[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/catalog/tests - test_catalog.py:

Anthony Baxter anthony@interlink.com.au
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 23:13:21 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/catalog/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv31466/tests

Modified Files:
      Tag: melb-2003-content-catalog-branch
Log Message:
ResultSet is now a class that implements the __iter__ protocol (and __len__).
It still does 'lazy loading' of the objects - if you get back 24,000 objects
and only load the first 20, the rest aren't brought into memory.

minor changes to test suite to match this.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/catalog/tests/test_catalog.py => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/catalog/tests/test_catalog.py:	Sat Jul 12 22:55:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/catalog/tests/test_catalog.py	Sat Jul 12 23:13:16 2003
@@ -176,15 +176,12 @@
         self.assertEqual(len(names), 2)
         self.assertEqual(names, ['bonobo', 'monkey'])
         res = catalog.searchResults(simiantype='punyhuman', name='anthony')
-        res = list(res)
         self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)
-        ob = res[0]
+        ob = iter(res).next()
         self.assertEqual((ob.name,ob.simiantype), ('anthony', 'punyhuman'))
         res = catalog.searchResults(simiantype='ape', name='bobo')
-        res = list(res)
         self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
         res = catalog.searchResults(simiantype='ape', name='mwumi')
-        res = list(res)
         self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, catalog.searchResults, 
                             simiantype='monkey', hat='beret')