[Zope3-dev] Re: New Pyskel changes

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 01:39:32 -0400

>>>>> "JH" == Jeremy Hylton <jeremy@zope.com> writes:

    JH> I don't like the old behavior.  If I had to choose between the
    JH> "See IHere" docstring and no docstring at all, I'd prefer no
    JH> docstring.  The "See IHere" version just adds clutter.  The
    JH> interface being implemented is already named in the comment.
    JH> Why would I need a docstring to reinforce that?

Good question!  I agree that I'd rather see no docstring than a "see
here" docstring.  The only bit of information I lose is what methods
are part of which interfaces and which are perhaps implementation
specific.  I'd rather see pyskel do something like

    class Blah:
	__implements__ = (IFoo, IBaz)

	# IBaz.IBaz methods

	def ...

	# IFoo.IFoo methods

	def ...

	# Implementation specific methods

	def ...
