[Zope3-dev] How does Zope.Configuration work?

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:26:58 -0500

I wanted to better understand what all the directives in .zcml files
meant.  I assume they are connected to specific class / methods /
functions in the Zope package.  So when I write <zmi:factoryFromClass
...> this is in some way connected to some code in Zope.App.ZMI

Assuming this model is correct, how does the implementation connect
directives to code?  I've been trying to read the xmlconfig code, but
I find it hard going.  I'm not too familiar with XML handling code and
there seems to be a lot of abstraction / indirection.  Could someone
offer some hints about what's going on?  I'd be happy to turn them
into some comments or a doc string for the benefit of future readers.
