[Zope3-dev] spelling of namespace signifiers

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Wed, 05 Jun 2002 14:38:44 -0400

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>>I'll express my interpretation of the above in Python:
>>parts = traversed_name.split('--', 1)
>>if len(parts) == 2:
>>     namespace, name = parts
>>     namespace, name = 'content', traversed_name
>>Is that your interpretation? 
> No. The part before the first -- is the namespace and the
> part after the first -- is the name.

Uh, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I said.

>>Unfortunately, "--" can appear in lots of
>>valid filenames, especially since it's the standard ASCII representation
>>of long hyphens.
> I've never seen it in any. Have you?

No.  I'm not a good sample, though. ;-)

>>Here are my thoughts:
>>1) Our story is that the namespace qualifier isn't necessary for
>>non-containerish objects, and necessary for containerish objects.
> It's not necessary for containerish objects if the item and view namespaces
> don't overlap.

It's necessary for Zope's basic Folder type, which can hold any name.  I 
assume we're keeping it.

>>3) Therefore views intended for non-containerish objects can't be used
>>on containerish objects.  But views intended for containerish objects
>>can be used anywhere.
> No, you just have to spell the URLs differently.

Relative URLs are embedded in the views, aren't they?  If so, views 
intended for non-containerish objects can't be used on folders.
