[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/services/tests - test_surrogates.py:

Jim Fulton cvs-admin at zope.org
Thu Nov 13 12:32:59 EST 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/services/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11971/src/zope/app/services/tests

Modified Files:
      Tag: adaptergeddon-branch
Log Message:
Added tests for multi-adapters.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/tests/test_surrogates.py => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/tests/test_surrogates.py:	Wed Nov 12 15:08:13 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/tests/test_surrogates.py	Thu Nov 13 12:32:58 2003
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
     but not outside L1:
-    >>> G.queryAdapter(f0, IB1)
+    >>> G.queryNamedAdapter(f0, IB1, 'bob')
     Note that it doesn't override the non-local adapter:
@@ -354,9 +354,170 @@
+def test_multi_adapters():
+    """
+    Suppose we have a global SurrogateRegistry:
+    >>> G = SurrogateRegistry()
+    we also have a local surrogate registry, with G as it's base:
+    >>> L1 = LocalSurrogateRegistry(G)
+    and so on:
+    >>> L2 = LocalSurrogateRegistry(G, L1)
+    Now, if we declare an adapter globally:
+    >>> G.provideAdapter(IF1, IB1, [A11G], name='bob', with=(IR0,))
+    we can query it locally:
+    >>> f2 = F2()
+    >>> r = R1()
+    >>> a = L1.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A11G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A11G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    We can add local definitions:
+    >>> ra011 = Registration(required = IF0, provided=IB1, factory=A011,
+    ...                      name='bob', with=(IR0,))
+    >>> L1.createRegistrationsFor(ra011).activate(ra011)
+    and use it:
+    >>> f0 = F0()
+    >>> a = L1.queryMultiAdapter((f0, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A011'
+    >>> a.args == (f0, r)
+    True
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f0, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A011'
+    >>> a.args == (f0, r)
+    True
+    but not outside L1:
+    >>> G.queryMultiAdapter((f0, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    Note that it doesn't override the non-local adapter:
+    >>> a = L1.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A11G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A11G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    because it was more specific.
+    Let's override the adapter in L2:
+    >>> ra112 = Registration(required = IF1, provided=IB1, factory=A112,
+    ...                      name='bob', with=(IR0,))
+    >>> L2.createRegistrationsFor(ra112).activate(ra112)
+    Now, in L2, we get the new adapter, because it's as specific and more
+    local than the one from G:
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A112'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    But we still get the old one in L1
+    >>> a = L1.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A11G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    Note that we can ask for less specific interfaces and still get
+    the adapter:
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB0, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A112'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    >>> a = L1.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB0, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A11G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    We get the more specific adapter even if there is a less-specific
+    adapter to B0:
+    >>> G.provideAdapter(IF1, IB1, [A10G], name='bob', with=(IR0,))
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB0, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A112'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    But if we have an equally specific and equally local adapter to B0, it
+    will win:
+    >>> ra102 = Registration(required = IF1, provided=IB0, factory=A102,
+    ...                      name='bob', with=(IR0,))
+    >>> L2.createRegistrationsFor(ra102).activate(ra102)
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB0, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A102'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    We can deactivate registrations, which has the effect of deleting adapters:
+    >>> L2.queryRegistrationsFor(ra112).deactivate(ra112)
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB0, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A102'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB1, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A10G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    >>> L2.queryRegistrationsFor(ra102).deactivate(ra102)
+    >>> L2.queryAdapter(f2, IB0)
+    >>> a = L2.queryMultiAdapter((f2, r), IB0, 'bob')
+    >>> a.__class__.__name__
+    'A10G'
+    >>> a.args == (f2, r)
+    True
+    """
 def test_persistence():
@@ -590,6 +751,15 @@
 class IB1(IB0):
+class IR0(zope.interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class IR1(IR0):
+    pass
+class R1:
+    zope.interface.implements(IR1)
 class F0:

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