[Zope3-dev] Bringing the name game to a close, for now

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 20:52:35 +0100

Jim Fulton wrote:
[snip benevolent dictator]

Okay, as what happens with any benevolent dictators, we'll be nipping
at the edges. Well, at least I will in this reply. :)

> Here are my pronouncements:

[feature to adapter, even though it conflicts with intent in GoF]
>   Here is the "Intent" from the GoF pattern:
>    Convert the interface of a class into another interface
>    clients expect.  Adapter lets classes work together that
>    couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.

Hm, but how does this conflict with the what we're using adapters for
in Zope?

> - In the interest of consistency and brevity, and because we're 
>   having to change words anyway, we'll rename
>   "presentation" to "view".

No problem here.

> - In the interest of my sanity, sorry, we're going to keep
>   "service" and "utiity" for now and endevor to make then
>   clearer through better documentation and examples.
>   I am confident that the distinction we're making between
>   service and utility is valid and useful. Over time we may
>   convince others, or be convinced to remove the distinction.

Okay, and whenever anyone asks us to explain we'll simply tell them
they're core services versus custom services and they'll grasp what
we're on about. ;)

Anyway, as long as the difference is made clear to quite a few of us
I'm fine with any distinction, and I'm glad that further clarifying this
is the goal. Don't worry, we'll keep reminding you the goal wasn't reached yet.

[snip naming conventions]

I'd like to point out that the services versus utility thread wasn't
all about naming only; I don't think the naming discussions were
exclusively about naming. They were about trying to gain an understanding
of the architecture, and of course since humans are language-users and
software has a lot to do with language and communication, we need good names.

So we can expect to see future 'naming' discussions again, which will 
in fact be design or architecture discussions.

