[Zope3-dev] zope3-dev proposal on changing implicitly calling

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Wed, 06 Aug 2003 12:12:55 +0100

Steve Alexander wrote:

>> if isintance(r,MethodType):
>>    return r()
> Getting the __class__ attribute works as expected in the presence of 
> proxies. isinstance will work properly in the presence of proxies only 
> in Python 2.3. This code can be simplified when Python 2.3 is required 
> for Zope 3.

I could have sworn Jim said it was already...

>> Well, do all object implement traversable adapters? I would haev 
>> thought most would just use the default traverser? In that case, 
>> wouldn't you need to implemetn a traverser if you wanted traversal 
>> from that object to the next name in the path to not have the result 
>> of traversing that name being called?
> The default traverser only calls MethodType things. It doesn't call 
> anything else.

Indeed, so if you had something else, or say a method htat took some parameters, 
you'd have to write a traversal adapter for it, right?

