by-clause having-clause union-clause
  search-condition column-list maybe-all order-by-clause
  column-name from-clause
# of these the following need resolution
#   (select-list) (table-reference-list) 
#   (search-condition) order-by-clause (column-name) 


# test generation of the grammar
def BuildSQLG():
   import kjParseBuild
   SQLG = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
   # no comments yet
   print "building"
   print "marshaling"
   outfile = open( MARSHALFILE, "w")
   return SQLG

# load function
def LoadSQLG():
   import kjParser
   print "unmarshalling"
   infile = open(MARSHALFILE, "r")
   SQLG = kjParser.UnMarshalGram(infile)
   return SQLG

#### for testing
   SQLG0 = BuildSQLG()
   print " rebuilt SQLG0 as compilable grammar"

print " build SQLG as reloaded grammar"

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/__init__.py ===
# Package handling monstrocities

import os
import sqlwhere

# Stuff filename into the namespace so that you don't have to hard code
# this information ahead of time.  Should be portable across platforms.
sqlwhere.filename = filename = __path__[0] + os.sep + 'sql.mar'

# Yank the previous namespace in so that nothing breaks
from gadfly import *

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gadfly.html === (566/666 lines abridged)
Gadfly: SQL Relational Database in Python, 1.0
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td><img src="gadfly.JPG"></td>
<h1>Gadfly: SQL Relational Database in Python, 1.0</h1>
Gadfly is a simple relational database system implemented in Python
based on the SQL Structured Query Language.
<a href="#install">
The package requires installation before use, please see the section on
<a href="gffaq.html">In addition to this general documentation, please
see the Gadfly frequently asked questions</a>
<a href="#what">What is it?</a>
<a href="#Why">Why?</a>
<a href="#Use">Use</a>
<a href="#Create">Creating a new database</a>
<a href="#Reconnect">Reconnecting to an existing database</a>
<a href="#Features">Features</a>
<a href="#select">The SELECT statement</a>
<a href="#table">Table creation and "data types"</a>
<a href="#other">Other supported statements</a>
<a href="#dyn">Dynamic Values</a>

[-=- -=- -=- 566 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

lola    | 6       | lolas
norm    | 2       | lolas
woody   | 1       | lolas
pierre  | 0       | frankies

<h2><a name="arch">Architecture</a></h2>

The SQL grammar is described in sqlgram.py, the binding of the grammar constructs
to semantic objects is performed in sqlbind.py, the semantic objects and their
execution strategies is defined in sqlsem.py.  The semantics uses a lot of classical
and non-classical logic (cylindric logic, to be precise) as well as
optimization heuristics
to define a relatively efficient and hopefully correct implementation of SQL.
I recommend the brave have a look at sqlsem.py for a look into the 12 years of
research into databases, logic, and programming languages that contributed bits to
this work.  The underlying logic (in a different framework) is given in
A. Watters, "Interpreting a Reconstructed Relational Calculus",
ACM SIGMOD Proceedings, 1993, Washington DC, pp. 367-376.
The most basic data structures of the implementation are given in either
kjbuckets0.py or the faster 
<a href="http://www.chordate.com/kjbuckets/">kjbucketsmodule.c</a>, 
which implement the same
data type signatures in Python and in a C extension to Python respectively.
The gadfly.py module is a simple wrapper that provides a standard DBAPI interface
to the system.  The installation script gfinstall.py attempts to install the system,
creating the grammar file sql.mar if needed (or if "forced").  The test suite
gftest.py (which requires a writeable directory argument) attempts to provide
a regression test and a demonstration of the system.  The SQL parser also requires
the <a href="http://www.chordate.com/kwParsing">kwParsing</a> parser
generation package, which consists of a number of additional python modules.

<h2><a name="comments">Comments</a></h2>

Please find bugs and report them to <a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">me</a>.
The query engine should run faster if you have the builtin
module kjbuckets installed.  Otherwise it will use a "python imitation"
kjbuckets0.py.  In one test the test suite ran two times faster using kjbuckets.
I suspect it will have a higher payoff for larger data sets.

<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gadfly.py ===

"""main entry point for gadfly sql."""

import sqlgen, sqlbind
sql = sqlgen.getSQL()
sql = sqlbind.BindRules(sql)

error = "gadfly_error"
verbosity = 0

class gadfly:
   """as per the DBAPI spec "gadfly" is the connection object."""
   closed = 0
   verbose = verbosity # debug!
   def __init__(self, databasename=None, directory=None, 
         forscratch=0, autocheckpoint=1, verbose=0):
       verbose = self.verbose = self.verbose or verbose
       # checkpoint on each commit if set
       self.autocheckpoint = autocheckpoint
       if verbose:
           print "initializing gadfly instance", (\
              databasename, directory, forscratch, verbose)
       self.is_scratch = forscratch
       self.directory = directory
       self.fs = None
       self.database = None
       # db global transaction id
       self.transid = 0
       if databasename is not None:
   def transaction_log(self):
       from gfdb0 import Transaction_Logger
       if self.verbose:
          print "new transaction log for", self.transid
       return Transaction_Logger(self.database.log, self.transid, self.is_scratch)
   # causes problems in 1.5?
   #def __del__(self):
   #    """clear database on deletion, just in case of circularities"""
   #    # implicit checkpoint
   #    if self.verbose:
   #        print "deleting gadfly instance", self.databasename
   #    if not self.closed:
   #        self.close()
   def checkpoint(self):
       """permanently record committed updates"""
       # note: No transactions should be active at checkpoint for this implementation!
       # implicit abort of active transactions!
       verbose = self.verbose
       if verbose:
           print "checkpointing gadfly instance", self.databasename
       db = self.database
       log = db.log
       # dump committed db to fs
       fs = self.fs
       if fs and db and not db.is_scratch:
           # flush the log
           if log: 
               if verbose: print "gadfly: committing log"
           elif verbose:
               print "gadfly: no log to commit"
           if verbose: print "gadfly: dumping mutated db structures"
       elif verbose:
           print "gadfly: no checkpoint required"
       if verbose:
           print "gadfly: new transid, reshadowing"
       self.transid = self.transid+1
       self.working_db.reshadow(db, self.transaction_log())
   def startup(self, databasename, directory, scratch=0, verbose=0):
       from gfdb0 import Database0, File_Storage0
       verbose = self.verbose
       if verbose:
           print "gadfly: starting up new ", databasename
       if self.database:
           raise error, "cannot startup, database bound"
       self.directory = directory
       db = self.database = Database0()
       db.is_scratch = scratch or self.is_scratch
       self.fs = File_Storage0(databasename, directory)
       self.working_db = Database0(db, self.transaction_log())
       # commit initializes database files and log structure
       # for now: all transactions serialized
       #  working db shared among all transactions/cursors
       self.transid = self.transid+1
       self.working_db = Database0(db, self.transaction_log())
   def restart(self):
       """reload and rerun committed updates from log, discard uncommitted"""
       # mainly for testing recovery.
       if self.verbose:
           print "gadfly: restarting database", self.databasename
       self.working_db = None
       self.database = None
   def open(self):
       """(re)load existing database"""
       if self.verbose:
           print "gadfly: loading database", self.databasename
       from gfdb0 import File_Storage0, Database0
       if self.directory:
           directory = self.directory
           directory = "."
       fs = self.fs = File_Storage0(self.databasename, directory)
       db = self.database = fs.load(sql)
       self.transid = self.transid+1
       self.working_db = Database0(db, self.transaction_log())
   def add_remote_view(self, name, definition):
       """add a remote view to self.
          Must be redone on each reinitialization!
          Must not recursively reenter the query evaluation process for
          this database!
          "Tables" added in this manner cannot be update via SQL.
       self.database[name] = definition
       self.working_db[name] = definition
   def close(self):
       """checkpoint and clear the database"""
       if self.closed: return
       if self.verbose:
           print "gadfly: closing database", self.databasename
       db = self.database
       if not db.is_scratch:
       if db: db.clear()
       wdb = self.working_db
       if wdb:
       self.working_db = None
       self.closed = 1
   def commit(self):
       """commit the working database+transaction, flush log, new transid"""
       verbose = self.verbose
       autocheckpoint = self.autocheckpoint
       if self.verbose:
           print "gadfly: committing", self.transid, self.databasename
       self.transid = self.transid+1
       fs = self.fs
       db = self.database
       wdb = self.working_db
       wdblog = wdb.log
       if wdblog: wdblog.commit()
       if fs and db and not db.is_scratch:
          if autocheckpoint:
              if verbose:
                  print "gadfly: autocheckpoint"
              # skips a transid?
              if verbose:
                  print "gadfly: no autocheckpoint"
              wdb.reshadow(db, self.transaction_log())
          if verbose:
              print "gadfly: scratch db, no logging, just reshadow"
          wdb.reshadow(db, self.transaction_log())
   def rollback(self):
       """discard the working db, new transid, recreate working db"""
       verbose = self.verbose
       if verbose:
           print "gadfly: rolling back", self.transid, self.databasename
       if not (self.fs or self.database):
          raise error, "unbound, cannot rollback"
       # discard updates in working database
       self.transid = self.transid+1
       self.working_db.reshadow(self.database, self.transaction_log())
   def cursor(self):
       if self.verbose:
           print "gadfly: new cursor", self.databasename
       db = self.database
       if db is None:
          raise error, "not bound to database"
       return GF_Cursor(self)
   def dumplog(self):
       log = self.database.log
       if log:
           print "no log to dump"
   def table_names(self):
       return self.working_db.relations()
   def DUMP_ALL(self):
       print "DUMPING ALL CONNECTION DATA", self.databasename, self.directory
       print "***** BASE DATA"
       print self.database
       print "***** WORKING DATA"
       print self.working_db

class GF_Cursor:

   verbose = verbosity

   arraysize = None
   description = None
   EVAL_DUMP = 0 # only for extreme debugging!
   def __init__(self, gadfly_instance):
       verbose = self.verbose = self.verbose or gadfly_instance.verbose
       if verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.__init__", id(self)
       self.connection = gadfly_instance
       self.results = None
       self.resultlist = None
       self.statement = None
       # make a shadow of the shadow db! (in case of errors)
       from gfdb0 import Database0
       self.shadow_db = Database0()
       self.connection = gadfly_instance
   def reshadow(self):
       if self.verbose:
          print "GF_Cursor.reshadow", id(self)
       db = self.connection.working_db
       shadow = self.shadow_db
       shadow.reshadow(db, db.log)
       if self.verbose:
          print "rels", shadow.rels.keys()
   def close(self):
       if self.verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.close", id(self)
       self.connection = None
   def reset_results(self):
       if self.verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.reset_results", id(self)
       rs = self.results
       if rs is None:
           raise error, "must execute first"
       if len(rs)!=1:
           raise error, "cannot retrieve multiple results"
       rel = rs[0]
       rows = rel.rows()
       atts = rel.attributes()
       tupatts = tuple(atts)
       resultlist = list(rows)
       if len(tupatts)==1:
           att = tupatts[0]
           for i in xrange(len(resultlist)):
              resultlist[i] = (resultlist[i][att],)
           for i in xrange(len(resultlist)):
              resultlist[i] = resultlist[i].dump(tupatts)
       self.resultlist = resultlist
   def fetchone(self):
       if self.verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.fetchone", id(self)
       r = self.resultlist
       if r is None:
          r = self.resultlist
       if len(r)<1:
          raise error, "no more results"
       result = r[0]
       del r[0]
       return result
   def fetchmany(self, size=None):
       if self.verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.fetchmany", id(self)
       r = self.resultlist
       if r is None:
           r = self.resultlist
       if size is None:
           size = len(r)
       result = r[:size]
       del r[:size]
       return result
   def fetchall(self):
       if self.verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.fetchall", id(self)
       return self.fetchmany()
   def execute(self, statement=None, params=None):
       """execute operations, commit results if no error"""
       success = 0
       verbose = self.verbose
       if verbose:
           print "GF_Cursor.execute", id(self)
       if statement is None and self.statement is None:
           raise error, "cannot execute, statement not bound"
       if statement!=self.statement:
           if verbose: print "GF_cursor: new statement: parsing"
           # only reparse on new statement.
           from sqlsem import Parse_Context
           context = Parse_Context()
           cs = self.commands = sql.DoParse1(statement, context)
           if verbose: print "GF_cursor: old statment, not parsing"
           cs = self.commands
       # always rebind! (db may have changed)
       if verbose: print "GF_Cursor: binding to temp db"
       # make a new shadow of working db
       # (should optimize?)
       # get shadow of working database
       database = self.shadow_db
       if self.EVAL_DUMP:
           print "***"
           print "*** dumping connection parameters before eval"
           print "***"
           print "*** eval scratch db..."
           print database
           print "*** connection data"
           print "********** end of eval dump"
       for i in xrange(len(cs)):
           if verbose:
              print "GFCursor binding\n", cs[i]
              print database.rels.keys()
           cs[i] = cs[i].relbind(database)
       cs = self.commands
       self.results = results = list(cs)
       # only unshadow results on no error
           for i in xrange(len(cs)):
               results[i] = cs[i].eval(params)
           success = 1
           #print "in finally", success
           # only on no error...
           if success:
               # commit updates in shadow of working db (not in real db)
               if verbose: print "GFCursor: successful eval, storing results in wdb"
               # database commit does not imply transaction commit.
               if verbose:
                   print \
   "GFCursor: UNSUCCESSFUL EVAL, discarding results and log entries"
               self.statement = None
               self.results = None
               self.resultlist = None
       # handle curs.description
       self.description = None
       if len(results)==1:
          result0 = results[0]
              atts = result0.attributes()
              descriptions = list(atts)
              fluff = (None,) * 6
              for i in xrange(len(atts)):
                  descriptions[i] = (atts[i],) + fluff
              self.description = tuple(descriptions)
       self.resultlist = None
   def setoutputsize(self, *args):
       # not implemented
   def setinputsizes(self, *args):
       # not implemented
   def pp(self):
       """return pretty-print string rep of current results"""
       from string import join
       stuff = map(repr, self.results)
       return join(stuff, "\n\n")

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfSQL.html ===
Gadfly SQL constructs
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<img src="gadfly.JPG">
<h1>Gadfly SQL constructs</h1>

This document describes SQL constructs supported by Gadfly.
The presentation
does not define the complete syntax -- see sqlgram.py for
the precise syntax as BNF -- nor the complete semantics --
see a good book on SQL for more detailed coverage of semantic
(or use the source, Luke ;c) ).
Also, please have a look at my
<a href="http://mulder.rutgers.edu/~aaron/dbnotes.cgi">evolving
database course notes</a> for more coverage of SQL.
Examples of all supported constructs are also shown in the
test suite source file gftest.py.
This document is only
a very brief guide, primarily of use to those who already
understand something about SQL -- it is neither a tutorial
nor a detailed discussion of syntax and semantics.

<h1>The Standard, with omissions</h1>

Gadfly supports a large subset of ODBC 2.0 SQL.  The reason
ODBC 2.0 is chosen is because it provides a fairly strong set of
constructs, but does not include some of the more obscure
features of other SQL standards which would be extremely
difficult and complex to implement correctly
(and perhaps, not used very frequently (?)).  
Supported features include views, groupings, aggregates,
subquery expressions, quantified subquery comparisons,
EXISTS, IN, UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT, searched mutations and
Indices, among others (see below).

Some important omissions from ODBC 2.0 at this point are
Outer joins.
CHECK conditions.
Enforced data type constraints.
Alter table (can't implement until NULLs arrive).
Date, Time, and Interval data types
It is hoped these will be implemented at some future time.
Less important omissions include
Cursor based updates and deletes
  (justification: if you really need them the db design
   is flawed, and it's possible to use python instead).
LIKE string predicate
  (justification: use Python regexes in python code).
Users and permissions
  (justification: Gadfly is not intended for full multiuser
   use at this time).
These may or may not be implemented at some future time.


All interaction with SQL databases is mediated by
SQL statements, or statement sequences.  Statement
sequences are statements separated by semicolons.
SQL keywords and user defined names are not case
sensitive (but string values are, of course).
SQL statements include the following.

<h3>Select Statement</h3>
The select statement derives a table from tables
in the database.  It's general form is
Where sub_query is given by
SELECT alldistinct select_list
     FROM table_reference_list
Read the statement:
SELECT [DISTINCT|ALL] expressions or *
FROM tables
[WHERE condition]
[GROUP BY group-expressions]
[HAVING aggregate-condition]
[ORDER BY columns]
as follows: 
1) Make all combinations of rows from the tables (FROM line)
2) Eliminate those combinations not satisfying condition (WHERE line)
3) (if GROUP present) form aggregate groups that match on group-expressions
4) (if HAVING present) eliminate aggregate groups that don't satisfy
   the aggregate-condition.
5) compute the columns to keep (SELECT line).
6) (if union-clause present) combine (union, except, intersect)
   the result with the result of another select statement.
7) if DISTINCT, throw out redundant entries.
8) (if ORDER present) order the result by the columns (ascending
   or descending as specified, with precedence as listed).
This reading has little to do with the actual implementation,
but the answer produced should match this intuitive reading.

<h3>Create and drop table</h3>

The create and drop table constructs
initialize and destroy a table structure, respectively.
CREATE TABLE user_defined_name ( colelts )

DROP TABLE user_defined_name
The colelts declare the names of the columns for
the table and their data types.  The data types are
not checked or enforced in any way at this time.

<h3>Table mutations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)</h3>

Insert, Update, and Delete statements insert rows
into tables, modify rows in tables in place, or
remove rows from tables respectively.
INSERT INTO table_name optcolids insert_spec

DELETE FROM user_defined_name optwhere

UPDATE user_defined_name
     SET assns
The insert statement has two variants (in this implementation)
INSERT sub-select and INSERT VALUES.  
insert into r (a,b,c) select a,b,c from s

insert into r (a,b,c) values (1,2,3)
The first inserts
the result of a SELECT statement into the target table
and the other inserts explicit values (which may be dynamic
parameters, see below).
Cursor based updates are not supported at the SQL level,
  update r set a=1 where current of curs
is not supported.

The create and drop index statements initialize and
destroy index structures respectively.
CREATE INDEX user_defined_name
     ON user_defined_name
     ( namelist )

DROP INDEX user_defined_name
Indices allow fast access to a table, based on values
for the indexed columns in the namelist.
Indices can be UNIQUE, meaning that the attributes
of the index cannot take on the same values in the table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_defined_name 
  ON user_defined_name ( namelist )
Unique indices can be used to enforce primary and
secondary key constraints.  After a UNIQUE index on
a table is created inserts that attempt to insert
repeat values for the indexed columns will be rejected.


Create view and drop view statements initialize and
drop views, respectively.
CREATE VIEW user_defined_name optnamelist 
  AS select_statement

DROP VIEW user_defined_name
Views are "derived tables" which are defined
as stored SELECT statements.  They can be used
as tables, except that they cannot be directly
It is possible to "implement your own views
in Python".  Please see remotetest.py, gfintrospect
and the FAQ for discussion.


Conditions are truth valued boolean expressions
formed from basic conditions possibly combined using
NOT, AND, OR (where NOT has highest precedence and
OR has lowest precedence) and parentheses.
Basic conditions include simple comparisons
expression = expression
expression &lt; expression
expression &gt; expression
expression &lt;= expression
expression &gt;= expression
expression &lt;&gt; expression
Variants of the simple comparisons are the quantified
subquery comparisons
expression = ANY ( subquery )
expression = ALL ( subquery )
(and similarly for the other comparison operators).
The IN predicate tests membership (like =ANY)
expression IN ( subquery )
expression NOT IN ( subquery )
For all the quantified comparisons and IN the
subquery must generate a single column table.
Also included are the the BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN predicates
expression BETWEEN expression AND expression
expression NOT BETWEEN expression AND expression
The most general subquery predicate is EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
which places no restriction on the subquery:
EXISTS (subquery)
NOT EXISTS (subquery)


Expressions occur in conditions (WHERE, HAVING, etc.),
in UPDATE searched assignments,
and in the select list of select statements.
Expressions are formed from primary expressions,
possibly combined using the standard arithmetic operators
and parentheses with the normal precedence.
Primary expressions include numeric and string literals.
Numeric literals supported are the Python numeric literals.
String constants are set off by apostrophies, where two
apostrophe's in sequence represent an  apostrophy in the
'SQL string literals ain''t pretty'
Column name expressions may be unqualified if they are
unambiguous, or may be qualified with a table name
or table alias
The rules for scoping of column names are not covered
here.  Column names in subqueries may refer to bindings
in the query (or queries) that contain the sub-query.
Subquery expressions of form
( select_statement )
must produce a single column and single row table.
Aggregate operations are only permitted in the select
list or in the HAVING condition of SELECT statements
(including subselects).
<em><strong>and also including the non-standard extension MEDIAN
Aggregate operations can be applied to distinct values
as in
COUNT(DISTINCT expression)
The Dynamic expression "?" is a placeholder for a value
bound at evaluation time (from Python values).  See the
<a href="gadfly.html">
API discussions </a>
(Use) for more details on the use of
dynamic parameters.
<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfclient.py ===

"""client access to gadfly server. (gfserve.py)

Imported as a module this module provides interfaces
that remotely access a gadfly database server.

Remote connections: gfclient

   connection = gfclient.gfclient(
      policy,  # the name of the connection policy ["admin" for admin]
      port,    # the port number the server is running on
      password,# the password of the policy
      [machine]) # (optional) the machine where server is running
                 # (defaults to localhost)

   methods for gfclient connections:
      gfclient.checkpoint() checkpoint the server (fails silently
          if connection is not "admin").
      gfclient.restart() restart the server (fails silently
          if connection is not "admin").
      gfclient.shutdown() shutdown the server (fails silently
          if connection is not "admin").
      cursor = gfclient.cursor() returns a cursor on this connection

   methods for cursor objects:

      cursor.execute(statement, dynamic_parameters=None)
          execute the statement with optional dynamic parameters.
          Dynamic parameters can be a list of tuples for INSERT
          VALUES statements, otherwise they must be a tuple
          of values.
      cursor.execute_prepared(name, dynamic_parameters=None)
          execute a named statement configured for this connection
          policy, with optional dynamic parameters. Dynamic
          parameters permitted as for execute depending on the
          statement the name refers to.
          return results of the last executed statement
          (None for non-queries, or list of tuples).

See gfstest.py for example usage.

Server maintenance utilities

   python gfclient.py action port admin_password [machine]

   python gfclient.py shutdown 2222 admin

   action: one of
      shutdown:  shut down the server with no checkpoint
      restart: restart the server (re-read the database and recover)
      checkpoint: force a database checkpoint now
   port: the port the server is running on
   admin_password: the administrative password for the server
   machine: [optional] the machine the server runs on.

import gfsocket

def main():
    import sys
        argv = sys.argv
        [action, port, admin_password] = argv[1:4]
        from string import atoi
        port = atoi(port)
        if len(argv)>4:
           machine = argv[4]
           machine = None
        print action, port, admin_password, machine
        if action not in ["shutdown", "restart", "checkpoint"]:
           print "bad action", action
        dosimple(action, port, admin_password, machine)
        if not done:
            print __doc__

def dosimple(action, port, pw, machine=None):
    import socket
    if machine is None:
       machine = socket.gethostname()
    conn = gfclient("admin", port, pw, machine)
    action = getattr(conn, action)
    print action()

# copied from gfserve
# shut down the server (admin policy only)
#   arguments = ()
#   shutdown the server with no checkpoint

# restart the server (admin only)
#   arguments = ()
#   restart the server (recover)
#   no checkpoint

# checkpoint the server (admin only)
#   arguments = ()
#   checkpoint the server

# exec prepared statement
#   arguments = (prepared_name_string, dyn=None)
#   execute the prepared statement with dynamic args.
#   autocommit.

# exec any statement (only if not disabled)
#   arguments = (statement_string, dyn=None)
#   execute the statement with dynamic args.
#   autocommit.

class gfclient:

    closed = 0
    def __init__(self, policy, port, password, machine=None):
        import socket
        self.policy = policy
        self.port = port
        self.password = password
        if machine is None:
            machine = socket.gethostname()
        self.machine = machine
    def open_connection(self):
        import socket
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        #print type(sock), sock
        sock.connect((self.machine, self.port))
        return sock
    def send_action(self, action, arguments, socket):
          self.policy, action, arguments, self.password, socket)
    def checkpoint(self):
        return self.simple_action(CHECKPOINT)
    def simple_action(self, action, args=()):
        """only valid for admin policy: force a server checkpoint"""
        sock = self.open_connection()
        self.send_action(action, args, sock)
        data = gfsocket.recv_data(sock)
        data = gfsocket.interpret_response(data)
        return data
    def restart(self):
        """only valid for admin policy: force a server restart"""
        return self.simple_action(RESTART)
    def shutdown(self):
        """only valid for admin policy: shut down the server"""
        return self.simple_action(SHUTDOWN)
    def close(self):
        self.closed = 1
    def commit(self):
        # right now all actions autocommit
    # cannot rollback, autocommit on success
    rollback = commit
    def cursor(self):
        """return a cursor to this policy"""
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError, "connection is closed"
        return gfClientCursor(self)

class gfClientCursor:

    statement = None
    results = None
    description = None

    def __init__(self, connection):
        self.connection = connection
    # should add fetchone fetchmany
    def fetchall(self):
        return self.results
    def execute(self, statement=None, params=None):
        con = self.connection
        data = con.simple_action(EXECUTE_STATEMENT, (statement, params))
        (self.description, self.results) = data
    def execute_prepared(self, name, params=None):
        con = self.connection
        data = con.simple_action(EXECUTE_PREPARED, (name, params))
        if data is None:
            self.description = self.results = None
            (self.description, self.results) = data
    def setoutputsizes(self, *args):
        pass # not implemented
    def setinputsizes(self):
        pass # not implemented
if __name__=="__main__":

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfdb0.py === (1313/1413 lines abridged)
"""storage objects"""

verbosity = 0

import os

# use whatever kjbuckets sqlsem is using
#from sqlsem import kjbuckets, maketuple

# error on checking of data integrity
StorageError = "StorageError"

# use md5 checksum (stub if md5 unavailable?)
def checksum(string):
    from md5 import new
    return new(string).digest()
def recursive_dump(data, prefix="["):
    """for debugging"""
    from types import StringType
    if type(data) is StringType: 
       #print prefix, data
    p2 = prefix+"["
        for x in data:
            recursive_dump(x, p2)
        print prefix, data
def checksum_dump(data, file):
    """checksum and dump marshallable data to file"""
    #print "checksum_dump", file
    from marshal import dumps, dump
    #print "data\n",data
    storage = dumps(data)
    checkpair = (checksum(storage), storage)
    dump(checkpair, file)

def checksum_undump(file):
    """undump marshallable data from file, checksum"""
    from marshal import load, loads
    checkpair = load(file)
    (check, storage) = checkpair
    if checksum(storage)!=check:
       raise StorageError, "data load checksum fails"
    data = loads(storage)
    return data

[-=- -=- -=- 1313 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

       if verbose:
          print "recovery successful: clearing log file"
       if restart:
           if verbose:
               print "recreating empty log file"
   def read_records(self, file):
       """return log record as (index, (tid, op)) list"""
       verbose = self.verbose
       if verbose: print "reading log records to error"
       import sys
       records = {}
       from sqlsem import deserialize
       count = 0
       while 1:
               data = checksum_undump(file)
               if verbose:
                  print "record read terminated with error", len(records)
                  print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
           (transactionid, serial) = data
           operation = deserialize(serial)
           records[count] = (transactionid, operation)
           if verbose:
               print count, ": read for", transactionid
               print operation
           count = count+1
       if verbose: print len(records), "records total"
       records = records.items()
       return records
   def dump(self):
       verbose = self.verbose
       print "dumping log"
       self.verbose = 1
           file = open(self.filename, "rb")
           print "DUMP FAILED, cannot open", self.filename
       self.verbose = verbose

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gffaq.html === (451/551 lines abridged)
Chordate Solutions

Gadfly FAQ

    <TD VALIGN="TOP" rowspan="3">
    <IMG SRC="gadfly.JPG" ALT="Chordate" WIDTH="143" HEIGHT="99"></TD>
    <B>Chordate Systems</B><BR>
    <td valign="TOP" rowspan="2" nowrap>
      <a href="#General">General information</a><br>
      <a href="#Installation">Installation</a><br>
      <a href="#Use">Use</a><br>
<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

Gadfly FAQ (Frequently asked questions)<p>
      <a href="#General">General information</a><br>
         <LI><a href="#what">What is gadfly?</a>
         <LI><a href="#version">What is the current version?</a>
         <LI><a href="#where">Where can I get it?</a>
         <LI><a href="#whysql">Why SQL and the relational model?</a>
         <LI><a href="#whypython">Why Python?</a>
         <LI><a href="#free">What is the License? Is it Free? Why?</a>
         <LI><a href="#bundle">You mean I can bundle it into my own product
                               for free? Really?</a>
         <LI><a href="#platform">Where does it run?</a>
         <LI><a href="#req">What are the software/hardware requirements?</a>
         <LI><a href="#opt">Is there a query optimizer?</a>
         <LI><a href="#fast">Is it fast?</a>
         <LI><a href="#limit">Are there data size limitations?</a>
         <LI><a href="#recovery">What about recovery after crashes?</a>
         <LI><a href="#server">What about client/server based access?</a>
         <LI><a href="#concurrency">What about concurrency control?</a>
         <LI><a href="#list">Is there a mailing list?</a>

[-=- -=- -=- 451 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

For example gfintrospect.DictKeyValueView will "wrap" a Python dictionary
as a gadfly table and automatically reflect modifications
made by an external Python program to
the dictionary.
         <LI><a name="key">How do you define a primary key?</a>
New in 1.0 you can get the effect of a primary key by defining
a unique index on the primary key columns
create unique index pkey on person(firstname, lastname)
Effectively will enforce a primary key constraint for (firstname, lastname)
on the person table.
         <LI><a name="whynot">What about NULLs, Triggers and other missing stuff?</a>
The present release opted not to add missing standard or non-standard
features that were likely to cause major modifications to large sections
of the implementation, and therefore were likely to introduce bugs.
         <LI><a name="like">Where is the LIKE predicate?</a>
The LIKE predicate for string matching is still not supported at the
SQL level.  For what it's worth, it is easy to use Python's string matching
(regex, re, string.search, etcetera)
facilities on the result of a query.  Also, for what it's worth, since
the gadfly optimizer won't easily be able to optimize for string matching
the "by hand" method would essentially be what gadfly would do anyway,
without major modifications to the implementation.
         <LI><a name="crash">After a crash Gadfly won't recover!  Help!</a>
This shouldn't happen, but did happen (at least once) for a previous
release.  If it happens again, you can explicitly delete the log files
from the database directory in order to recover the database to a state
which may or may not correspond to the state of the database at the second
to last commit/checkpoint operation.  It is possible, but not likely,
that the database state will include some but not all updates from the
last commit, but, to repeat, it shouldn't happen.  Please report the
problem if it occurs again.

<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfinstall.py ===

"""Gadfly installation script.

Build the sql grammar.

  python <thismodule>
for a simple install or
  python <thismodule> force
for a full rebuild (with grammar regeneration).

In the current directory find or create sql.mar and sqlwhere.py
where sql.mar has the marshalled grammar data structures
for parsing sql and sqlwhere.py is a module that indicates
where the grammar file is as value of sqlwhere.filename.

marfile = "sql.mar"
modfile = "sqlwhere.py"

print __doc__

from os import getcwd, path
cwd = getcwd()

modtemplate ="""
'''this module indicates where the sql datastructures are marshalled
   Auto generated on install: better not touch!

filename = %s

#wheremod = cwd + "/" + modfile
#where = cwd + "/" + marfile
wheremod = path.join(cwd, modfile)
where = path.join(cwd, marfile)
print "now creating", wheremod
f = open(wheremod, "w")
f.write( modtemplate % (`where`,) )

from sqlgen import BuildSQL, getSQL
import sys
argv = sys.argv
force = 0
#print argv
if len(argv)>1 and argv[1]=="force":
   force = 1
if not force:
       sql = getSQL()
       print "exception", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
       print "during load of SQL grammar structures."
       print "Apparently the SQL grammar requires regeneration"
       force = 1
if force:
   print "now generating parser structures (this might take a while)..."
   #where = cwd + "/" + marfile
   print "building in", where
   sql = BuildSQL(where)
print "done."

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfintrospect.py ===
View based introspection and extension views

import gfdb0

class RemoteView(gfdb0.View):

    """Virtual superclass.  See text for methods and members to define."""
    # Usually redefine __init__
    def __init__(self):
    # set static (static=1) or dynamic (static=0)
    # for static tuple seq is generated once per load
    # for non-static tuple seq is regenerated once per query
    #  which uses the view.
    static = 0
    # define the column_names
    column_names = ['Column1']
    # define the row generator
    def listing(self):
        """return list of values (1 column)
           or list of tuples of values (>1 column).
           size of elts should match number of columns."""
        return [0]
    # possibly redefine __repr__ and irepr
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Remote View %s at %s>" % (self.__class__, id(self))
    irepr = __repr__
    # for introspective methods possibly redefine relbind
    def relbind(self, db, atts):
        return self
    ### don't touch the following unless you are a guru!
    cached_rows = None
    def uncache(self):
        if self.static: return
        self.cached_rows = None
    def attributes(self):
        from string import upper
        return map(upper, self.column_names)
    def rows(self, andseqs=0):
        cached_rows = self.cached_rows
        if cached_rows is None:
            tups = list(self.listing())
            from sqlsem import kjbuckets
            undump = kjbuckets.kjUndump
            attributes = tuple(self.attributes())
            for i in xrange(len(tups)):
                tups[i] = undump(attributes, tups[i])
            cached_rows = self.cached_rows = tups
        tups = cached_rows[:]
        if andseqs:
            return (tups, range(len(tups)))
            return tups

class DualView(RemoteView):
    """static one row one column view for testing.
       (Inspired by Oracle DUAL relation)."""
    # trivial example extension view
    static = 1
    column_names = ['Column1']
    def listing(self):
        return [0]
class DictKeyValueView(RemoteView):
    """Less trivial example. Dict keys/values converted to strings"""
    static = 0 # regenerate in case dict changes
    column_names = ["key", "value"]
    mapstring = 1
    def __init__(self, dict=None):
        if dict is None: dict = {}
        self.dict = dict
    def listing(self):
        items = self.dict.items()
        if self.mapstring:
            def mapper(item):
                return tuple(map(str, item))
            return map(mapper, items)
            return items
class RelationsView(DictKeyValueView):
    """list of relations and whether they are views."""
    column_names = ["table_name", "is_view"]
    mapstring = 0
    def relbind(self, db, atts):
        rels = db.rels
        dict = {}
        for relname in rels.keys():
            dict[relname] = rels[relname].is_view
        self.dict = dict
        return self
class IndicesView(DictKeyValueView):
    """list of indices and relations they index"""
    column_names = ["index_name", "table_name", "is_unique"]
    mapstring = 0
    def relbind(self, db, atts):
        rels = db.rels
        dict = {}
        for relname in rels.keys():
            rel = rels[relname]
            if not rel.is_view:
                index_list = rels[relname].index_list
                for index in index_list:
                    dict[index.name] = (relname, index.unique)
        self.dict = dict
        return self
    def listing(self):
        L = []
        dict = self.dict
        keys = dict.keys()
        for k in keys:
            L.append( (k,) + dict[k] )
        return L
class DataDefsView(DictKeyValueView):
    """Data defs (of non-special views) and definition dumps."""
    column_names = ["name", "defn"]
    mapstring = 1
    def relbind(self, db, atts):
        self.dict = db.datadefs
        return self
class ColumnsView(RemoteView):
    """table_names and columns therein."""
    column_names = ["table_name", "column_name"]
    def relbind(self, db, atts):
        rels = db.rels
        pairs = []
        for relname in rels.keys():
            for att in rels[relname].attributes():
                pairs.append( (relname, att) )
        self.pairs = pairs
        return self
    def listing(self):
        return self.pairs
class IndexAttsView(ColumnsView):
    """indices and attributes."""
    column_names = ["index_name", "column_name"]
    def relbind(self, db, atts):
        indices = db.indices
        pairs = []
        for iname in indices.keys():
            for att in indices[iname].attributes():
                pairs.append( (iname, att) )
        self.pairs = pairs
        return self

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfrecover.html ===
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97">
<TITLE>Gadfly: recovery</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">

<img src="gadfly.JPG">
<H1>Gadfly Recovery</H1>

<P>In the event of a software glitch or crash Gadfly may terminate without having stored committed updates. 
A recovery strategy attempts to make sure
that the unapplied commited updates are applied when the database restarts. 
It is always assumed that there is only one primary (server) process controlling the database (possibly with 
multiple clients). </P>

<P>Gadfly uses a simple LOG with deferred updates recovery mechanism. Recovery should be possible in the 
presence of non-disk failures (server crash, system crash). Recovery after a disk crash is not available 
for Gadfly as yet, sorry. </P>

<P>Due to portability problems Gadfly does not prevent multiple processes from "controlling" the database at 
once. For read only access multiple instances are not a problem, but for access with modification, the processes 
may collide and corrupt the database. For a read-write database, make sure only one (server) process controls 
the database at any given time. </P>

<P>The only concurrency control mechanism that provides serializability for Gadfly as yet is the trivial one -- 
the server serves all clients serially. This will likely change for some variant of the system at some point. </P>

<P>This section explains the basic recovery mechanism. </P>

<H1>Normal operation</H1>

<P>During normal operations any active tables are in memory in the process. 
Uncommitted updates for a transaction are kept in "shadow tables" until the transaction commits using
The shadow tables remember the mutations that have been applied to them. The permanent table copies 
are only modified after commit time.  A commit commits all updates for all cursors for the connection.
Unless the autocommit feature is disabled (see below) a
commit normally always triggers a checkpoint too.</P>

A rollback
explicitly discards all uncommitted updates and restores the connection to the previously
committed state.</p>

<P>There is a 3rd level of shadowing for statement sequences executed by a cursor.
In particular the design attempts to make sure that if 
fails with an error, then the shadow database will contain no updates from
the partially executed statement (which may be a sequence of statements)
but will reflect other completed updates that may have not been committed.


<P>At commit, operations applied to shadow tables are written 
out in order of application to a log file before being permanently 
applied to the active database. Finally a commit record is written to 
the log and the log is flushed. At this point the transaction is considered 
committed and recoverable, and a new transaction begins.
Finally the values of the shadow tables replace 
the values of the permanent tables in the active database,
(but not in the database disk files until checkpoint, if autocheckpoint
is disabled). </P>

<P>A checkpoint operation brings the persistent copies of the tables on 
disk in sync with the in-memory copies in the active database. Checkpoints 
occur at server shut down or periodically during server operation. 
The checkpoint operation runs in isolation (with no database access 
allowed during checkpoint). </P>

<p><em>Note: database connections normally run a checkpoint
after every commit, unless you set
    connection.autocheckpoint = 0
which asks that checkpoints be done explicitly by the program using
    connection.commit() # if appropriate
Explicit checkpoints should make the database perform better,
since the disk files are written less frequently, but
in order to prevent unneeded (possibly time consuming)
recovery operations after a database
is shutdown and restarted it is important to always execute an explicit
checkpoint at server shutdown, and periodically during long server

<p><strong>Note that if any outstanding operations are uncommitted
at the time of a checkpoint (when autocheckpoint is disabled) the
updates will be lost (ie, it is equivalent to a rollback).

<P>At checkpoint the old persistent value of each table that has been updated since 
the last checkpoint is copied to a back up file, and the currently active value is 
written to the permanent table file.  Finally if the data definitions have changed
the old definitions are stored to a backup file and the new definitions are written
to the permanent data definition file.  To signal successful checkpoint the
log file is then deleted.</P>
 At this point (after log deletion) the database is considered 
quiescent (no recovery required). Finally all back up table files are deleted. 
[Note, it might be good to keep old logs around... Comments?] </P>

<P>Each table file representation is annotated with a checksum, 
so the recovery system can check that the file was stored correctly. </P>

<P>When a database restarts it automatically determines whether 
the last active instance shut down normally and whether recovery 
is required. Gadfly discovers the need for recovery by detecting 
a non-empty current log file. </P>

<P>To recover the system Gadfly first scans the log file to determine committed transactions. 
Then Gadfly rescans the log file applying the operations of committed 
transactions to the in memory table values in the order recorded. 
When reading in table values for the purpose of recovery Gadfly looks 
for a backup file for the table first. If the backup is not corrupt, 
its value is used, otherwise the permanent table file is used. </P>
<P>After recovery Gadfly runs a normal checkpoint before resuming 
normal operation. </P>
Please note: Although I have attempted to provide a robust
for this software I do not guarantee its correctness.  I hope
it will work well for you but I do not assume any legal
responsibility for problems anyone may have during use
of these programs.

<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfserve.py === (429/529 lines abridged)
"""gadfly server mode

   script usage 
    python gfserve.py port database directory password [startup]

   test example

    python gfserve.py 2222 test dbtest admin gfstest

   port is the port to listen to
   database is the database to start up. (must exist!)
   directory is the directory the database is in.
   password is the administrative access password.

   startup if present should be the name of a module to use
   for startup.  The Startup module must contain a function
    Dict = startup(admin_policy, connection, Server_instance)
   which performs any startup actions on the database needed
   and returns either None or a Dictionary of
       name > policy objects
   where the policy objects describe policies beyond the
   admin policy.  The startup function may also
   modify the admin_policy (disabling queries for example).

   The arguments passed to startup are:
       admin_policy: the administrative policy
          eg you could turn queries off for admin, using admin
          only for server maintenance, or you could add prepared
          queries to the admin_policy.
       connection: the database connection
          eg you could perform some inserts before server start
          also needed to make policies.
          Included for additional customization.

   Create policies using
       P = gfserve.Policy(name, password, connection, queries=0)
         -- for a "secure" policy with only prepared queries allowed,
       P = gfserve.Policy(name, password, connection, queries=1)
         -- for a policy with full access arbitrary statement

   add a "named prepared statement" to a policy using
       P[name] = statement

[-=- -=- -=- 429 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

                  "unexpected exception: "+exceptiondata, socket)
                raise ServerError, exceptiondata
            raise ServerError, "unknown action: "+`action`
    def certify(self, datastring, certificate, password):
        # hook for subclassing
        return certify(datastring, certificate, password)
    def policy_SHUTDOWN(self, socket):
        self.reply_success("attempting server shutdown", socket)
        raise SHUTDOWN, "please shut down the server"
    def policy_RESTART(self, socket):
        self.reply_success("attempting server restart", socket)
        raise RESTART, "please restart the server"
    def policy_CHECKPOINT(self, socket):
        self.reply_success("attempting server checkpoint", socket)
        raise CHECKPOINT, "please checkpoint the server"
    def policy_EXECUTE_PREPARED(self, name, dyn, socket):
            result = self.execute_named(name, dyn)
            self.reply_success(result, socket)
        except PreparedNameError, detail:
             "no such prepared statement: "+name,
    def policy_EXECUTE_STATEMENT(self, stat, dyn, socket):
        if not self.general_queries:
               "general statements disallowed on this policy",
            raise ServerError, "illegal statement attempt for: "+self.name
        result = self.execute_any_statement(stat, dyn)
        self.reply_success(result, socket)
    def reply_exception(self, exc, info, socket):
        # hook for subclassing
        reply_exception(exc, info, socket)
    def reply_success(self, data, socket):
        # hook for subclassing
        reply_success(data, socket)
if __name__=="__main__": main()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfsocket.py ===

"""socket interactions for gadfly client and server"""

from select import select

# responses

def reply_exception(exception, info, socket):
    """send an exception back to the client"""
    # any error is invisible to client
    from gfserve import ServerError
    import sys
        reply( (EXCEPTION, (exception, info)), socket)
        #info = "%s %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)
        #raise ServerError, "reply_exception failed: "+`info`
def reply_success(data, socket):
    """report success with data back to client"""
    reply( (SUCCESS, data), socket)
def reply(data, socket):
    from marshal import dumps
    marshaldata = dumps(data)
    send_packet(socket, marshaldata)
def send_packet(socket, data):
    """blast out a length marked packet"""
    send_len(data, socket)
def send_len(data, socket):
    """send length of data as cr terminated int rep"""
    info = `len(data)`+"\n"
def send_certified_action(actor_name, action, arguments, password, socket):
    from marshal import dumps
    marshaldata = dumps( (action, arguments) )
    cert = certificate(marshaldata, password)
    #print actor_name, cert,  marshaldata
    marshaldata = dumps( (actor_name, cert, marshaldata) )
    send_packet(socket, marshaldata)
def unpack_certified_data(data):
    from marshal import loads
    # sanity check
    unpack = (actor_name, certificate, marshaldata) = loads(data)
    return unpack
def recv_data(socket, timeout=10):
    """receive data or time out"""
    from time import time
    endtime = time() + timeout
    reader = Packet_Reader(socket)
    done = 0
    while not done:
        timeout = endtime - time()
        if timeout<0:
            raise IOError, "socket time out (1)"
        (readable, dummy, error) = select([socket], [], [socket], timeout)
        if error:
            raise IOError, "socket in error state"
        if not readable:
            raise IOError, "socket time out (2)"
        done = (reader.mode==READY)
    return reader.data
def interpret_response(data):
    """interpret response data, raise exception if needed"""
    from marshal import loads
    (indicator, data) = loads(data)
    if indicator==SUCCESS:
        return data
    elif indicator==EXCEPTION:
        # ???
        raise EXCEPTION, data
        raise ValueError, "unknown indicator: "+`indicator`
# packet reader modes


class Packet_Reader:
    """nonblocking pseudo-packet reader."""
    # packets come in as decimal_len\ndata
    # (note: cr! not crlf)
    # kick too large requests if set
    limit_len = LEN_LIMIT
    def __init__(self, socket):
        self.socket = socket
        self.length = None
        self.length_remaining = None
        self.len_list = []
        self.data_list = []
        self.received = ""
        self.data = None
        self.mode = LEN
    def __len__(self):
        if self.mode is LEN:
            raise ValueError, "still reading length"
        return self.length
    def get_data(self):
        if self.mode is not READY:
            raise ValueError, "still reading"
        return self.data
    def poll(self):
        mode = self.mode
        if mode is READY:
            raise ValueError, "data is ready"
        if mode is ERROR:
            raise ValueError, "socket error previously detected"
        socket = self.socket
        (readable, dummy, error) = select([socket], [], [socket], 0)
        if error:
            self.mode = ERROR
            raise ValueError, "socket is in error state"
        if readable:
            if mode is LEN:
            # note: do not fall thru automatically
            elif mode is DATA:
    def read_len(self):
        """assume socket is readable now, read length"""
        socket = self.socket
        received = self.received
        len_list = self.len_list
        if not received:
            # 10 bytes at a time until len is read.
            received = socket.recv(10)
        while received:
            # consume, test one char
            input = received[0]
            received = received[1:]
            if input == "\n":
                # done reading length
                from string import join, atoi
                    length = self.length = atoi(join(len_list, ""))
                    self.mode = ERROR
                    raise ValueError, "bad len string? "+`len_list`
                self.received = received
                self.length_remaining = length
                self.mode = DATA
                limit_len = self.limit_len
                if limit_len and length>limit_len:
                    raise ValueError, "Length too big: "+`(length, limit_len)`
            if len(len_list)>10:
                self.mode = ERROR
                raise ValueError, "len_list too long: "+`len_list`
            if not received:
                (readable, dummy, error) = select(\
                   [socket], [], [socket], 0)
                if error:
                    self.mode = ERROR
                    raise ValueError, "socket in error state"
                if readable:
                    received = socket.recv(10)
        # remember extra data received.
        self.received = received

    def read_data(self):
        # assume socket is readable
        socket = self.socket
        received = self.received
        length_remaining = self.length_remaining
        data_list = self.data_list
        if received:
            self.received = ""
            length_remaining = length_remaining - len(received)
        recv_len = max(length_remaining, BLOCK_SIZE)
        received = socket.recv(recv_len)
        if received:
            length_remaining = length_remaining - len(received)
        if length_remaining<1:
            self.mode = READY
            from string import join
            self.data = join(data_list, "")
        self.length_remaining = length_remaining

def certificate(String, password):
    """generate a certificate for a string, using a password"""
    from md5 import new
    if not String:
        raise ValueError, "cannot generate certificate for empty string"
    taggedstring = password + String
    return new(taggedstring).digest()
def certify(String, cert, password):
    """check a certificate for a string"""
    return certificate(String, password) == cert

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gfstest.py ===

"""test script for gadfly client and server

Usage:  This script interacts with the test database generated
  by gftest.py.  To start the server from the directory containing
  the dbtest directory use:

     python gfstest.py start


     python gftest.py dbtest


  Then from *anywhere* (on the same machine) access the database
     python gfstest.py restart
       - restart the server (reread the database)
     python gfstest.py checkpoint
       - force checkpoint the server
     python gfstest.py queries
       - run some example queries and updates
     python gfstest.py policy_test
       - test the policies test and test1 created by the startup
         function in this module.
     python gfstest.py bogusshutdown
       - attempt to shut down the server with a bogus password
         [should generate an exception]

...and finally
     python gfstest.py shutdown
       - shut down the server for real.

As mentioned the startup function of this module illustrates
how to create a "startup" function for a server and initialize policy
objects with named, prepared queries.


PORT = 2222
DB = "test"
DBDIR = "dbtest"
PW = "admin"
STARTUP = "gfstest"

import sys, socket

def main():
    argv = sys.argv
    command = argv[1]
    if command=="start":
        print "attempting to start the server"
        from gfserve import Server
        print "making a server on", PORT, DB, DBDIR, PW, STARTUP
        S = Server(PORT, DB, DBDIR, PW, STARTUP)
        print "initializing the server"
        print "starting the server", S.connection
    elif command=="shutdown":
        dosimple("shutdown", PW)
    elif command=="bogusshutdown":
        print "BOGUS shutdown attempt"
        dosimple("shutdown", "bad password")
    elif command=="restart":
        dosimple("restart", PW)
    elif command=="checkpoint":
        dosimple("checkpoint", PW)
    elif command=="queries":
    elif command=="policy_test":
        print "unknown command", command
        print __doc__

def policy_test():
    """test the test1 and test policies"""
    print "testing non-admin policies test and test1"
    from gfclient import gfclient
    import sys
    machine = socket.gethostname()
    conn = gfclient("test", PORT, "test", machine)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    print "testing test policy: nan values before:"
    for x in cursor.fetchall():
        print x
    print "updating nan"
    cursor.execute_prepared("updatenan", ("pabst", 4))
    print "nan after"
    for x in cursor.fetchall():
        print x
    print "updating nan again"
    cursor.execute_prepared("updatenan", ("rollingrock", 1))
    print "trying an illegal update"
        cursor.execute("delete from frequents")
        print "exception", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
        print "as expected"
        raise "DAMN!", "illegal query apparently completed!!!"
    print; print "testing policy test1"; print
    conn = gfclient("test1", PORT, "test1", machine)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    print "getting norm"
    cursor.execute_prepared("qlike", ("norm",))
    print cursor.description
    for x in cursor.fetchall():
        print x
    print "trying an illegal query again"
        cursor.execute("create table test(name varchar)")
        print "exception", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
        print "as expected"
        raise "Damn!(2)", "illegal query apparently completed"

def startup(admin_policy, connection, Server_instance):
    """example startup script.

       add a policies test and test1 passwords same
         test1 is allowed to query the frequents table by name
         test is allowed to update likes where drinker='nan'
       also add prepared query dumpwork to admin_policy.
    from gfserve import Policy
    admin_policy["dumpwork"] = "select * from work"
    test1 = Policy("test1", "test1", connection, queries=0)
    test = Policy("test", "test", connection, queries=0)
    test1["qlike"] = "select * from likes where drinker=?"
    test["updatenan"] = """
      update likes
      set beer=?, perday=?
      where drinker='nan'
    test["getnan"] = """
    select * from likes where drinker='nan'
    return {"test": test, "test1": test1}

def doqueries():
    print "executing queries and updates"
    from gfclient import gfclient
    import sys
    machine = socket.gethostname()
    conn = gfclient("admin", PORT, PW, machine)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    for q in admin_queries:
        print;print;print q;print
            print "exception in execute"
            print sys.exc_type
            v = sys.exc_value
            from types import TupleType, ListType
            if type(v) in (TupleType, ListType):
               for x in v: print x
               print v
            print "executed"
            #print q
            print "description"
            print cursor.description
            print "results"
                r = cursor.fetchall()
                if r is None:
                    print "no results"
                    for x in r:
                        print x
                print "exception in results"
                print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
                print dir(cursor)
    # try dumpwork
    print; print; print "dumpwork"; print
    for x in cursor.fetchall():
        print x
    # try dynamic parameters
    stat = """
    select distinct drinker
    from likes l, serves s
    where l.beer = s.beer and s.bar=?
    print; print stat; print "dynamic query ?=cheers"
    cursor.execute(stat, ("cheers",))
    for x in cursor.fetchall():
        print x
admin_queries = [
"""select count(*) from work""",
"""select * from frequents""",
"""select count(*) from frequents""",
"""select count(drinker) from frequents""",
"""insert into frequents(drinker, bar, perweek)
     values ('sally', 'cheers', 2)""",
"""select * from frequents""",
"""select syntax error from work""",
"""select drinker, count(bar) from frequents
   group by drinker""",

def dosimple(command, pw):
    print "attempting remote %s (%s) for server on local machine" % (command, pw)
    from gfclient import gfclient
    machine = socket.gethostname()
    conn = gfclient("admin", PORT, pw, machine)
    action = getattr(conn, command)
    print action()

if __name__=="__main__":

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/gftest.py === (624/724 lines abridged)
"""test script for gadfly

usage gftest.py <directory>

run in current directory creates a database in files
  test.dfs LIKES.grl SERVES.grl FREQUENTS.grl

def test(directory):
    print "testing"
    from gadfly import gadfly
    connect = gadfly()
    connect.startup("test", directory)
    curs = connect.cursor()
    print "TABLE CREATES"
    for x in table_creates:
        print x
    curs.execute("create table empty (nothing varchar)")
    C = """
    CREATE TABLE work (
       name VARCHAR,
       hours INTEGER,
       rate FLOAT)
    print C
    C = """
    CREATE TABLE accesses (
       page VARCHAR,
       hits INTEGER,
       month INTEGER)
    print C
    print "INSERTS"
    C = """
    INSERT INTO work(name, hours, rate) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    D = [
         ("sam", 30, 40.2),
         ("norm", 45, 10.2),
         ("woody", 80, 5.4),
         ("diane", 3, 4.4),
         ("rebecca", 120, 12.9),
         ("cliff", 26, 200.00),
         ("carla", 9, 3.5),

[-=- -=- -=- 624 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

                print cursor.pp()
                d = sys.exc_type
                print "*** exception", d
        if preresults==postresults:
            print "*** same results as before uncommitted updates"
            print "*** differing results from before uncommitted updates"
        if dummy==1:
            print "*** RESTART: DUMPLOG"
def retest(directory): 
    print "*" * 30
    print "*** reconnect test"
    from gadfly import gadfly
    connect = gadfly("test", directory)
    cursor = connect.cursor()
    for s in updates:
        print; print
        print s
        if s in trace_updates:
            cursor.EVAL_DUMP = 1
        cursor.EVAL_DUMP = 0
        print cursor.pp()
    return connect
if __name__=="__main__":
   import sys
   argv = sys.argv
   if len(argv)<2:
      print "USAGE: python <thismodule> <db_directory>"
      print "  please provide a directory for test database!"
      directory = argv[1]

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/idl.py ===

# idl grammar
# Note, this grammar requires a special hack at the lexical
# level in order to parse the fragment
# ...
#  case abc::def: jjj::www: whatever...
# (Yuck!)
# Some would argue this is a language design flaw, but whatever...
# It causes a shift/reduce problem without special handling for ::
# below coloncolon is a 'fake' keyword that parses as two colons.

idlgramstring = """

specification ::

## 1
@R r1a :: specification >> definition speclist
@R r1b :: speclist >> specification
@R r1c :: speclist >>

## 2 punct ;
@R r2a :: definition >> type_dcl ;
@R r2b :: definition >> const_dcl ;
@R r2c :: definition >> except_dcl ;
@R r2d :: definition >> interface_nt ;
@R r2e :: definition >> module_nt ;

## 3 identifier=term, module=kw puncts {}
@R r3 :: module_nt >> module identifier { specification }

## 4
@R r4a :: interface_nt >> interface_dcl
@R r4b :: interface_nt >> forward_dcl

## 5
@R r5 :: interface_dcl >> interface_header { interface_body }

## 6 interface=kw
@R r6 :: forward_dcl >> interface identifier

## 7 puncts []
@R r7 :: interface_header >> interface identifier [ inheritance_spec ]

## 8 
@R r8a :: interface_body >> 
@R r8b :: interface_body >> export interface_body

## 9
@R r9a :: export >> type_dcl
@R r9b :: export >> const_dcl
@R r9c :: export >> except_dcl
@R r9d :: export >> attr_dcl
@R r9e :: export >> op_dcl

## 10 punct ,:
@R r10a :: inheritance_spec >> : scoped_name_list
@R r10b :: scoped_name_list >> scoped_name
@R r10c :: scoped_name_list >> scoped_name_list , scoped_name

## 11
@R r11a :: scoped_name >> identifier
@R r11b :: scoped_name >> colon_colon identifier
@R r11d :: scoped_name >> scoped_name coloncolon identifier

## 12 const=kw punct =
@R r12 :: const_dcl >> const const_type identifier = const_expr

## 13
@R r13a :: const_type >> integer_type
@R r13b :: const_type >> char_type
@R r13c :: const_type >> boolean_type
@R r13d :: const_type >> floating_type
@R r13e :: const_type >> string_type
@R r13f :: const_type >> scoped_name

## 14
@R r14 :: const_expr >> or_expr

##15 punct |
@R r15a :: or_expr >> xor_expr
@R r15b :: or_expr >> or_expr | xor_expr

##16 punct ^
@R r16a :: xor_expr >> and_expr
@R r16b :: xor_expr >> xor_expr ^ and_expr

##17 punct &
@R r17a :: and_expr >> shift_expr
@R r17b :: and_expr >> and_expr & shift_expr

##18 punct > <
@R r18a :: shift_expr >> add_expr
@R r18b :: shift_expr >> shift_expr > > add_expr
@R r18c :: shift_expr >> shift_expr < < add_expr

##19 punct +-
@R r19a :: add_expr >> mult_expr
@R r19b :: add_expr >> add_expr + mult_expr
@R r19c :: add_expr >> add_expr - mult_expr

##20 punct */%
@R r20a :: mult_expr >> unary_expr
@R r20b :: mult_expr >> mult_expr * unary_expr
@R r20c :: mult_expr >> mult_expr / unary_expr
@R r20d :: mult_expr >> mult_expr % unary_expr

@R r21a :: unary_expr >> unary_operator primary_expr
@R r21b :: unary_expr >> primary_expr

@R r22a :: unary_operator >> -
@R r22b :: unary_operator >> +
@R r22c :: unary_operator >> ~

##23 punct ()
@R r23a :: primary_expr >> scoped_name
@R r23b :: primary_expr >> literal
@R r23c :: primary_expr >> ( const_expr )

##24 terms = *_literal (?) except boolean
@R r24a :: literal >> integer_literal
@R r24b :: literal >> string_literal
@R r24c :: literal >> character_literal
@R r24d :: literal >> floating_pt_literal
@R r24e :: literal >> boolean_literal

##25 kw TRUE FALSE
@R r25a :: boolean_literal >> TRUE
@R r25b :: boolean_literal >> FALSE

@R r26 :: positive_int_literal >> const_expr

##27 kw typedef
@R r27a :: type_dcl >> typedef type_declarator
@R r27b :: type_dcl >> struct_type
@R r27c :: type_dcl >> union_type
@R r27d :: type_dcl >> enum_type

@R r28 :: type_declarator >> type_spec declarators

@R r29a :: type_spec >> simple_type_spec
@R r29b :: type_spec >> constr_type_spec

@R r30a :: simple_type_spec >> base_type_spec
@R r30b :: simple_type_spec >> template_type_spec
@R r30c :: simple_type_spec >> scoped_name

@R r31a :: base_type_spec >> floating_pt_type
@R r31b :: base_type_spec >> integer_type
@R r31c :: base_type_spec >> char_type
@R r31d :: base_type_spec >> boolean_type
@R r31e :: base_type_spec >> octet_type
@R r31f :: base_type_spec >> any_type

## 32
@R r32a :: template_type_spec >> sequence_type
@R r32b :: template_type_spec >> string_type

@R r33a :: constr_type_spec >> struct_type
@R r33b :: constr_type_spec >> union_type
@R r33c :: constr_type_spec >> enum_type

@R r34a :: declarators >> declarator
@R r34b :: declarators >> declarators , declarator

@R r35a :: declarator >> simple_declarator
@R r35b :: declarator >> complex_declarator

@R r36 :: simple_declarator >> identifier

@R r37 :: complex_declarator >> array_declarator

##38 kw float double
@R r38a :: floating_pt_type >> float
@R r38b :: floating_pt_type >> double

@R r39a :: integer_type >> signed_int
@R r39b :: integer_type >> unsigned_int

@R r40 :: signed_int >> signed_long_int
@R r40 :: signed_int >> signed_short_int

##41 kw long
@R r41 :: signed_long_int >> long

##42 kw short
@R r42 :: signed_short_int >> short

@R r43 :: unsigned_int >> unsigned_long_int
@R r43 :: unsigned_int >> unsigned_short_int

##44 kw unsigned
@R r44 :: unsigned_long_int >> unsigned long

@R r45 :: unsigned_short_int >> unsigned short

##46 kw char
@R r46 :: char_type >> char

##47 kw boolean
@R r47 :: boolean_type >> boolean

##48 kw octet
@R r48 :: octet_type >> octet

##49 kw any
@R r49 :: any_type >> any

##50 kw struct
@R r50 :: struct_type >> struct identifier { member_list }

@R r51a :: member_list >> member
@R r51b :: member_list >> member_list member

@R r52 :: member >> type_spec declarators ;

##53 kw union switch
@R r53 :: union_type >> 
    union identifier switch ( switch_type_spec ) { switch_body }

@R r54a :: switch_type_spec >> integer_type
@R r54b :: switch_type_spec >> char_type
@R r54c :: switch_type_spec >> boolean_type
@R r54d :: switch_type_spec >> enum_type
@R r54e :: switch_type_spec >> scoped_name

@R r55a :: switch_body >> case_nt
@R r55b :: switch_body >> switch_body case_nt

@R r56a :: case_nt >> case_labels element_spec ;
@R r56b :: case_labels >> case_label
@R r56c :: case_labels >> case_labels case_label

##57 kw default case
@R r57a :: case_label >> case const_expr : 
@R r57b :: case_label >> default :

@R r58 :: element_spec >> type_spec declarator

##59 kw enum
@R r59a :: enum_type >> enum identifier { enumerators }
@R r59b :: enumerators >> enumerator
@R r59c :: enumerators >> enumerators , enumerator

@R r60 :: enumerator >> identifier

##61 kw sequence
@R r61 :: sequence_type >> sequence < simple_type_spec , positive_int_const >

##62 kw string
@R r62a :: string_type >> string < positive_int_const >
@R r62b :: string_type >> string

@R r63a :: array_declarator >> identifier fixed_array_sizes
@R r63b :: fixed_array_sizes >> fixed_array_size
@R r63c :: fixed_array_sizes >> fixed_array_sizes fixed_array_size

@R r64 :: fixed_array_size >> [ positive_int_const ]

##65 kw attribute readonly
@R r65a :: attr_dcl >> maybe_readonly attribute param_type_spec simple_declarators
@R r65b :: maybe_readonly >> readonly
@R r65c :: maybe_readonly >>
@R r65d :: simple_declarators >> simple_declarator
@R r65e :: simple_declarators >> simple_declarators , simple_declarator

##66 kw exception
@R r66a :: except_dcl >> exception identifier { members }
@R r66b :: members >>
@R r66c :: members >> member_list

@R r67a :: op_dcl >> 
   maybe_op_attribute op_type_spec identifier parameter_dcls
   maybe_raises_expr maybe_context_expr
@R r67b :: maybe_op_attribute >> 
@R r67c :: maybe_op_attribute >> op_attribute
@R r67d :: maybe_raises_expr >>
@R r67e :: maybe_raises_expr >> raises_expr
@R r67f :: maybe_context_expr >>
@R r67g :: maybe_context_expr >> context_expr

##68 kw oneway
@R r68a :: op_attribute >> oneway

##69 kw void
@R r69a :: op_type_spec >> param_type_spec
@R r69b :: op_type_spec >> void

@R r70a :: parameter_dcls >> ( parameterlist )
@R r70b :: parameter_dcls >> (  )
@R r70c :: parameterlist >> param_dcl
@R r70d :: parameterlist >> parameterlist , param_dcl

@R r71 :: param_dcl >> param_attribute param_type_spec simple_declarator

##72 kw in out inout
@R r72 :: param_attribute >> in
@R r72 :: param_attribute >> out
@R r72 :: param_attribute >> inout

##73 kw raises
@R r73 :: raises_expr >> raises ( scoped_name_list )

##74 kw context
@R r74 :: context_expr >> context ( string_literal_list )
@R r74b :: string_literal_list >> string_literal
@R r74c :: string_literal_list >> string_literal_list , string_literal

@R r75 :: param_type_spec >> base_type_spec
@R r75 :: param_type_spec >> string_type
@R r75 :: param_type_spec >> scoped_name


nonterms = """
unsigned_long_int unsigned_short_int param_dcl
parameterlist string_literal_list
members maybe_op_attribute maybe_raises_expr maybe_context_expr
op_type_spec parameter_dcls op_attribute raises_expr context_expr
maybe_readonly param_type_spec simple_declarators simple_declarator
fixed_array_sizes fixed_array_size
element_spec enumerator enumerators
switch_type_spec switch_body case_nt case_labels case_label
member_list member
signed_int unsigned_int signed_long_int signed_short_int
simple_declarator complex_declarator array_declarator
sequence_type string_type
floating_pt_type integer_type char_type boolean_type
octet_type any_type
base_type_spec template_type_spec
simple_type_spec constr_type_spec
type_spec declarators
type_declarator struct_type union_type enum_type
literal boolean_literal positive_int_literal
mult_expr unary_expr unary_operator primary_expr
or_expr xor_expr and_expr shift_expr add_expr
integer_type char_type boolean_type floating_type string_type
const_type const_expr
scoped_name_list scoped_name
attr_dcl op_dcl
inheritance_spec export
interface_header interface_body
interface_dcl forward_dcl
type_dcl const_dcl except_dcl interface_nt module_nt
specification definition speclist

keywords = """
exception oneway void in out inout raises context
interface module const TRUE FALSE typedef float double long
unsigned short char boolean octet any struct union switch
enum string attribute readonly default case sequence ::

punctuations = ";{}()[],:|^&<>+-*/%~="

# dummy regexen
identifierre = "identifier"
integer_literalre = "123"
positive_int_constre = "999"
string_literalre = "'string'"
character_literalre= "'c'"
floating_pt_literalre = "1.23"

# dummy interp fun for all terminals
def echo (str):
    return str

def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
    Grammar.Addterm("identifier", identifierre, echo)
    Grammar.Addterm("integer_literal", integer_literalre, echo)
    Grammar.Addterm("string_literal", string_literalre, echo)
    Grammar.Addterm("character_literal", character_literalre, echo)
    Grammar.Addterm("floating_pt_literal", floating_pt_literalre, echo)
    Grammar.Addterm("positive_int_const", positive_int_constre, echo)

## we need to override LexDictionary to recognize :: as a SINGLE punctuation.
## (not possible using standard kjParsing, requires a special override)
import kjParser
class myLexDictionary(kjParser.LexDictionary):
   def __init__(self):
       map = ((kjParser.KEYFLAG, "coloncolon"), "coloncolon")
       self.keywordmap["::"] = map
       self.keywordmap["coloncolon"] = map
   def Token(self, String, StartPosition):
       if String[StartPosition:StartPosition+2] == "::":
          tok = self.keywordmap["::"]
          return (tok, 2)
       # default:
       return kjParseBuild.LexDictionary.Token(self, String, StartPosition)

# default bind all rules

def GrammarBuild():
    import kjParseBuild
    idl = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
    idl.LexD = myLexDictionary()
    #idl.SetCaseSensitivity(0) # grammar is not case sensitive for keywords
    print "now compiling"
    return idl

if __name__=="__main__": GrammarBuild()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/index.html ===
Gadfly/kwParsing Downloads and Documentation


<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td valign="top"><img src="gadfly.JPG"></td>
<h1>Gadfly 1.0: An SQL Database in Python</h1>
Gadfly/kwParsing downloads and documentation.
<b>Gadfly requires the kwParsing parser/parser generator package.
   The "two packages" are released as one distribution (kwP) with the
   same generous copyright.
<a href="kwP.tar.gz">Download kwP.tar.gz in tar-gz format with tar.gz extension.</a>
<a href="kwP.tgz">Download kwP.tgz in tar-gz format with tgz extension.</a>
<a href="kjbuckets.pyd">Separately download kjbuckets.pyd data structure
accellerator extension module for Python 1.5 on Windows NT or Windows 95/98
[The tar.gz extension doesn't always work for MSIE browsers.]
<a href="gffaq.html">Gadfly frequently asked questions (FAQ).</a>
<a href="gadfly.html">General information with links to other documentation,
<em>including installation instructions</em>.</a>
<table BORDER>
<td width="40%">

 <a href="gadfly.py">gadfly.py</a> main module<br>
 <a href="gfserve.py">gfserve.py</a> main TCP/IP server mode<br>
 <a href="gfclient.py">gfclient.py</a> main TCP/IP client mode<br>
 <a href="gfsocket.py">gfsocket.py</a> client/server support module<br>
 <a href="gfstest.py">gfstest.py</a> client/server test module<br>
 <a href="gfinstall.py">gfinstall.py</a> installation script<br> 
 <a href="gftest.py">gftest.py</a> test suite<br> 
 <a href="sqlbind.py">sqlbind.py</a> grammar bindings<br> 
 <a href="sqlgen.py">sqlgen.py</a> grammar generation<br> 
 <a href="sqlgram.py">sqlgram.py</a> SQL grammar<br> 
 <a href="sqlgtest.py">sqlgtest.py</a> grammar tests<br> 
 <a href="sqlsem.py">sqlsem.py</a> main semantic objects<br> 
 <a href="sqlmod.py">sqlmod.py</a> update semantic objects<br> 
 <a href="gfdb0.py">gfdb0.py</a> data and file archiving<br> 
 <a href="gfintrospect.py">gfintrospect.py</a> introspection and remote table support<br>
 <a href="remotetest.py">remotetest.py</a> remote table implementation demo and test</a><br>
 <a href="relalg.py">relalg.py</a> relational algebra interpreter (toy)<br> 
 <a href="kjbuckets0.py">kjbuckets0.py</a> base data structures
(python version)<br>

<td valign="top">
These are the core files to the 
<a href="gadfly.html">
Gadfly SQL database engine
A relational database query engine that supports
the Structured Query Language (SQL), implemented entirely
in Python (with optional builtin support from the
<a href="../kjbuckets">
kjbuckets builtin data structure accelerator</a>).
Gadfly has been tested on Windows 95, Windows NT, Linux, and Unix
and it should run anywhere that Python runs (bebox,
maybe Palm Pilot/WinCE eventually...)
Supports <a href="gfrecover.html">transactions and recovery</a>
Supports <a href="gfSQL.html">a LARGE subset of SQL</a>
Supports <a href="server.html">client/server access
via TCP/IP sockets.</a>
<em>Many thanks to users who have used Gadfly in previous
    releases and who have offered suggestions and bug reports!</em>

<caption align="top"><b>Gadfly source modules and documentation</b></caption>
<h2>kwParser, Python lint, IDL, etc...</h2>

kwParser is a parser generator for Python.  It transforms an
abstract specification of a language grammar (for example the
CORBA Interface Definition Language) together with "interpretation
functions" that define the semantics of the language into a
compiler or translator or interpreter.  In the case of CORBA IDL
a python program using kwParser could generate stubs and support
code (in Python or some other language) to talk to a CORBA interface.
The release given here has had some micro-optimizations (26 June 1997)
which with luck don't break anything.  In particular regexen are
used more intelligently and the generation phase will use 
<a href="../kjbuckets">kjbuckets</a>
if it's available.
This is moderately heavy computer science.  Not for the timid.

      <TD><a href="COPYRIGHT">COPYRIGHT</a>
           <td>Do what you like, just don't sue me (roughly translated).
      <TD><a href="DLispShort.py">DLispShort.py</a>
           <td>A very simple example language specification.
      <TD><a href="DumbLispGen.py">DumbLispGen.py</a>
           <td>Another example specification
      <TD><a href="arefize.py">arefize.py</a>
           <td>(not related: simple program used to generate this page)
      <TD><a href="idl.py">idl.py</a>
           <td>A very complex example: CORBA IDL parser generator.
               This is a good example of a complex grammar.  The
               interpretation functions and terminal regexes are
               all stubbed.
      <TD><a href="pygram.py">pygram.py</a>
           <td>A very complex example: The python grammar.
		This module uses a hand written lexer to handle
		Python's beautiful peculiarities.  Used by kypylint.py.<br>
                Look at the top of the module for editable parameters.
      <TD><a href="kjpylint.py">kjpylint.py</a>
           <td>An attempt to use the pygram parser to do simple
		checking on python source files.  Reports references
		not set, assignments not used, etcetera.  not all warnings
		indicate real problems of course.  Used like this:
% python kjpylint.py /home/app/arw/Python-1.5a1/Lib/SocketServer.py
now parsing
(verify_request) 'request' defined before 225 not used
(verify_request) 'self' defined before 225 not used
(verify_request) 'client_address' defined before 225 not used
(handle_error) 'request' defined before 245 not used
(handle_error) 'self' defined before 245 not used
(collect_children) 'status' defined before 293 not used
(setup) 'self' defined before 368 not used
(__del__) 'self' defined before 371 not used
(handle) 'self' defined before 374 not used
(finish) 'self' defined before 377 not used
(<module global>) '__version__' defined before 104 not used
269: (qref) 'max_packet_size' not defined in module?
  Here only the last line indicates a possible real bug
  in SocketServer.py
  <em>Bugs/Features: <br>
      Barfs on inconsistent indentation (ie space-tab is not the same as tab).
      Grumpy about one line for loops and lambdas.<br>
      For very weird cases may not parse strings correctly.<br>
      See top of module for more info.<br>
      Right now kjpylint might like to see an extra newline
      at the end of the file.  I'll look into this, sorry.</em>
      Latest: Thu Jul 17 13:50:03 EDT 1997
      <TD><a href="kjParseBuild.py">kjParseBuild.py</a>
           <td>The Parser generator module, used only to generate
               the data structures required for parsing.
      <TD><a href="kjParser.py">kjParser.py</a>
           <td>The Parser module, used both during the generation
               phase and also after generation when the generated
               parser is used.
      <TD><a href="kwParsing.html">kwParsing.html</a>
           <td>HTML documentation for the package.
      <TD><a href="kjSet.py">kjSet.py</a>
           <td>support module for parser generation.
               (uses <a href="../kjbuckets">kjbuckets</a>
               builtin if available, or uses a straight
               Python implementation if not.)
      <TD><a href="kwP.tar.gz">kwP.tar.gz</a>
           <td>The package (tarred, gzipped)
  <CAPTION ALIGN="top">kwParsing parser generator related files.

<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/kjParseBuild.py === (1229/1329 lines abridged)
# python code for building a parser from a grammar
#  Copyright Aaron Robert Watters, 1994

#  A bad grammar that has no derivations for
#  the root nonterminal may cause a name error
#  on the variable "GoodStartingPlace"

# this needs to be modified so the RULEGRAM is loaded from a
# compiled representation if available.

import string
import kjSet
import kjParser
import re

# import some constants
from kjParser import \


# errors raised here
TokenError = "TokenError" # may happen on autogen with bad grammar
NotSLRError = "NotSLRError" # may happen for nonSLR grammar

# set this flag for regression testing at each load
# set this flag to abort automatic generation on Errors

# token used to mark null productions
NULLTOKEN = (None,None)

# a derived FSM class, with closure computation methods defined
# (compilable FSMachine)
class CFSMachine(kjParser.FSMachine):

  def __init__(self, nonterm):
      kjParser.FSMachine.__init__(self, nonterm)

  # return the epsilon closure of the FSM as a new FSM
  # DoNullMap, if set, will map unexpected tokens to
  # the "empty" state (usually creating a really big fsm)

[-=- -=- -=- 1229 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

  RX = kjParser.ParseRule( X, [ oppar, Y, clpar ] )
  RY = kjParser.ParseRule( Y, [] )
  rl2 = [RX,RY]
  rs2 = ruleset(X, rl2)
  DFA2 = rs2.DFA
  ttt2 = dummy()
     return TESTDFA( STRING, ttt2, DFA2, rl2, DOREDUCTIONS )
  # the following grammar should fail to be slr
  # (Aho,Ullman p. 213)
  S = kjParser.nonterminal("S")
  L = kjParser.nonterminal("L")
  R = kjParser.nonterminal("R")
  RS1 = kjParser.ParseRule( S, [L, equals, R] )
  RS2 = kjParser.ParseRule( S, [R], echo )
  RL1 = kjParser.ParseRule( L, [star, R])
  RL2 = kjParser.ParseRule( L, [id])
  RR1 = kjParser.ParseRule( R, [L] )
  rs3 = ruleset(S, [RS1,RS2,RL1,RL2,RR1])
  #rs3.SLRFixDFA() # should fail and does.

  # testing RULEGRAM
  ObjG = NullCGrammar()
  ObjG.Nonterms("T E Ep F Tp")
  ObjG.Keywords("begin end")
  Rulestr = """
    ## what a silly grammar!
    T ::
    @R One :: T >> begin E end
    @R Three :: E >>
    @R Two :: E >> E + T
    @R Four :: E >> ( T )
  RL = RULEGRAM.DoParse1( Rulestr, ObjG )

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/kjParser.py === (1210/1310 lines abridged)
# python for parser interpretation
#  Copyright Aaron Robert Watters, 1994

# Lexical error handling is not nice
# Parse error handling is not nice
# Lex analysis may be slow for big grammars
# Setting case sensitivity for keywords MUST happen BEFORE
#   declaration of keywords.

import kjSet
import string
import re
import string

# set this flag for regression testing at each load

# set this flag to enable warning for default reductions

# some local constants
EOFFLAG = "*" # FLAG for End of file

# set this string to the Module name (filename)
# used for dumping reconstructable objects
THISMODULE = "kjParser"

# regular expression for matching whitespace
WHITERE = "["+string.whitespace+"]+"

# local errors
LexTokenError = "LexTokenError" # may happen on bad string
UnkTermError = "UnkTermError" # ditto
BadPunctError= "BadPunctError" # if try to make whitespace a punct
ParseInitError = "ParseInitError" # shouldn't happen?
#EOFError # may happen on bad string
FlowError = "FlowError" # shouldn't happen!!! (bug)

[-=- -=- -=- 1210 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

      for tokenindex in range(len(tokens)):
          (kind,name) = tokens[tokenindex]
          if kind == KEYFLAG:
             tokens[tokenindex] = LexD.keyword(name)
          elif not kind in [TERMFLAG, NONTERMFLAG]:
             raise FlowError, "unknown token type"
      # not needed
      self.tokens = tokens

   def MakeRules(self):
      Grammar = self.Gram
      Grammar.DFA.root_nonTerminal = self.Root
      NameIndex = Grammar.RuleNameToIndex
      RuleTuples = self.RuleTups
      nRules = len(RuleTuples)
      RuleList = [None] * nRules
      for index in range(nRules):
         (Name, Components) = RuleTuples[index]
         rule = apply(ParseRule, Components)
         rule.Name = Name
         RuleList[index] = rule
         NameIndex[Name] = index
      Grammar.RuleL = RuleList

   def MakeTransitions(self):
      Grammar = self.Gram
      DFA = Grammar.DFA
      StateTokenMap = DFA.StateTokenMap
      tokens = self.tokens
      # record the state number
      DFA.maxState = self.MaxStates
      # this is historical, unfortunately...  CLEAN IT UP SOMEDAY!
      # THE DFA.States DICT IS NOT NEEDED (?) (here)
      for state in range(1, self.MaxStates+1):
         DFA.States[state] = [TRANSFLAG]
      # record the reductions
      for (fromState, TokenIndex, rulenum) in self.reducts:
         DFA.SetReduction(fromState, tokens[TokenIndex], rulenum)
      # record the transitions
      for (fromState, TokenIndex, ToState) in self.moveTos:
         DFA.SetMap(fromState, tokens[TokenIndex], ToState)

   def Cleanup(self):
      Grammar = self.Gram

################# DELETE IT IF YOU WANT/NEED
#### All tests for this module deleted, since
#### ParseBuild module tests are sufficient.  

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/kjSet.py ===

# sets implemented using mappings
#  Copyright Aaron Robert Watters, 1994
# these only work for "immutable" elements.
# probably not terribly efficient, but easy to implement
# and not as slow as concievably possible.

def NewSet(Sequence):
    Result = {}
    for Elt in Sequence:
        Result[Elt] = 1
    return Result

def Empty(Set):
    if Set == {}:
       return 1
       return 0

def get_elts(Set):
    return Set.keys()

def member(Elt,Set):
    return Set.has_key(Elt)

# in place mutators:
# returns if no change otherwise 1

def addMember(Elt,Set):
    change = 0
    if not Set.has_key(Elt):
       Set[Elt] = 1
       change = 1
    return change

def Augment(Set, OtherSet):
    change = 0
    for Elt in OtherSet.keys():
        if not Set.has_key(Elt):
           Set[Elt] = 1
           change = 1
    return change

def Mask(Set, OtherSet):
    change = 0
    for Elt in OtherSet.keys():
        if Set.has_key(Elt):
           del Set[Elt]
           change = 1
    return change

# side effect free functions

def Intersection(Set1, Set2):
    Result = {}
    for Elt in Set1.keys():
        if Set2.has_key(Elt):
           Result[Elt] = 1
    return Result

def Difference(Set1, Set2):
    Result = {}
    for Elt in Set1.keys():
        if not Set2.has_key(Elt):
           Result[Elt] = 1
    return Result

def Union(Set1,Set2):
    Result = {}
    return Result

def Subset(Set1,Set2):
    Result = 1
    for Elt in Set1.keys():
        if not Set2.has_key(Elt):
           Result = 0
           return Result # nonlocal
    return Result

def Same(Set1,Set2):
    if Subset(Set1,Set2) and Subset(Set2,Set1):
       return 1
       return 0

# directed graphs as Dictionaries of Sets
#   also only works for immutable nodes

def NewDG(pairlist):
    Result = {}
    for (source,dest) in pairlist:
        AddArc(Result, source, dest)
    return Result

def GetPairs(Graph):
    result = []
    Sources = Graph.keys()
    for S in Sources:
        Dests = get_elts( Graph[S] )
        ThesePairs = [None] * len(Dests)
        for i in range(0,len(Dests)):
            D = Dests[i]
            ThesePairs[i] = (S, D)
        result = result + ThesePairs
    return result

def AddArc(Graph, Source, Dest):
    change = 0
    if Graph.has_key(Source):
       Adjacent = Graph[Source]
       if not member(Dest,Adjacent):
          change = 1
       Graph[Source] = NewSet( [ Dest ] )
       change = 1
    return change

def Neighbors(Graph,Source):
    if Graph.has_key(Source):
       return get_elts(Graph[Source])
       return []

def HasArc(Graph, Source, Dest):
    result = 0
    if Graph.has_key(Source) and member(Dest, Graph[Source]):
       result = 1
    return result

def Sources(Graph):
    return Graph.keys()

# when G1, G2 and G3 are different graphs this results in
#   G1 = G1 U ( G2 o G3 )
# If G1 is identical to one of G2,G3 the result is somewhat
# nondeterministic (depends on dictionary implementation).
# However, guaranteed that AddComposition(G,G,G) returns
#    G1 U (G1 o G1) <= G <= TC(G1)
# where G1 is G's original value and TC(G1) is its transitive closure
# hence this function can be used for brute force transitive closure
def AddComposition(G1, G2, G3):
    change = 0
    for G2Source in Sources(G2):
        for Middle in Neighbors(G2,G2Source):
            for G3Dest in Neighbors(G3, Middle):
                if not HasArc(G1, G2Source, G3Dest):
                   change = 1
                   AddArc(G1, G2Source, G3Dest)
    return change

# in place transitive closure of a graph
def TransClose(Graph):
    change = AddComposition(Graph, Graph, Graph)
    somechange = change
    while change:
       change = AddComposition(Graph, Graph, Graph)
       if not somechange:
          somechange = change
    return somechange

########### SQueue stuff
#  A GrabBag should be used to hold objects temporarily for future
#  use.  You can put things in and take them out, with autodelete
#  that's all!

# make a new baggy with nothing in it
#   BG[0] is insert cursor BG[1] is delete cursor, others are elts
OLD = 1
NEW = 0
def NewBG():
    B = [None]*8 #default size
    B[OLD] = START
    B[NEW] = START
    return B

def BGempty(B):
    # other ops must maintain this: old == new iff empty
    return B[OLD] == B[NEW]

# may return new, larger structure
# must be used with assignment...  B = BGadd(e,B)
def BGadd(elt, B):
    cursor = B[NEW]
    oldlen = len(B)
    # look for an available position
    while B[cursor] != None:
       cursor = cursor+1
       if cursor >= oldlen: cursor = START
       if cursor == B[NEW]: #back to beginning
    # resize if wrapped
    if B[cursor] != None:
       B = B + [None] * oldlen
       cursor = oldlen
       B[OLD] = START
    if B[cursor] != None:
       raise IndexError, "can't insert?"
    # add the elt
    B[cursor] = (elt,)
    B[NEW] = cursor
    # B nonempty so OLD and NEW should differ.
    if B[OLD] == cursor:
       B[NEW] = cursor + 1
       if B[NEW]<=len(B): B[NEW] = START
    return B

def BGgetdel(B):
    # find something to delete:
    cursor = B[OLD]
    blen = len(B)
    while B[cursor]==None:
       cursor = cursor+1
       if cursor>=blen: cursor = START
       if cursor == B[OLD]: break # wrapped
    if B[cursor] == None:
       raise IndexError, "delete from empty grabbag(?)"
    # test to see if bag is empty (position cursor2 at nonempty slot)
    cursor2 = cursor+1
    if cursor2>=blen: cursor2 = START
    while B[cursor2]==None:
       cursor2 = cursor2+1
       if cursor2>=blen: cursor2 = START
       # since B[cursor] not yet deleted while will terminate
    # get and delete the elt
    (result,) = B[cursor]
    B[cursor] = None
    # cursor == cursor2 iff bag is empty
    B[OLD] = cursor2
    if B[NEW] == cursor2: B[NEW] = cursor
    return result

def BGtest(n):
    B = NewBG()
    rn = range(n)
    rn2 = range(n-2)
    for i in rn:
        for j in rn:
            B = BGadd( (i,j), B)
            B = BGadd( (j,i), B)
            x = BGgetdel(B)
        for j in rn2:
            y = BGgetdel(B)
        print (i, x, y)
    return B

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/kjbuckets0.py === (950/1050 lines abridged)

# kjbuckets in pure python

### needs more thorough testing!

#import sys # for debug

def kjtabletest(x):
    #print "kjtabletest"
        return x.is_kjtable
        return 0
unhashable = "unhashable key error"

class kjGraph:

   is_kjtable = 1

   def __init__(self, *args):
       #print "kjGraph.__init__", args
       key_to_list = self.key_to_list = {}
       self.dirty = 0
       self.hashed = None
       #print args
       if args:
          if len(args)>1:
             raise ValueError, "only 1 or 0 argument supported"
          from types import IntType, ListType, TupleType
          arg = args[0]
          targ = type(arg)
          test = key_to_list.has_key
          if type(arg) is IntType:
             return # ignore int initializer (presize not implemented)
          elif type(arg) is ListType or type(arg) is TupleType:
             for (x,y) in arg:
                 if test(x):
                    key_to_list[x] = [y]
          aclass = arg.__class__
          if aclass is kjGraph:
             aktl = arg.key_to_list
             for k in aktl.keys():
                 key_to_list[k] = aktl[k][:]
          if aclass is kjDict or aclass is kjSet:
             adict = arg.dict

[-=- -=- -=- 950 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

           raise "trivial cmp fails", X
        if not X:
           raise "nonzero fails", X
        if X is S:
           if not S.member(0):
              raise "huh 1?"
           if S.member(123):
              raise "huh 2?", S
           del S[1]
           if not S.has_key(999):
              raise "huh 3?", S
           print "values", X.values()
           print "keys", X.keys()
           print X, "inverted", ~X
           if not X.member(0,1):
              raise "member test fails (0,1)", X
           print "adding to", X
           print "added", X
           print "deleted", X
           if X.member(999,888):
              raise "member test fails (999,888)", X
           if X.has_key(999):
              raise "has_key fails 999", X
           if not X.has_key(0):
              raise "has_key fails 0", X
        for Y in ALL:
            print "Y", Y
            if (X!=S and Y!=S):
               print "diff", X, Y
               print "%s-%s=%s" % (X,Y,X-Y)
            elif X==S:
               D = kjSet(Y)
               print "diff", X, D
               print "%s-%s=%s" % (X,D,X-D)
            print "%s+%s=%s" % (X,Y,X+Y)
            print "%s&%s=%s" % (X,Y,X&Y)
            print "%s*%s=%s" % (X,Y,X*Y)
            x,y = cmp(X,Y), cmp(Y,X)
            if x!=-y: raise "bad cmp!", (X, Y)
            print "cmp(X,Y), -cmp(Y,X)", x,-y
            print "X.subset(Y)", X.subset(Y)


=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/kjpylint.py === (500/600 lines abridged)
"""python lint using kwParsing

The goal of this module/filter is to help find
programming errors in python source files.

As a filter use thusly:

% python kjpylint.py source_file.py

As an internal tool use like this:

  import kjpylint
  (pyg, context) = kjpylint.setup()
  kjpylint.lint(data, pyg, context)

where data is the text of a python program.
You can build your own context structure by
subclassing GlobalContext, and redefining
GlobalContext.complain(string) for example.
You could do a lot more than that too...

Also, to lint all *.py files recursively contained
in a directory hierarchy use

  kjpylint.lintdir("/usr/local/lib/python") # for example


Lint expects
  1) a newline or two at the end of the data;
  2) consistent indenting (and inconsistency may be invisible)
     [eg " \t" and "\t" are not the same indent
     to Lint, but Python sees them the same.]

If (1) or (2) are not satisfied Lint will raise
an exception.

Buglets: lambdas and for loops on one line generate
  extraneous warnings.

The lint process works, in outline, like this.
Scan over a python program 

x = 1

def f(a):
    a = x

[-=- -=- -=- 500 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

class x(y,z):
     a doc string
  def test(this, that):
    w = that+this+x, n
    x = 1
    return w

def go():
    import sys
        file = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print "required input file missing, defaulting to test string"
        data = teststring
        data = open(file).read()
    print "setup"
    (pyg, context) = setup()
    print "now parsing"
    lint(data, pyg, context)

def setup():
    global pyg, context
    import pygram
    pyg = pygram.unMarshalpygram()
    context = globalContext(pyg.LexD)
    return (pyg, context)

def lint(data, pygin=None, contextin=None):
    if pygin is None: pygin = pyg
    if contextin is None: contextin = context
    pygin.DoParse1(data, contextin)

def lintdir(directory_name):
    """lint all files recursively in directory"""
    from find import find
    print "\n\nrecursively linting %s\n\n" % directory_name
    (pyg, context) = setup()
    python_files = find("*.py", directory_name)
    for x in python_files:
        print "\n\n [ %s ]\n\n" % x
        lint( open(x).read(), pyg, context )
        print "\014"

if __name__=="__main__": go()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/kwParsing.html === (985/1085 lines abridged)
<title>A parser generator in Python</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1>A parser generator in Python: kwParsing</h1>

Aaron Watters<br>

This is the documentation for the <strong>kjParsing</strong> package,
an experimental parser generator implemented in Python which generates
parsers implemented in Python.
It won't serve as a complete reference on programming
language syntax and interpretation, but it will review
terminology for the knowledgable and I hope it will pique
the interest of the less experienced.

The <code> kjParsing</code> package is a parser generator written
in Python which generates parsers for use in Python.
These modules and their documentation and demo files
may be of use for classes on parsing, compiling, or
formal languages, and may also be helpful to people
who like to create experimental interpreters or translators
or compilers.
The package consists of three Python modules:
<code> kjParser, kjParseBuild,</code> and <code> kjSet</code>.  Together these
modules are called the <code> kjParsing</code> package.
The package also includes some documentation and demo
files and a <code> COPYRIGHT</code> file which explains the
conditions for copying and propagating this code
and the fact that the author assumes no responsibility
for any difficulties resulting from the use of this
package by anyone (including himself).

<h2>What a Parser Does</h2>

Parsers can be part of a lot of different things:
compilers, interpreters, translators, or code generators,
among others.  Nevertheless, at an abstract level parsers

[-=- -=- -=- 985 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

This is normally resolved by informing
the parser generator to prefer one binding or the other.
No method for providing a preference is implemented here, yet.
Let me know if you need such a method or if you have any suggestions.
Keywords of the meta-grammar cannot name tokens of
the object grammar (see footnote above).
If you want keywords to be recognized without case
sensitivity you must declare <code> G.SetCaseSensitivity(0)</code>
before any keyword declarations.
Name and regular expression collisions are not always
checked and reported.  If you name two rules the same,
for example, you may get undefined behavior.
The lexical analysis implementation is not as fast as it
could be (of course).
It also sees all white space as a
`single space'
so, for example, if indentation is significant in your grammar
(as in Python) you'll need a different lexical analyzer.
Also if <code> x=+y</code> means something different from 
<code> x = + y</code> (as it did in the original C, I believe)
you may have trouble.  Happily the lexical component can
be easily ``plug replaced'' by another implementation if needed.
Also, the system currently only handles SLR grammars (as defined
by Aho and Ullman), as mentioned above.  If you get a
<code> NonSLRError</code> during grammar compilation you need a better
parser generator.  I may provide one, if I have motivation and time.
I know of no outright bugs.  Trust me, they're there.  Please
find them for me and tell me about them.  I'm not a big
expert on parsing so I'm sure I've made some errors, particularly
at the lexical level.

<h2>Further Reading</h2>
A standard reference for parsing and compiler, interpreter,
and translator implementation is Principles of Compiler
Design, by Aho and Ullman (Addison Wesley).

<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/pygram.py === (894/994 lines abridged)
# rules for python
# based on grammar given in Programming Python by Mark Lutz

ARCHIVE = "."  

marshalfilename = ARCHIVE + "/pygram.mar"

pyrules = """

all ::

## input terminates with "fake" dedent (forces read of all file)

@R all1 :: all >> file_input DEDENT

## 1 term newline

##@R lead_blank :: file_input >> NEWLINE file_input

@R top_stmt :: file_input >> file_input stmt
@R file_input :: file_input >> stmt

## 2
@R simple :: stmt >> simple_stmt
@R compound :: stmt >> compound_stmt

## 3 punct ; term NEWLINE
@R one_small :: simple_stmt >> small_stmt NEWLINE
@R more_small :: simple_stmt >> small_stmt ; simple_stmt
@R small_semi :: simple_stmt >> small_stmt ; NEWLINE

## 4 kw pass
@R smexpr :: small_stmt >> expr_stmt
@R smassn :: small_stmt >> assn
@R smprint :: small_stmt >> print_stmt
@R smdel :: small_stmt >> del_stmt
@R smpass :: small_stmt >> pass
@R smflow :: small_stmt >> flow_stmt
@R smimport :: small_stmt >> import_stmt
@R smglobal :: small_stmt >> global_stmt
## access ignored
@R smexec :: small_stmt >> exec_stmt

## 5
@R cmif :: compound_stmt >> if_stmt
@R cmwhile :: compound_stmt >> while_stmt

[-=- -=- -=- 894 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

   d = {} 
   for i in range(10): d[i] = i
   def test(c,s):
       return "this" 
       while not done:
             print done
       list = [1,2,3]
         # comment
       return 5
   n,x = 89 >> 90 + 6 / 7 % x + z << 6 + 2 ** 8

if x==5:
   while y:
     for i in range(6):
         raise SystemError, "oops"


#teststring ="""\
## comment
#if x in y: print z
#elif 1: print w

exec "print 1"

def test(grammar, context=None, teststring=teststring):
       from time import time
       now = time()
       x = grammar.DoParse1(teststring, context)
       elapsed = time()-now
       print x
       print elapsed
       return x
regen = 0
dotest = 0
if __name__ == "__main__" : 
      if regen: GrammarBuild()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/relalg.py === (427/527 lines abridged)

"""Simple relational algebra interpreter.


   To make the grammar

       python relalg.py make

   To run some relatoinal algebra expressions

       python relalg.py < expressions_file



## simple relational algebra using only the equality predicate
## note: string values cannot contain ;

## statement sequencing using ; handled at higher level

relalg_rules = """

statement ::

@R statementassn :: statement >> assignment

@R statementexpr :: statement >> rexpr

@R assignment1 :: assignment >> name = rexpr

@R assignmentn :: assignment >> name = assignment

@R union :: rexpr >> rexpr U rterm

@R rterm :: rexpr >> rterm

@R minus :: rexpr >> rexpr - rterm

@R intersect :: rterm >> rterm intersect rfactor

@R join :: rterm >> rterm join rfactor

@R rfactor :: rterm >> rfactor

@R projection :: rfactor >> projection [ names ] rfactor

@R names0 :: names >>

[-=- -=- -=- 427 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

def reloadrelalg(filename=MARSHALFILE):
    import kjParser
    filename = INSTALLDIR+"/"+filename
    infile = open(filename, "rb")
    SQLG = kjParser.UnMarshalGram(infile)
    return SQLG
def runfile(f):
    from string import split, join
    ragram = reloadrelalg()
    context = {}
    #f = open(filename, "r")
    data = f.read()
    from string import split, strip
    commands = split(data, ";")
    for c in commands:
        if not strip(c): continue
        print " COMMAND:"
        data = str(c)
        pdata = "  "+join(split(c, "\n"), "\n  ")
        print pdata
        test = ragram.DoParse1(c, context)

# c:\python\python relalg.py ratest.txt

if __name__=="__main__":
        done = 0
        import sys
        argv = sys.argv
        if len(argv)>1:
            command = argv[1]
            if command=="make":
                print "building relational algebra grammar"
                done = 1
            done = 1
        if not done:
            print __doc__

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/remotetest.py ===
"""Demonstration of the Remote View protocol for adding
   specially implemented Views in an application."""
from gadfly import gadfly

# create the database
g = gadfly()
g.startup("dbtest", "dbtest")	# assume directory "dbtest" exists

# define a remote view class
import gfintrospect

class myTable(gfintrospect.RemoteView):

    """A remote view must define self.column_names
       to return a (fixed) list of string column names and
       self.listing() to return a possibly varying
       list of row values.  If there is a single column
       the listing() list must return a list of values,
       but for multiple columns it must return a list
       of tuples with one entry for each column.
       The remote view implementation may optionally
       redefine __init__ also, please see gfintrospect.py

    # static: don't reconstruct internal structure for each query
    # for more interesting views static will generally be 0
    static = 1
    def __init__(self, column_names=None, rowlist=None):
        """do whatever needed for initialization"""
        if column_names is None:
            column_names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
        if rowlist is None:
            rowlist = [(1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)]
        self.column_names = column_names
        self.rowlist = rowlist
    def listing(self):
        """return list of tuples of right sizes to match column_names.
           for more interesting views this will do something more
           complex ;).
        return self.rowlist
# create a table using default cols and rows
### Python code adding ANY remote views must be EXECUTED

g.add_remote_view("test", myTable())

# create a table using specified cols and rows
# NOTE: for single column give list of values
#   NOT list of tuples of values!
g.add_remote_view("test2", myTable(["x"], [1,6,7]))

print g.database

c = g.cursor()

c.execute("select * from test")
print "test::"
print c.pp()
c.execute("select * from test2")
print "test2::"
print c.pp()
c.execute("select * from test, test2 where x=a")
print "join"
print c.pp()

g.add_remote_view("test3", myTable(["z", "w"], [(2,3), (7,8), (4,6)]))
c.execute("select * from test3")
print "test3::"
print c.pp()

 "select * from test, test2, test3 where x=a and z=b and w=c")
print "join 2::"
print c.pp()

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/server.html ===
<title>Gadfly: server operations</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<img src="gadfly.JPG">
<h1>Gadfly Server Operations</h1>

To permit multiple processes to access and modify a
single database instance, and to reduce the overhead per process
of connecting to a Gadfly database a Gadfly database may be
run in server mode.  A Gadfly server can use a DBA
(data base administrator) configured
start-up script to set up optimized query accesses and certain
forms of security.
For example to startup a server for the
test database "test" in directory "dbtest" (created by gftest.py)
   python gfserve.py 2222 test dbtest admin
or to start up the same server with some non-priviledged
policies and some named prepared queries (as initialized
in gfstest.startup(...)) use
   python gfserve.py 2222 test dbtest admin gfstest
In both cases the admin password for the server is "admin"
and the server runs on port 2222.
See the doc string for gfserve.py for more information on
the command line arguments.
Only one process should directly access a gadfly database at once
(not mediated by a server),
so if a server is running, no other server for that database
should be started and no other process should connect in "non-server"
mode to that database.


There are several reasons to run a server: to allow multiple
processes to access the same database; to allow password protected
restricted access to the database by non-priviledged agents;
and to permit faster access to the database 
by providing globally shared
prepared statements.  Using a server also eliminates the need
to start up and load the database many times -- and startup
time could be considerable if the database is large.
For example I imagine that simple Gadfly servers may be of
use to implement database enabled CGI scripts, whereas the
"non-server" Gadfly will only run with CGI scripts that do not modify
the database, and the startup time for Gadfly might make those
scripts unacceptibly slow if the database is large.  Furthermore,
by using the security features a Gadfly server could be configured
to allow restricted data distribution across a network without
compromising the integrity of the database.


The primary goal of Gadfly server security is to prevent
accidental or malicious destruction of a database.
Security is arbitrated by policies.  Policies have passwords
that are never transmitted in clear text.  However, a "captured"
command could potentially be repeated by a hostile program
even without knowing the password.  It is not a good idea to
run admin or other unrestricted commands on a network that may
have hostile parties sniffing the network.  As with the rest
of the system I provide no guarantees, but for many purposes
the level of security provided may be acceptible.  To be specific
passwords are used to generate md5 certificates for all server
accesses (please see gfsocket.py for implementation details).
A server always has
an "admin" policy that is permitted to shutdown, restart, or
force a checkpoint on the server.  By default the admin
policy also has the ability to run arbitrary SQL statements
such as "drop table x".  This ability can be disabled in
a startup function if needed.
Other policies can be created that have very restricted access.
For example the following startup function initializes two
policies beyond the admin policy that can only access certain
tables in specific ways (from gfstest.py):
def startup(admin_policy, connection, Server_instance):
    """example startup script.

       add a policies test and test1 passwords same
         test1 is allowed to query the likess table by name
         test is allowed to update likes where drinker='nan'
       also add prepared query dumpwork to admin_policy.
    from gfserve import Policy
    admin_policy["dumpwork"] = "select * from work"
    test1 = Policy("test1", "test1", connection, queries=0)
    test = Policy("test", "test", connection, queries=0)
    test1["qlike"] = "select * from likes where drinker=?"
    test["updatenan"] = """
      update likes
      set beer=?, perday=?
      where drinker='nan'
    test["getnan"] = """
      select * from likes where drinker='nan'
    return {"test": test, "test1": test1}
Please see the doc string for gfserve.py for more information
on creating startup functions.
A policy with queries disabled (queries=0) can only execute
named queries.  By using such policies a DBA can configure
a server such that client programs can only read certain tables,
can only update certain rows of certain tables in certain ways,
and so forth.
Even policies with "unrestricted access" (queries=1)
can provide performance benefits if they have associated
named, prepared queries (like "dumpwork" above).  At the moment
the SQL parser slows down gadfly a bit, and prepared queries
will only be parsed once for all clients.  After the first
access subsequent accesses may be noticably faster (10x faster
in some cases), especially
if the server has the kjbuckets builtin C module.  However,
with queries=1 the policy can execute any SQL statement.
<strong>NOTE: The server runs all accesses (once the complete
message has been read from the network) serially -- there is
no concurrent access permitted to
a Gadfly instance at this time.  For this
reason a "large query" may cause the server to "freeze" and
delay other accesses.
</strong>  Incomplete requests due to network delays or
other problems will not freeze the server, however (sockets
are polled using select.select).
<strong>NOTE: All server accesses run in "autocommit mode" at
this time.  A successful access automatically triggers a database
commit (but an unsuccessful access will rollback).</strong>
As an optimization, however, checkpoints only occur occasionally,
once per a given number of accesses, configurable by setting:
Server_instance.check_loop = 100

<h1>Start up</h1>

Servers can be started from the command line using the gfserve.py
script interpretation 
(as shown above)
or using gfserve.Server(...) from another
program.  See the doc strings and source for gfserve.py and gfstest.py
for more information.

<h1>Shut down</h1>

Servers can be shut down from the command line interpretation of
gfclient.py or from another program using the gfclient(...) class
shutdown() method, but only using the admin policy with the admin
password.  For example to shut down the server started above:
python gfclient.py shutdown 2222 admin
See the doc strings and source for gfserve.py 
and gfstest.py
for more information.

<h1>Client Access</h1>

Client access to a gadfly server is similar to the normal 
access to gadfly, except that it is sometimes faster and can
be run from any machine reachable on the network (if the client
program knows the password).
To access a gadfly server from a remote machine the only
python modules required (in addition to the standard libraries)
are gfclient.py and gfsocket.py.
Initialize a connection with a given "POLICY" with "PASSWORD"
 to a running server
on "machine.domain.com" using port number 2222 with:
   from gfclient import gfclient
   conn = gfclient("POLICY", 2222, "PASSWORD", "machine.domain.com")
Note that policy names and passwords are case sensitive.
Queries and other statements are normally executed via cursors.
Obtain a cursor from a connection using:
   cursor = connection.cursor()
Execute a statement in a cursor using:
or to provide dynamic parameters:
   cursor.execute(statement, dynamic_parameters)
For example
   cursor.execute("select * from work")
   cursor.execute("select * from work where name=?", ("carla",))
The dynamic parameters work the same as described in the
<a href="gadfly.html">the main gadfly documentation page</a>.
In particular INSERT VALUES can insert several rows at once
by using a list of tuples for the rows.
If there is any problem (bad policy name, bad password, server
not running, queries not allowed for this policy) 
the execute will generate an exception.
To run a named/prepared query (initialized at startup) use
execute_prepared, which takes a prepared statement name
rather than a query string:
cursor.execute_prepared("updatenan", ("rollingrock", 1))
The execute_prepared method works just like the execute
method except that the "name" must be the name of a query initialized
by the startup(...) function at server startup.
NOTE: by default any execution that sends or recieves "too much
data" will be aborted.  Edit gfsocket.py (both on the client end
and on the server end if different) if you wish to disable this
sanity check feature.
As with other dbapi cursors the results of a query can be
extracted as a list of tuples using (after execute):
   result_list = cursor.fetchall()
The other fetches (fetchone and fetchmany) have not been
implemented yet (partially since they don't make much sense
in this context).
Both named and unnamed statements may be semicolon separated
sequences of several SQL statements, but if they are they will return
no results.

<h1>Implementation Comments</h1>

For your information the server/client interaction is much like
"finger" or "http" -- each client access is a separate TCP/Stream
connection where the client sends a request and the server sends
a response.  After each access the connection is closed and the
next access generates a new connection.
I did it that way, because it was a simple and
robust strategy (witness the success of HTTP).

Please note: Although I have attempted to provide a robust
for this software I do not guarantee its correctness.  I hope
it will work well for you but I do not assume any legal
responsibility for problems anyone may have during use
of these programs.

<a href="mailto:arw@ifu.net">feedback</a><br>
<a href="../index.html">home</a><br>
<a href="index.html">Gadfly home</a>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sql.mar ===
  <Binary-ish file>

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlbind.py === (525/625 lines abridged)
"""rule bindings for sql grammar."""

def elt0(list, context):
    """return first member of reduction"""
    return list[0]
def elt1(list, context):
    """return second member"""
    return list[1]
def elt2(list, context):
    return list[2]
def returnNone(list, context):
    return None
def stat1(list, context):
    """return list of len 1 of statements"""
    return list
#def statn(list, context):
#    """return a list of statement reductions"""
#    [stat, semi, statlist] = list
#    statlist.insert(0, stat)
#    return statlist
def thingcommalist(l, c):
    [thing, comma, list] = l
    list.insert(0, thing)
    return list
def listcommathing(l, c):
    [list, comma, thing] = l
    return list
statn = thingcommalist
selstat = elt0
insstat = elt0
createtablestat = elt0
droptablestat = elt0
delstat = elt0
updatestat = elt0
createindexstat = elt0
dropindexstat = elt0
createviewstat = elt0
dropviewstat = elt0

# drop view statement stuff
def dropview(l, c):

[-=- -=- -=- 525 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

def selectn(list, context):
    [ selectsubs, comma, select_sublist ] = list
    (exp, name) = select_sublist
    selectsubs.addbinding(name, exp)
    return selectsubs
def selectit(list, context):
    [exp] = list
    return (exp, None) # no binding!
def selectname(list, context):
    [exp, as, alias] = list
    return (exp, alias)
colalias = elt0

#### do the bindings.

# note: all reduction function defs must precede this assign
VARS = vars()

class punter:
   def __init__(self, name):
       self.name = name
   def __call__(self, list, context):
       print "punt:", self.name, list
       return list
class tracer:
   def __init__(self, name, fn):
       self.name = name
       self.fn = fn
   def __call__(self, list, context):
       print self.name, list
       return self.fn(list, context)

def BindRules(sqlg):
    for name in sqlg.RuleNameToIndex.keys():
        if VARS.has_key(name):
           #print "binding", name
           sqlg.Bind(name, VARS[name]) # nondebug
           #sqlg.Bind(name, tracer(name, VARS[name]) ) # debug
           print "unbound", name
           sqlg.Bind(name, punter(name))
    return sqlg

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlgen.py ===
"""grammar generation stuff for sql.

This module does not bind any rule semantics, it
just generates the parser data structures.

### interpretation functions and regexen for terminals

MARSHALFILE = "sql.mar"

import string
alphanum = string.letters+string.digits + "_"
userdefre = "[%s][%s]*" % (string.letters +"_", alphanum)
commentre = "--.*"

def userdeffn(str):
    from string import upper
    return upper(str)
charstre = "'[^']*'"

def charstfn(str):
    return str[1:-1]
#numlitre = "[%s][%s\.]*" % (string.digits, alphanum) # not really...

digits = string.digits
# rely in python to filter out the good/bad/ugly
intre = "[%s][%s.jJ]*" % (digits,digits)
numlitre = "%s([Ee][+-]?%s)?" % (intre, intre)

def numlitfn(str):
    """Note: this is "safe" because regex
       filters out dangerous things."""
    return eval(str)

def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
    Grammar.Addterm("user_defined_name", userdefre, userdeffn)
    Grammar.Addterm("character_string_literal", charstre, charstfn)
    Grammar.Addterm("numeric_literal", numlitre, numlitfn)
def BuildSQL(filename=MARSHALFILE):
    import kjParseBuild
    from sqlgram import sqlrules, nonterms, keywords, puncts
    SQLG = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
    # should add comments
    print "working..."
    print "testing"
    from sqlgtest import test
    for x in test:
        print SQLG.DoParse1(x)
    print "dumping to", filename
    outfile = open(filename, "wb")
    return SQLG
def reloadSQLG(filename=MARSHALFILE):
    """does not bind any interpretation functions."""
    import kjParser
    infile = open(filename, "rb")
    SQLG = kjParser.UnMarshalGram(infile)
    return SQLG
def getSQL():
    from sqlwhere import filename
    return reloadSQLG(filename)


=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlgram.py ===

# sql grammar, partial, based on ODBC 2.0 programmer's ref

## someday add subquery precedence to allow more general selects.

sqlrules = """

statement_list ::

@R stat1 :: statement_list >> statement
@R statn :: statement_list >> statement ; statement_list

@R dropindexstat :: statement >> drop_index_statement

@R createindexstat :: statement >> create_index_statement

@R selstat :: statement >> select_statement

@R insstat :: statement >> insert_statement

@R createtablestat :: statement >> create_table_statement

@R droptablestat :: statement >> drop_table_statement

@R delstat :: statement >> delete_statement_searched

@R updatestat :: statement >> update_statement_searched

@R createviewstat :: statement >> create_view_statement

@R dropviewstat :: statement >> drop_view_statement

## drop view statement
@R dropview :: drop_view_statement >> DROP VIEW user_defined_name

## create view statement
@R createview :: create_view_statement >> 
    CREATE VIEW user_defined_name optnamelist AS select_statement
@R optnamelist0 :: optnamelist >>
@R optnamelistn :: optnamelist >> ( namelist )
## drop index statement
@R dropindex :: drop_index_statement >> DROP INDEX user_defined_name

## create index statement
@R createindex :: create_index_statement >>
     CREATE INDEX user_defined_name
     ON user_defined_name
     ( namelist )
@R createuniqueindex :: create_index_statement >>
     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_defined_name
     ON user_defined_name
     ( namelist )
@R names1 :: namelist >> user_defined_name
@R namesn :: namelist >> namelist , user_defined_name

## update statement
@R update :: update_statement_searched >>
     UPDATE user_defined_name
     SET assns
@R assn1 :: assns >> assn
@R assnn :: assns >> assns , assn
@R assn :: assn >> column_identifier = expression


## delete statement
@R deletefrom :: delete_statement_searched >> DELETE FROM user_defined_name optwhere

## drop table
@R droptable :: drop_table_statement >> DROP TABLE user_defined_name

## create table statement ( restricted )
@R createtable :: create_table_statement >>
    CREATE TABLE user_defined_name ( colelts )
@R colelts1 :: colelts >> colelt
@R coleltsn :: colelts >> colelts , colelt
@R coleltid :: colelt >> column_definition
@R coleltconstraint :: colelt >> column_constraint_definition
## column constraints deferred
@R coldef :: column_definition >> 
    column_identifier data_type optdefault optcolconstraints
## optdefault deferred
@R optdef0 :: optdefault >>
## optcolconstraint deferred
@R optcolconstr0 :: optcolconstraints >>
@R stringtype :: data_type >> character_string_type
@R exnumtype :: data_type >> exact_numeric_type
@R appnumtype :: data_type >> approximate_numeric_type
@R integer :: exact_numeric_type >> INTEGER
@R float :: approximate_numeric_type >> FLOAT
@R varchar :: character_string_type >> VARCHAR
@R varcharn :: character_string_type >> VARCHAR ( numeric_literal )

## insert statement

@R insert1 :: insert_statement >>
    INSERT INTO table_name optcolids insert_spec
@R optcolids0 :: optcolids >>
@R optcolids1 :: optcolids >> ( colids )
@R colids1 :: colids >> column_identifier
@R colidsn :: colids >> colids , column_identifier
@R insert_values :: insert_spec >> VALUES ( litlist )
@R insert_query :: insert_spec >> sub_query
@R litlist1 :: litlist >> sliteral
@R litlistn :: litlist >> litlist , sliteral
@R sliteral0 :: sliteral >> literal
@R sliteralp :: sliteral >> + literal

## hack to permit complexes

@R sliterals :: sliteral >> sliteral + literal
@R sliterald :: sliteral >> sliteral - literal
@R sliteralm :: sliteral >> - literal

## select statement

@R subselect :: sub_query >>
     SELECT alldistinct select_list
     FROM table_reference_list
     optwhere optgroup opthaving optunion
## @R psubselect :: sub_query >> ( sub_query ) 
@R selectx :: select_statement >>
@R ad0 :: alldistinct >>
@R adall :: alldistinct >> ALL
@R addistinct :: alldistinct >> DISTINCT
@R where0 :: optwhere >>
@R where1 :: optwhere >> WHERE search_condition
@R group0 :: optgroup >> 
@R group1 :: optgroup >> GROUP BY colnamelist
@R colnames1 :: colnamelist >> column_name
@R colnamesn :: colnamelist >> colnamelist , column_name
@R having0 :: opthaving >>
@R having1 :: opthaving >> HAVING search_condition
@R union0 :: optunion >>
@R union1 :: optunion >> UNION alldistinct sub_query
@R except1 :: optunion >> EXCEPT sub_query
@R intersect1 :: optunion >> INTERSECT sub_query
@R order0 :: optorder_by >>
@R order1 :: optorder_by >> ORDER BY sortspeclist
##@R orderby :: order_by_clause >> ORDER BY sortspeclist
@R sortspec1 :: sortspeclist >> sort_specification
@R sortspecn :: sortspeclist >> sortspeclist , sort_specification
## really, should be unsigned int
@R sortint :: sort_specification >> numeric_literal opt_ord
@R sortcol :: sort_specification >> column_name opt_ord
@R optord0 :: opt_ord >>
@R optordasc :: opt_ord >> ASC
@R optorddesc :: opt_ord >> DESC

## table reference list (nasty hack alert)
@R trl1 :: table_reference_list >> user_defined_name
@R trln :: table_reference_list >> user_defined_name , table_reference_list
@R trl1a :: table_reference_list >> user_defined_name user_defined_name
@R trlna :: table_reference_list >> user_defined_name user_defined_name , table_reference_list
@R trl1as :: table_reference_list >> user_defined_name AS user_defined_name
@R trlnas :: table_reference_list >> user_defined_name AS user_defined_name , table_reference_list

## select list 
@R selectstar :: select_list >> *
@R selectsome :: select_list >> selectsubs
@R select1 :: selectsubs >> select_sublist
@R selectn :: selectsubs >> selectsubs , select_sublist
@R selectit :: select_sublist >> expression
@R selectname :: select_sublist >> expression AS column_alias
@R colalias :: column_alias >> user_defined_name

## search condition
@R search1 :: search_condition >> boolean_term
@R searchn :: search_condition >> boolean_term OR search_condition
@R bool1 :: boolean_term >> boolean_factor
@R booln :: boolean_term >> boolean_factor AND boolean_term
@R bf1 :: boolean_factor >> boolean_primary
@R notbf :: boolean_factor >> NOT boolean_primary
@R bp1 :: boolean_primary >> predicate
@R bps :: boolean_primary >> ( search_condition )

## predicate (simple for now!!!)
@R predicate1 :: predicate >> comparison_predicate

## comparison predicate (simple for now!!!)
@R predicateeq :: comparison_predicate >> expression = expression
@R predicatelt :: comparison_predicate >> expression < expression
@R predicategt :: comparison_predicate >> expression > expression
@R predicatele :: comparison_predicate >> expression < = expression
@R predicatege :: comparison_predicate >> expression > = expression
@R predicatene :: comparison_predicate >> expression < > expression
@R predbetween :: comparison_predicate >> expression BETWEEN expression AND expression
@R prednotbetween :: comparison_predicate >> 
     expression NOT BETWEEN expression AND expression

## exists predicate
@R predexists :: predicate >> exists_predicate
@R exists :: exists_predicate >> EXISTS ( sub_query )

## quantified predicate
@R predqeq :: predicate >> expression = allany ( sub_query )
@R predqne :: predicate >> expression < > allany ( sub_query )
@R predqlt :: predicate >> expression < allany ( sub_query )
@R predqgt :: predicate >> expression > allany ( sub_query )
@R predqle :: predicate >> expression < = allany ( sub_query )
@R predqge :: predicate >> expression > = allany ( sub_query )
@R nnall :: allany >> ALL
@R nnany :: allany >> ANY

## in predicate
@R predin :: predicate >> expression IN ( sub_query )
@R prednotin :: predicate >> expression NOT IN ( sub_query )
@R predinlits :: predicate >> expression IN ( litlist )
@R prednotinlits :: predicate >> expression NOT IN ( litlist )

## subquery expression
@R subqexpr :: expression >> ( sub_query )

## expression (simple for now!!!)
@R exp1 :: expression >> term
@R expplus :: expression >> expression + term
@R expminus :: expression >> expression - term
@R term1 :: term >> factor
@R termtimes :: term >> term * factor
@R termdiv :: term >> term / factor
@R factor1 :: factor >> primary
@R plusfactor :: factor >> + factor
@R minusfactor :: factor >> - factor
@R primary1 :: primary >> column_name
@R primarylit :: primary >> literal
@R primaryexp :: primary >> ( expression )
@R primaryset :: primary >> set_function_reference
@R stringlit :: literal >> character_string_literal
@R stringstring :: literal >> literal character_string_literal
@R numlit :: literal >> numeric_literal

## set functions (nasty hack!)
@R countstar :: set_function_reference >> COUNT ( * )
@R distinctcount :: set_function_reference >> COUNT ( DISTINCT expression )
@R allcount :: set_function_reference >> COUNT ( expression )
@R distinctset :: set_function_reference >> aggregate ( DISTINCT expression )
@R allset :: set_function_reference >> aggregate ( expression )
@R average :: aggregate >> AVG
##@R count :: aggregate >> COUNT
@R maximum :: aggregate >> MAX
@R minimum :: aggregate >> MIN
@R summation :: aggregate >> SUM
@R median :: aggregate >> MEDIAN

## dynamic parameter (varies quite a bit from ODBC spec)
@R dynamic :: literal >> ?

## column name
@R columnname1 :: column_name >> column_identifier
@R columnname2 :: column_name >> table_name . column_identifier
@R tablename1 :: table_name >> user_defined_name
@R columnid1 :: column_identifier >> user_defined_name

nonterms = """
exists_predicate set_function_reference aggregate
sortspeclist sort_specification opt_ord
drop_table_statement delete_statement_searched update_statement_searched
assns assn
insert_statement litlist colelt optcolconstraints optdefault
optcolids insert_spec create_table_statement
colids colelts column_constraint_definition
column_definition data_type character_string_type
exact_numeric_type approximate_numeric_type
expression term factor primary literal
comparison_predicate column_alias column_identifier table_name
boolean_term boolean_factor boolean_primary predicate
selectsubs expression alias sub_query
statement_list statement select_statement alldistinct subselect
select_list table_reference_list optwhere optgroup opthaving
order_by_clause select_sublist
optunion optorder_by search_condition colnamelist column_name
table_reference table_name create_index_statement namelist
drop_index_statement allany create_view_statement drop_view_statement

keywords = """

puncts = """.,*;=<>{}()?+-/"""

# terminals user_defined_name, character_string_literal,
#    numeric_literal

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlgtest.py ===
"test parses for sql grammar"

test = [
"select a from x where b=c",
"select distinct x.a from x where x.b=c",
"select all a from x where b=c",
"select a from x, y where b=c or x.d=45",
"select a as k from x d, y as m where b=c",
"select 1 as n, a from x where b=c",
"select * from x",
"select a from x where b=c",
"select a from x where not b=c or d=1 and e=5",
"select a from x where a=1 and (x.b=3 or not b=c)",
"select -1 from x",
"select -1e6j from x",
"insert into table1 (a,b,c) values (-1e6+3j, -34e10, 56j)"

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlmod.py === (633/733 lines abridged)
"""Database modification statement semantics"""

import sqlsem

# ordering of ddef storage is important so, eg, index defs
# follow table defs.

class Ordered_DDF:
    """mixin for DDF statement sorting, subclass defines s.cmp(o)"""
    def __cmp__(self, other):
            #print "comparing", self.name, other.name
                sc = self.__class__
                oc = other.__class__
                #print sc, oc
                #print "punting 1", -1
                return -1
            if sc in ddf_order and oc in ddf_order:
                test = cmp(ddf_order.index(sc), ddf_order.index(oc))
                #print "ddforder", test
                if test: return test
                return self.cmp(other)
                test = cmp(sc, oc)
                #print "punting 2", test
                return test
            #import sys
            #print "exception!"
            #print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
            return -1
    def __coerce__(self, other):
        return (self, other)
    def cmp(self, other):
        """redefine if no name field"""
        return cmp(self.name, other.name)

CTFMT = """\
class CreateTable(Ordered_DDF):
   """create table operation"""
   def __init__(self, name, colelts):
       self.name = name

[-=- -=- -=- 633 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

       #print "bindings", dynbt.assns
       return dynbt # ??
class InsertSubSelect(sqlsem.SimpleRecursive):

   def __init__(self, subsel):
       self.subsel = subsel
   def initargs(self):
       return (self.subsel,)
   def __repr__(self):
       return "[subsel] %s" % (self.subsel,)
   def resultexps(self):
       # get list of result bindings
       subsel = self.subsel
       atts = self.subsel.attributes()
       # bind each as "result.name"
       exps = []
       from sqlsem import BoundAttribute
       for a in atts:
           exps.append( BoundAttribute("result", a) )
       return exps # temp
   def relbind(self, db):
       subsel = self.subsel
       self.subsel = subsel.relbind(db)
       # do nothing with domain for now
       #subsel_domain = subsel.domain()
       return self
   def eval(self, dyn=None):
       subsel = self.subsel
       rel = subsel.eval(dyn)
       tups = rel.rows()
       from sqlsem import BoundTuple ### temp
       from sqlsem import kjbuckets
       kjDict = kjbuckets.kjDict
       for i in xrange(len(tups)):
           tupsi = tups[i]
           new = kjDict()
           for k in tupsi.keys():
               new[ ("result", k) ] = tupsi[k]
           tups[i] = new
       return tups
# ordering for archiving datadefs
ddf_order = [CreateTable, CreateIndex, CreateView]

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlsem.py === (2850/2950 lines abridged)

""" sql semantics 

### trim unused methods.
### make assns use equivalence classes.

### maybe eventually implement disj-conj-eq optimizations

### note: for multithreading x.relbind(...) should ALWAYs return
###   a fresh copy of structure (sometimes in-place now).

### note: binding of order by is dubious with archiving,
###    should not bind IN PLACE, leave unbound elts alone!

### need to fix serialization/deserialization of btand and btor

# use kjbuckets builtin if available
    import kjbuckets
except ImportError:
    import kjbuckets0
    kjbuckets = kjbuckets0
Tuple = kjbuckets.kjDict
Graph = kjbuckets.kjGraph
Set = kjbuckets.kjSet

import sys, traceback
### debug
#sys.stderr = sys.stdin
# operations on simple tuples, mostly from kjbuckets
#def maketuple(thing):
#    """try to make a tuple from thing.
#       thing should be a dictionary or sequence of (name, value)
#       or other tuple."""
#    from types import DictType
#    if type(thing)==DictType:
#       return Tuple(thing.items() )
#    else: return Tuple(thing)
def no_ints_nulls(list):
    """in place remove all ints, Nones from a list (for null handling)"""
    tt = type
    nn = None
    from types import IntType
    count = 0
    for x in list:

[-=- -=- -=- 2850 lines omitted -=- -=- -=-]

       allrows = (kjSet(assns) - kjSet(rows)).items()
       return allrows
   op = "EXCEPT"
class Parse_Context:
   """contextual information for parsing
        p.param() returns a new sequence number for external parameter.
   # not serializable
   parameter_index = 0
   # no __init__ yet
   def param(self):
       temp = self.parameter_index
       self.parameter_index = temp+1
       return temp
   def ndynamic(self):
       return self.parameter_index
# update/delete/insert statements
import sqlmod
CreateTable = sqlmod.CreateTable
CreateIndex = sqlmod.CreateIndex
DropIndex = sqlmod.DropIndex
DropTable = sqlmod.DropTable
UpdateOp = sqlmod.UpdateOp
DeleteOp = sqlmod.DeleteOp
InsertOp = sqlmod.InsertOp
InsertValues = sqlmod.InsertValues
InsertSubSelect = sqlmod.InsertSubSelect
ColumnDef = sqlmod.ColumnDef
CreateView = sqlmod.CreateView
DropView = sqlmod.DropView

# update storage structures from gfdb0
import gfdb0
Add_Tuples = gfdb0.Add_Tuples
Erase_Tuples = gfdb0.Erase_Tuples
Reset_Tuples = gfdb0.Reset_Tuples
####### testing
# test helpers
#def tp(**kw):
#    return maketuple(kw)
#def st(**kw):
#    return BTPredicate(BoundTuple(r=kw))

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly/sqlwhere.py ===

'''this module indicates where the sql datastructures are marshalled
   Auto generated on install: better not touch!