[Zope3-checkins] SVN: ldapauth/trunk/user.py Fixed two issues with LDAPPrincipal class:

Derrick Hudson dman at dman13.dyndns.org
Sat Feb 12 17:40:28 EST 2005

Log message for revision 29128:
  Fixed two issues with LDAPPrincipal class:
      1)  getLogin() method is missing
      2)  self.title is always the empty string
  The current solution for #2 is to use the login name as the title.  This
  should be more configuration, for example to use the 'cn' attribute from

  U   ldapauth/trunk/user.py

Modified: ldapauth/trunk/user.py
--- ldapauth/trunk/user.py	2005-02-12 22:39:03 UTC (rev 29127)
+++ ldapauth/trunk/user.py	2005-02-12 22:40:27 UTC (rev 29128)
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
     def __init__(self, login):
         self._id = login
         self.login = login
-        self.title = ''
         self.description = ''
     def _getId(self):
         source = self.__parent__
         auth = source.__parent__
@@ -41,3 +41,19 @@
         self._id = id
     id = property(_getId, _setId)
+    def _getTitle(self):
+        # Hmm, replace with DublinCore adapter!
+        #if hasattr(self, '_title') : return self._title
+        return self.login
+    def _setTitle(self, title) :
+        print "LDAPPrincipal %s was asked to set its title to '%s'" % \
+                                                              (self.id, title)
+    title = property(_getTitle, _setTitle)
+    def getLogin(self) : return self.login

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