[Zope3-dev] The Date Time and TimeZone question

Tim Peters tim@zope.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 20:02:20 -0500

[Tim opined]
> ... suppose there may even be a platform C library so broken that
> mktime() doesn't even work before 1970, although I'm not aware of
> any specific one).

Hmm.  The docs for MSVC 6 say:

    mktime handles dates in any time zone from midnight, January 1, 1970,
    to January 18, 19:14:07, 2038.  ...

I'm pretty sure I pushed it back to 1900 in a previous life, and it worke=
fine (although it returned (time_t)-1 then; it still did the weekday etc
calculations OK).

    When specifying a tm structure time, set the tm_isdst field  ...
    to a value less than zero to have the C run-time library code
    compute whether standard time or daylight savings time is in effect.
    (The C run-time library assumes the United States=92s rules for
    implementing the calculation of Daylight Saving Time).

Oh, ya -- that's a great building block <wink>.