[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex - Fixed typos.

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Wed Nov 7 05:47:45 EST 2007

Log message for revision 81583:
  - Fixed typos.
  - Fixed observation 2.4: CC 2.3 added new dependency to FMT_SMF.1

  U   Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex

Modified: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex
--- Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex	2007-11-07 09:57:24 UTC (rev 81582)
+++ Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex	2007-11-07 10:47:44 UTC (rev 81583)
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 permissions and privileges by developers and administrators, 2. the definition
 of users and groups and granting privileges to them for various objects by
 administrators and 3. the enforcement of those permissions during the runtime
-when an application is beeing used.
+when an application is being used.
 A summary of the TOE security functions can be found in Chapter ``TOE
 description''. A detailed description of the security functions can be found in
@@ -1142,6 +1142,25 @@
 \subsubsection{Class FMT: Security management}
+\minisec{FMT{\_}SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions}
+The TSF shall be capable of performing the following security management
+    \item Determine the behaviour of, disable, enable, and modify the
+behaviour of authentication functions.
+    \item Query, modify, delete, and add privilege grants.
+    \item Query, modify, delete, and add principals.
+    \item Query, modify, delete, and add groups.
@@ -1548,7 +1567,7 @@
 As Zope relies on Python and the host environment to provide reliable time
 stamps. Changes to the external clock are not audited within the system as we
-regard them as beeing out of scope.  Therefore external log mechanisms (such
+regard them as being out of scope.  Therefore external log mechanisms (such
 as syslog) should be consulted to detect those changes. (FPT{\_}STM.1)
@@ -1596,7 +1615,7 @@
 \chapter{PP claims}
-No PP compatibility is beeing claimed.
+No PP compatibility is being claimed.
@@ -1737,8 +1756,9 @@
 FIA\_USB.1                  & \oh  &              &         &           &          &             &              &              \\
 FMT\_MOF.1                  &      &              &         &  \oh      &          &             &              &              \\
 FMT\_MSA.1                  & \oh  &  \oh         &         &           &          &             &              &              \\
-FMT\_MSA.2                  &      &              &         &           &          &             &  \oh         &              \\  
+FMT\_MSA.2                  &      &              &         &           &          &             &  \oh         &              \\
 FMT\_MSA.3                  &      &              &         & \oh       &          &             &  \oh         &              \\
+FMT\_SMF.1                  &      &  \oh         &         &           &          &             &              &              \\
 FMT\_SMR.1                  &      &              &         &           &          &             &              &              \\
 FPT\_AMT.1                  &      &              &         & \oh       &          &             &              &              \\
 FPT\_RVM.1                  &      &              &         &           &  \oh     &             &              &              \\
@@ -1765,10 +1785,11 @@
 FIA\_UAU.6                  &   -- \\
 FIA\_UID.1                  &   -- \\
 FIA\_USB.1                  &   FIA\_ATD.1 \\
-FMT\_MOF.1                  &   FMT\_SMR.1 \\
-FMT\_MSA.1                  &   FMT\_SMR.1 \\
+FMT\_MOF.1                  &   FMT\_SMF.1, FMT\_SMR.1 \\
+FMT\_MSA.1                  &   FMT\_SMF.1, FMT\_SMR.1 \\
 FMT\_MSA.2                  &   ADV\_SPM.1, FMT\_MSA.1, FMT\_SMR.1 \\
 FMT\_MSA.3                  &   FMT\_MSA.1, FMT\_SMR.1 \\
+FMT\_SMF.1                  &   -- \\
 FMT\_SMR.1                  &   FIA\_UID.1 \\
 FPT\_AMT.1                  &   -- \\
 FPT\_RVM.1                  &   -- \\
@@ -1948,6 +1969,7 @@
 FMT\_MSA.1          &            &                &  \oh          &          & \oh           &                        &                    &                 &                    \\   
 FMT\_MSA.2          &            &                &               &          & \oh           &                        &                    &                 &                    \\   
 FMT\_MSA.3          &            &                &  \oh          &          & \oh           &                        &                    &                 &                    \\   
+FMT\_SMF.1          & \oh        &  \oh           &  \oh          &          & \oh           &                        &                    &                 &                    \\   
 FMT\_SMR.1          &            &                &  \oh          &          & \oh           &                        &                    &                 &                    \\   
 FPT\_AMT.1          &            &                &               &          &               &                        &                    &    \oh          &                    \\   
 FPT\_RVM.1          & \oh        &                &               &          &               &                        &  \oh               &                 &                    \\   
@@ -2070,6 +2092,13 @@
 different subsystems (\textbf{Authorization} and \textbf{Configuration})
 whenever a specific attribute would be used or defined.
+\minisec{FMT\_SMF.1 --- Specification of Management Functions}
+The specified management functions are implemented by the subsystems
+\textbf{Protection}, \textbf{Authentication}, \textbf{Authorization}, and
+\textbf{Configuration} as mentioned in FMT\_MSA.1 and FMT\_MOF.1.
 \minisec{FMT\_SMR.1 --- Security roles}
 The \textbf{Authorization} system resolves privileges that users hold into
@@ -2082,7 +2111,7 @@
 \minisec{FPT\_RVM.1 --- Non-bypassability of the TSP}
 The concept of the \textbf{Protection} system is to put a layer of protection
-around any object that is beeing accessed from an interaction. It is designed
+around any object that is being accessed from an interaction. It is designed
 in a transitive manner that it will not allow any computation to bypass it.
 \minisec{FPT\_SEP.1 --- TSF domain seperation}

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