[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/container - contained.py:1.12

Garrett Smith garrett at mojave-corp.com
Fri Mar 5 21:36:54 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/container
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30837/src/zope/app/container

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Log Message:
Indented sample code in doctests -- helps readability.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/container/contained.py 1.11 => 1.12 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/container/contained.py:1.11	Fri Mar  5 17:08:59 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/container/contained.py	Fri Mar  5 21:36:53 2004
@@ -95,90 +95,90 @@
     If the object implements IContained, simply set its __parent__
     and __name__ attributes:
-    >>> container = {}
-    >>> item = Contained()
-    >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo')
-    >>> x is item
-    1
-    >>> item.__parent__ is container
-    1
-    >>> item.__name__
-    u'foo'
+        >>> container = {}
+        >>> item = Contained()
+        >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo')
+        >>> x is item
+        True
+        >>> item.__parent__ is container
+        True
+        >>> item.__name__
+        u'foo'
     We have an added event:
-    >>> event.__class__.__name__
-    'ObjectAddedEvent'
-    >>> event.object is item
-    1
-    >>> event.newParent is container
-    1
-    >>> event.newName
-    u'foo'
-    >>> event.oldParent
-    >>> event.oldName
+        >>> event.__class__.__name__
+        'ObjectAddedEvent'
+        >>> event.object is item
+        True
+        >>> event.newParent is container
+        True
+        >>> event.newName
+        u'foo'
+        >>> event.oldParent
+        >>> event.oldName
     Now if we call contained again:
-    >>> x2, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo')
-    >>> x2 is item
-    1
-    >>> item.__parent__ is container
-    1
-    >>> item.__name__
-    u'foo'
+        >>> x2, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo')
+        >>> x2 is item
+        True
+        >>> item.__parent__ is container
+        True
+        >>> item.__name__
+        u'foo'
     We don't get a new added event:
-    >>> event
+        >>> event
     If the object already had a parent but the parent or name was
     different, we get a moved event:
-    >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo2')
-    >>> event.__class__.__name__
-    'ObjectMovedEvent'
-    >>> event.object is item
-    1
-    >>> event.newParent is container
-    1
-    >>> event.newName
-    u'foo2'
-    >>> event.oldParent is container
-    1
-    >>> event.oldName
-    u'foo'
+        >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo2')
+        >>> event.__class__.__name__
+        'ObjectMovedEvent'
+        >>> event.object is item
+        True
+        >>> event.newParent is container
+        True
+        >>> event.newName
+        u'foo2'
+        >>> event.oldParent is container
+        True
+        >>> event.oldName
+        u'foo'
     If the object implements ILocation, but not IContained, set it's
     __parent__ and __name__ attributes *and* declare that it
     implements IContained:
-    >>> from zope.app.location import Location
-    >>> item = Location()
-    >>> IContained.providedBy(item)
-    0
-    >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo')
-    >>> x is item
-    1
-    >>> item.__parent__ is container
-    1
-    >>> item.__name__
-    'foo'
-    >>> IContained.providedBy(item)
-    1
+        >>> from zope.app.location import Location
+        >>> item = Location()
+        >>> IContained.isImplementedBy(item)
+        False
+        >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo')
+        >>> x is item
+        True
+        >>> item.__parent__ is container
+        True
+        >>> item.__name__
+        'foo'
+        >>> IContained.isImplementedBy(item)
+        True
     If the object doesn't even implement ILocation, put a
     ContainedProxy around it:
-    >>> item = []
-    >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo')
-    >>> x is item
-    0
-    >>> x.__parent__ is container
-    1
-    >>> x.__name__
-    'foo'
+        >>> item = []
+        >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo')
+        >>> x is item
+        False
+        >>> x.__parent__ is container
+        True
+        >>> x.__name__
+        'foo'
     if not IContained.providedBy(object):

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