[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/security - globalmodules.zcml:1.1 configure.zcml:1.11

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Thu Jan 29 19:25:40 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/security
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28876/src/zope/app/security

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Add initial cut of global modules security declarations. These modules can
now be used in TTW code.

=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/app/security/globalmodules.zcml ===
<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">

  <!-- 4. String Services -->

  <module module="string">
    <allow attributes="ascii_letters ascii_lowercase ascii_uppercase digits
                       hexdigits letters lowercase octdigits punctuation
                       printable uppercase whitespace atof atoi capitalize
                       capwords expandtabs find rfind index rindex count lower
                       maketrans split splitfields join joinfields lstrip
                       rstrip strip swapcase translate upper ljust rjust
                       center zfill replace" />

  <module module="re">
    <allow attributes="compile I IGNORECASE L LOCALE M MULTILINE S DOTALL U
                       UNICODE X VERBOSE search match split findall finditer
                       sub subn" />

  <module module="struct">
    <allow attributes="pack unpack calcsize" />

  <module module="difflib">
    <allow attributes="SequenceMatcher Differ context_diff get_close_matches
                       ndiff restore unified_diff" />

  <module module="fpformat">
    <allow attributes="fix sci NotANumber" />

  <module module="StringIO">
    <allow attributes="StringIO" />

  <module module="cStringIO">
    <allow attributes="StringIO InputType OutputType" />

  <module module="textwrap">
    <allow attributes="wrap fill dedent TextWrapper" />

  <module module="codecs">
    <allow attributes="lookup getencoder getdecoder getreader
                       getwriter lookup_error BOM BOM_BE BOM_LE BOM_UTF8
                       BOM_UTF16 BOM_UTF16_BE BOM_UTF16_LE BOM_UTF32
                       BOM_UTF32_BE BOM_UTF32_LE" />

  <module module="unicodedata">
    <allow attributes="lookup name decimal digit numeric category
                       bidirectional combining mirrored decomposition
                       normalize unidata_version" />

  <module module="stringprep">
    <allow attributes="in_table_a1 in_table_b1 map_table_b2 map_table_b3 
                       in_table_c11 in_table_c12 in_table_c11_c12 in_table_c21
                       in_table_c22 in_table_c21_c22 in_table_c3 in_table_c4 
                       in_table_c5 in_table_c6 in_table_c7 in_table_c8 
                       in_table_c9 in_table_d1 in_table_d2" />

  <!-- 5. Miscellaneous Services -->

  <module module="unittest">
    <allow attributes="TestCase FunctionTestCase TestSuite TestLoader
                       defaultTestLoader TextTestRunner main" />

  <module module="math">
    <allow attributes="acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh degress exp fabs
                       floor fmod frexp hypot ldexp log log10 modf pow radians
                       sin sinh sqrt tan tanh pi e" />

  <module module="cmath">
    <allow attributes="acos acosh asin asinh atan atanh cos cosh exp log log10 
                       sin sinh sqrt tan tanh pi e" />

  <module module="random">
    <allow attributes="seed getstate setstate jumpahead randrange randint
                       choice shuffle sample random uniform betavariate
                       expovariate gammavariate gauss lognormvariate
                       normalvariate vormisesvariate paretovariate
                       weibullvariate WichmannHill whseed" />

  <module module="whrandom">
    <allow attributes="seed choice randint random seed uniform" />

  <module module="bisect">
    <allow attributes="bisect_left bisect_right bisect insort_left
                       insort_right insort" />

  <module module="heapq">
    <allow attributes="heappush heappop heapify heapreplace" />

  <module module="array">
    <allow attributes="array ArrayType" />

  <module module="sets">
    <allow attributes="Set ImmutableSet" />

  <module module="itertools">
    <allow attributes="chain count cycle dropwhile iffilter iffilterfalse imap
                       islice izip repeat starmap takewhile" />

  <module module="ConfigParser">
    <allow attributes="RawConfigParser ConfigParser SafeConfigParser
                       NoSectionError DuplicateSectionError NoOptionError
                       InterpolationError InterpolationDepthError
                       InterpolationSyntaxError MissingSectionHeaderError
                       ParsingError MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH" />

  <module module="calendar">
                       SUNDAY setfirstweekday firstweekday isleap leapdays
                       weekday monthrange monthcalendar prmonth month prcal
                       calendar timegm" />

  <module module="cmd">
    <allow attributes="Cmd" />

  <module module="shlex">
    <allow attributes="split shlex" />

  <!-- 6. Generic Operating System Services -->

  <module module="os.path">
    <allow attributes="abspath basename commonprefix dirname isabs join
                       normcase normpath split splitdrive splitext" />

  <module module="datetime">
    <allow attributes="MINYEAR MAXYEAR date time datetime timedelta tzinfo" />

  <module module="time">
    <allow attributes="acceot2dyear altzone asctime clock ctime daylight
                       gmtime localtime mktime sleep strftime" />

  <module module="sched">
    <allow attributes="scheduler" />

  <module module="getopt">
    <allow attributes="getopt gnu_getopt GetoptError error" />

  <module module="optparse">
    <allow attributes="OptionParser" />

  <module module="fnmatch">
    <allow attributes="fnmatch fnmatchcase filter" />

  <module module="gettext">
    <allow attributes="bindtextdomain textdomain gettext dgettext ngettext
                       dngettext " />

  <!-- 7. Optional Operating System Services -->

  <module module="zlib">
    <allow attributes="error adler32 compress compressobj crc32 decompress
                       decompressobj" />

  <module module="bz2">
    <allow attributes="compress decompress BZ2Compressor BZ2Decompressor" />

  <!-- 11. Internet Protocols and Support -->

  <module module="cgi">
    <allow attributes="parse parse_qs parse_qsl parse_multipart parse_header 
                       escape" />

  <module module="urllib">
    <allow attributes="urlopen urlretrieve _urlopener urlcleanup quote
                       quote_plus unquote unquote_plus urlencode pathname2url 
                       url2pathname URLopener FancyURLopener" />

  <module module="urllib2">
    <allow attributes="urlopen install_opener build_opener URLError HTTPError
                       GopherError Request OpenerDirector BaseHandler
                       HTTPDefaultErrorHandler HTTPRedirectHandler
                       ProxyHandler HTTPPasswordMgr
                       AbstractBasicAuthHandler HTTPBasicAuthHandler
                       ProxyBasicAuthHandler AbstractDigestAuthHandler
                       HTTPDigestAuthHandler ProxyDigestAuthHandler
                       HTTPHandler HTTPSHandler FileHandler FTPHandler
                       CacheFTPHandler GopherHAndler UnknownHandler" />

  <module module="httplib">
    <allow attributes="HTTP_PORT HTTPS_PORT HTTPConnection HTTPSConnection
                       HTTPResponse HTTPException NotConnected InvalidURL
                       UnknownProtocol UnknownTransferEncoding
                       UnimplementedFileMode IncompleteRead
                       ImproperConnectionState CannotSendRequest
                       CannotSendHeader ResponseNotReady BadStatusLine" />

  <module module="ftplib">
    <allow attributes="FTP all_errors error_reply error_temp error_perm
                       error_proto" />

  <module module="gopherlib">
    <allow attributes="send_selection send_query" />

  <module module="poplib">
    <allow attributes="POP3 error_proto" />

  <module module="imaplib">
    <allow attributes="IMAP4" />

  <module module="nntplib">
    <allow attributes="NNTP NNTPError NNTPReplyError NNTPTemporaryError
                       NNTPPermanentError NNTPProtocolError NNTPDataError" />

  <module module="smtplib">
    <allow attributes="SMTP SMTPException SMTPServerDisconnected
                       SMTPResponseException SMTPSenderRefused
                       SMTPRecipientsRefused SMTPDataError SMTPConnectError
                       SMTPHeloError" />

  <module module="telnetlib">
    <allow attributes="Telnet" />

  <module module="urlparse">
    <allow attributes="urlparse urlunparse urlsplit urlunsplit urljoin 
                       urldefrag" />

  <module module="Cookie">
    <allow attributes="CookieError BaseCookie SimpleCookie" />

  <module module="xmlrpclib">
    <allow attributes="ServerProxy boolean binary" />

  <!-- 12. Internet Data Handling -->

  <module module="formatter">
    <allow attributes="AS_IS AbstractFormatter AbstractWriter DumbWriter
                       NullFormatter NullWriter" />

  <module module="email">
    <allow attributes="message_from_file message_from_string" />

  <module module="mailcap">
    <allow attributes="findmatch getcaps" />

  <module module="mailbox">
    <allow attributes="UnixMailbox PortableUnixMailbox MmdfMailbox MHMailbox
                       Maildir BabylMailbox" />

  <module module="mhlib">
    <allow attributes="MH Folder Message" />

  <module module="mimetypes">
    <allow attributes="guess_type guess_all_extensions guess_extension" />

  <module module="multifile">
    <allow attributes="MultiFile" />

  <module module="rfc822">
    <allow attributes="Message AddressList quote unquote parseaddr
                       dump_address_pair parsedate parsedate_tz mktime_tz" />

  <module module="base64">
    <allow attributes="decode decodestring encode encodestring" />

  <module module="binascii">
    <allow attributes="a2b_uu b2a_uu a2b_base64 b2a_base64 a2b_qp b2a_qp
                       a2b_hqx rledecode_hqx rlecode_hqx b2a_hqx crc_hqx 
                       crc32 b2a_hex hexlify a2b_hex unhexlify Error 
                       Incomplete" />

  <module module="binhex">
    <allow attributes="binhex hexbin Error" />

  <module module="quopri">
    <allow attributes="decode encode decodestring encodestring" />

  <module module="uu">
    <allow attributes="encode decode Error" />

  <module module="xdrlib">
    <allow attributes="Packer Unpacker" />

  <module module="netrc">
    <allow attributes="netrc NetrcParseError" />

  <module module="robotparser">
    <allow attributes="RobotFileParser" />

  <module module="csv">
    <allow attributes="reader writer register_dialect unregister_dialect 
                       list_dialects DictReader DictWriter Dialect Sniffer
                       sniff has_header QUOTE_ALL QUOTE_MINIMAL
                       QUOTE_NONNUMERIC QUOTE_NONE Error" />

  <!-- 13. Structured Markup Processing Tools -->

  <module module="HTMLParser">
    <allow attributes="HTMLParser" />

  <module module="sgmllib">
    <allow attributes="SGMLParser" />

  <module module="htmllib">
    <allow attributes="HTMLParser" />

  <module module="htmlentitydefs">
    <allow attributes="entitydefs name2codepoint codepoint2name" />

  <module module="xml.parsers.expat">
    <allow attributes="ExpatError error XMLParserType ErrorString 
                       ParserCreate" />

  <module module="xml.dom">
    <allow attributes="registerDOMImplementation getDOMImplementation
                       XHTML_NAMESPACE" />

  <module module="xml.dom.minidom">
    <allow attributes="parse parseString" />

  <module module="xml.dom.pulldom">
    <allow attributes="PullDOM DOMEventStrem SAX2DOM parse parseString
                       default_bufsize" />

  <module module="xml.sax">
    <allow attributes="make_parser parse parseString SAXException
                       SAXParseException SAXNotRecognizedException
                       SAXNotSupprotedException" />

  <module module="xml.sax.handler">
    <allow attributes="ContentHandler DTDHandler EntityResolver ErrorHandler
                       feature_namespaces feature_namespace_prefixes
                       feature_string_interning feature_validation
                       feature_external_ges feature_external_pes all_features
                       property_lexical_handler property_declaration_handler
                       property_dom_node property_xml_string all_properties" />

  <module module="xml.sax.saxutils">
    <allow attributes="escape unescape quoteattr XMLGenerator XMLFilterBase
                       prepare_input_source" />

  <module module="xml.sax.xmlreader">
    <allow attributes="XMLReader IncrementalParser Locator InputSource
                       AttributesImpl AttributesNSImpl" />

  <!-- 15. Cryptographic Services -->

  <module module="hmac">
    <allow attributes="new" />

  <module module="md5">
    <allow attributes="new digest_size" />

  <module module="sha">
    <allow attributes="new blocksize digest_size" />


=== Zope3/src/zope/app/security/configure.zcml 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/security/configure.zcml:1.10	Wed Jan 14 17:55:23 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/security/configure.zcml	Thu Jan 29 19:25:40 2004
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   <include package=".registries" />
+  <include file="globalmodules.zcml" />
   <!-- Standard Permissions -->

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