[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/ContextWrapper/tests - testSimpleMethodWrapper.py:1.3

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 07:30:50 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/ContextWrapper/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv1415/lib/python/Zope/ContextWrapper/tests

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Refactored and improved quality and coverage of tests for ContextMethods.
Implemented ContextProperties in three flavours:

  ContextProperty:    gives both get and set methods a wrapped_self.

  ContextGetProperty: gives get method a wrapped_self,
                      leaves set method with a regular self.

  ContextSetProperty: leaves get method with a regular self,
                      gives set method a wrapped_self.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/ContextWrapper/tests/testSimpleMethodWrapper.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/lib/python/Zope/ContextWrapper/tests/testSimpleMethodWrapper.py:1.2	Mon Jun 10 19:29:25 2002
+++ Zope3/lib/python/Zope/ContextWrapper/tests/testSimpleMethodWrapper.py	Thu Oct 31 07:30:49 2002
@@ -22,66 +22,216 @@
 # However, this test suite can form the basis of a test for the improved C 
 # implementation, when that lands.
-from Zope.ContextWrapper import Wrapper, ContextMethod, wrapperTypes
+from Zope.ContextWrapper import \
+        Wrapper, wrapperTypes, ContextMethod, \
+        ContextProperty, ContextGetProperty, ContextSetProperty
 class NewStyleClass(object):
-    def thisIsAContextMethod(wrapped_self):
-        if type(wrapped_self) not in wrapperTypes:
-            raise AssertionError
+    result = None
+    def thisIsAContextMethod(wrapped_self, val=None):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self
+        return val
     thisIsAContextMethod = ContextMethod(thisIsAContextMethod)
-    def __call__(wrapped_self):
-        if type(wrapped_self) not in wrapperTypes:
-            raise AssertionError
+    def __call__(wrapped_self, a, b=None):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self, a, b
+        return a
     __call__ = ContextMethod(__call__)
-    def thisIsNotAContextMethod(self):
-        if type(self) in wrapperTypes:
-            raise AssertionError
+    def thisIsNotAContextMethod(self, val=None):
+        self.result = self
+        return val
+    def _getter(wrapped_self):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self
+        return True
+    def _setter(wrapped_self, value):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self, value
+    thisIsAContextProperty = ContextProperty(_getter, _setter)
+    thisIsAContextGetProperty = ContextGetProperty(_getter, _setter)
+    thisIsAContextSetProperty = ContextSetProperty(_getter, _setter)
+class NewStyleClassWithSlots(object):
+    __slots__ = ['result']
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.result = None
+    def thisIsAContextMethod(wrapped_self, val=None):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self
+        return val
+    thisIsAContextMethod = ContextMethod(thisIsAContextMethod)
+    def __call__(wrapped_self, a, b=None):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self, a, b
+        return a
+    __call__ = ContextMethod(__call__)
+    def thisIsNotAContextMethod(self, val=None):
+        self.result = self
+        return val
+    def _getter(wrapped_self):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self
+        return True
+    def _setter(wrapped_self, value):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self, value
+    thisIsAContextProperty = ContextProperty(_getter, _setter)
+    thisIsAContextGetProperty = ContextGetProperty(_getter, _setter)
+    thisIsAContextSetProperty = ContextSetProperty(_getter, _setter)
 class ClassicClass:
-    def thisIsAContextMethod(wrapped_self):
-        if type(wrapped_self) not in wrapperTypes:
-            raise AssertionError
+    result = None
+    def thisIsAContextMethod(wrapped_self, val=None):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self
+        return val
     thisIsAContextMethod = ContextMethod(thisIsAContextMethod)
     def __call__(wrapped_self, a, b=None):
-        if type(wrapped_self) not in wrapperTypes:
-            raise AssertionError
-        if a != 1:
-            raise AssertionError
-        if b != 2:
-            raise AssertionError
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self, a, b
+        return a
     __call__ = ContextMethod(__call__)
-    def thisIsNotAContextMethod(self):
-        if type(self) in wrapperTypes:
-            raise AssertionError
-class SimpleMethodWrapperTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testNewStyleClass(self):
-        newstyle = NewStyleClass()
-        wrapped = Wrapper(newstyle)
-        wrapped.thisIsAContextMethod()
-        wrapped.thisIsNotAContextMethod()
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, newstyle.thisIsAContextMethod)
-        wrapped()
-    def testClassicClass(self):
-        classic = ClassicClass()
-        wrapped = Wrapper(classic)
-        wrapped.thisIsAContextMethod()
-        wrapped.thisIsNotAContextMethod()
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, classic.thisIsAContextMethod)
-        wrapped(1,2)
-        wrapped(a=1, b=2)
-        wrapped(1, b=2)
+    def thisIsNotAContextMethod(self, val=None):
+        self.result = self
+        return val
+    def _getter(wrapped_self):
+        wrapped_self.result = wrapped_self
+        return True
+    # not using a setter, as this is a classic class, and so
+    # setting an attribute that is a property results in overwriting
+    # that property.
+    thisIsAContextProperty = ContextProperty(_getter)
+    thisIsAContextGetProperty = ContextGetProperty(_getter)
+class TestNewStyleClass(unittest.TestCase):
+    def createObject(self):
+        # to be overridden in tests that subclass this one
+        return NewStyleClass()
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestNewStyleClass, self).setUp()
+        self.obj = self.createObject()
+        self.wrapped = Wrapper(self.obj)
+        self.assertEqual(self.obj.result, None)
+    def testContextMethod(self):
+        value = object()
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped.thisIsAContextMethod(value), value)
+        self.assert_(self.obj.result is self.wrapped)
+        self.assertEqual(self.obj.thisIsAContextMethod(value), value)
+        self.assert_(self.obj.result is self.obj)
+    def testNotContextMethod(self):
+        value = object()
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped.thisIsNotAContextMethod(value), value)
+        self.assert_(self.obj.result is self.obj)
+    def testCall(self):
+        value_a = object()
+        value_b = object()
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.wrapped)
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped(value_a), value_a)
+        result_obj, result_a, result_b = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.wrapped)
+        self.assert_(result_a is value_a)
+        self.assert_(result_b is None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped(value_a, value_b), value_a)
+        result_obj, result_a, result_b = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.wrapped)
+        self.assert_(result_a is value_a)
+        self.assert_(result_b is value_b)
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped(value_a, b=value_b), value_a)
+        result_obj, result_a, result_b = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.wrapped)
+        self.assert_(result_a is value_a)
+        self.assert_(result_b is value_b)
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped(a=value_a, b=value_b), value_a)
+        result_obj, result_a, result_b = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.wrapped)
+        self.assert_(result_a is value_a)
+        self.assert_(result_b is value_b)
+    def testGetContextProperty(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped.thisIsAContextProperty, True)
+        self.assert_(self.obj.result is self.wrapped)
+    def testSetContextProperty(self):
+        value = 23
+        self.wrapped.thisIsAContextProperty = value
+        result_obj, result_value = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.wrapped)
+        self.assert_(result_value is value)
+    def testGetContextGetProperty(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped.thisIsAContextGetProperty, True)
+        self.assert_(self.obj.result is self.wrapped)
+    def testSetContextGetProperty(self):
+        value = 23
+        self.wrapped.thisIsAContextGetProperty = value
+        result_obj, result_value = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.obj)
+        self.assert_(result_value is value)
+    def testGetContextSetProperty(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.wrapped.thisIsAContextSetProperty, True)
+        self.assert_(self.obj.result is self.obj)
+    def testSetContextSetProperty(self):
+        value = 23
+        self.wrapped.thisIsAContextSetProperty = value
+        result_obj, result_value = self.obj.result
+        self.assert_(result_obj is self.wrapped)
+        self.assert_(result_value is value)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
+                          getattr, self.wrapped, 'noSuchAttribute')
+class TestNewStyleClassWithSlots(TestNewStyleClass):
+    def createObject(self):
+        return NewStyleClassWithSlots()
+class TestClassicClass(TestNewStyleClass):
+    def createObject(self):
+        return ClassicClass()
+    # setting properties doesn't work with classic classes
+    # so, disable those tests
+    def testSetContextProperty(self):
+        pass
+    testSetContextGetProperty = testSetContextProperty
+    testGetContextSetProperty = testSetContextProperty
+    testSetContextSetProperty = testSetContextProperty
 def test_suite():
-    return unittest.makeSuite(SimpleMethodWrapperTestCase)
+    return unittest.TestSuite((
+        unittest.makeSuite(TestNewStyleClass),
+        unittest.makeSuite(TestNewStyleClassWithSlots),
+        unittest.makeSuite(TestClassicClass)
+        ))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -89,3 +239,4 @@
     result = runner.run(test_suite())
     newerrs = len(result.errors) + len(result.failures)
     sys.exit(newerrs and 1 or 0)