[Zope3-dev] ? vs $

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 14:31:31 -0400

>>>>> "JPS" == Jeffrey P Shell <jeffrey@cuemedia.com> writes:

    JPS> I agree.  But I think it could be more useful (potentially)
    JPS> to use the String expression syntax, and to run a path
    JPS> through the String expression engine before doing traversal.

I agree.  I'd like to see Steve's example written like:

    | <tr tal:repeat="jobid context/getApprovedIds">
    |      <td>
    |      <a href="jobid" tal:attributes="href jobid">
    |      <span tal:replace="context/?jobid/summary">A job summary</span></A>
    |      </td>
    | </tr>


    |      <span tal:replace="python:path('context/%s/summary' % jobid)">
    |        A job summary</span></A>


    <tr tal:repeat="jobid context/getApprovedIds">
	<a href="jobid" tal:attributes="href jobid">
	<span tal:replace="context/$jobid/summary">A job summary</span></a>

If you're worried about colliding with identifiers that start with $,

    <span tal:replace="context/${jobid}/summary">...

Probably a low likelihood of collisions (and if so, use $$ to
disambiguate).  I think it's more important to make similar operations
look similar so it's clear at first glance what the intention is.
