[Zope3-dev] Axe DTML Document

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 00:05:04 +0100

From: "Lalo Martins" <lalo@hackandroll.org>

> We're talking about "documents" here - meaning, any content body
> not complex enough to justify its own component class.
> bacause if you can't represent your data in, say,
> StructuredText, then it's *NOT* a Document, but a component
> deserving its own class.

It's the other way aruond. A document can have *arbitrarily* complex
content. Thats what makes it different from other types of data. Other types
of data has a more or less fixed structure. Documents can be anything from
one-liners to multi-dimensional cross-media information.