[Zope3-dev] Installing Zope3 and Zwiki

PieterB PieterB <pieterb@gewis.nl>
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 13:23:20 +0200 (CEST)

I succesfully installed Zope3 and Zwiki. For more information see
my http://radio.weblogs.com/0122770/2003/04/22.html

Some remarks:
- I suggest to make the Makefile echo a cheerfull line such as 'Zope
  3 is build succesfully. Continue with editing principals.zcml and

- I couldn't find a decent way to shutdown Zope 3, so I used kill
  on the Python PID. Will there be some zopectl for Zope3?

- There is no way to login other than to specify some URL that
  requires authentication, e.g. ++etc++site

On remark about Zwiki and mailing. I was surprised that the notification
worked out of the box, i didn't need to specify a MailHost. In wikipage.py

        server = smtplib.SMTP(self.host, self.port)
        server.sendmail('wiki@zope3.org', emails, msg)

I think Zope 3 should also use a component for (asynchronous) sending
e-mail, rather than letting each application use smtplib. The
component can then be configured to use a mailhost, and to use an
appropriate domainname.
