[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/roger-contentprovider/src/zope/viewlet/ Work in progress: viewlet and viewletManager directives are on its way

Helmut Merz helmutm at cy55.de
Tue Oct 11 14:00:06 EDT 2005

Am Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2005 14:47 schrieb Stephan Richter:

> Great to see you working on this after the sprint. I hope to
> see more checkins from you in the future. :-)

Thanks - me, too ;-)  I'm working hard at devoting more time to 
Zope 3 (got a lot of motivation on the NeckarSprint).

But I also have to catch up with some other work...

Nevertheless I'd like to get the viewlet stuff clean this week.


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