[Zope3-dev] Service - Utility - Utensil - Fork - Food - Chocolate - Candy...darn, now I'm hungry!

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:06:22 +0100

From: "Jim Fulton" <jim@zope.com>
> You mean acquisition. Yes, acquisition is a useful feature of Zope 2
> that will be available in Zope 3. Acquisition will usually be used
> in a far more explicit manner in Zope 3 than in Zope 2.

I think thats excellent. It's a but too magic in Zope 2.

> See if
> helps.

Maybe. It now seems to me that the difference between services and utilities
are that services are built in to Zope, while Utilities you import. I don't
think thats a distinction that is necessary to have different words for.

In the config file it says "<utility component=" and "<feature component=",
and I guess a service would require a "<service component=" too. This, I
assume, would mean that Zope for some reason does different things when
registering these components. Maybe it would help if I understood these

I now hear a little Yoda in the back of my head saying "Use the source,
Lennart, use the source!" :-)
You don't have do explain (unless it's trivial) but if somebody told me
where in the code to look that would speed things up a bit, and I'll read it
and see if that makes me understand.

> There is no "Postal" object in the tutorial. What class are you refering
> to?

The "stubpostal", "IPostal" and "ContactCityState" stuff.