[Zope3-dev] Re: Number of languages in Zope 3

Evan Simpson evan@4-am.com
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 19:50:02 -0500

Evan Simpson wrote:
> implying placefullness, which is the whole raisin d'eater of that 

Just in case anyone was wondering, "raisin d'eater" is an evanism of 
"raison d'être".  Faux dictionary entry follows:

evanism \EH-vuh-niz-uhm\, noun:
The whimsical substitution of english sound-alike words for non-english 
words in a common phrase when such a phrase, written properly, would 
contain letters that appear to be sweating, wearing a funny hat, or 
being menaced by hovering dots.

It should be noted that I am quite aware that I am not the inventor of 
evanisms, nor am I even responsible for the first use of the particular 
evanism "raisin d'eater" (although I was *not* aware of specific prior 
uses at the time I first posted).  Google informs me that the likely 
coiner of this particular phrase is one T. Calvin, writing in June of 
1997.  I say to T. Calvin: "Hah! Claim it if you can -- Calvinism is taken!"

So there.


Evan @ 4-am