[Zope3-dev] Job Board Example

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 23:19:33 -0400

>>>>> "GvR" == Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> writes:

    GvR> Well, Google has a translation into "Elmer Fudd".  See
    GvR> http://services.google.com/tcbin/tc.py?cmd=status -- it's a
    GvR> Python script, although a buggy one -- 103% complete?!?!

Now would that be language code `ef' or `bb'? :)

    GvR> Too late, I already removed it. :-)


    GvR> Done.  The example is so small it's not really needed.
    GvR> However for many translations with similar-sounding English
    GvR> versions I wasn't sure what they stand for (and I spent hours
    GvR> today hacking the code :-).

I'm have an internal debate about using implicit vs. explicit message
ids.  GNU gettext has a strong preference towards implicit msgids,
especially because for explicit msgids, you need a third piece of
information in the .po file, the original source message.  Otherwise
it's difficult to know what to put in the msgstr.  Improving the tools
(e.g. talgettext.py which generated the original en/*/jobboard.po
file) would help, and moving to a full web-based translation service
as Stephan is developing would go a long way toward making explicit
msgids more manageable.

    >> - Use msgfmt to generate the jobboard.mo file from the newly
    >> translated jobboard.po file.

    GvR> That was the only clue I was really missing (I found it
    GvR> minutes before your email arrived :-).


    GvR> I now get this too.  I'm clueless in this part of Zope, so
    GvR> I'll leave it to you & Stephan.
