[Zope3-dev] test failures

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 09:40:53 +0100

Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> I've noticed a couple of test failures today with CVS Python on
> Linux.  Tim reports the same failures (and more) on Windows.


>   File "/usr/home/jeremy/src/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Security/Checker.py", line 114, in check
>     raise ForbiddenAttribute(name)
> ForbiddenAttribute: next

The problem is caused because while type(iter(())) is the same as 
type(iter([])) in Python 2.2.1, there is a new listiterator type in 
Python 2.3.-1.

I've added a new checker for type(iter([])) that allows access to 
'next', as the checker for type(iter(())) does.

This fixes those two ForbiddenAttribute errors, and the tests pass.

Steve Alexander