[Zope3-dev] Using parent references rather than context wrappers to represent containment

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Sun Aug 10 11:22:23 EDT 2003

This would be a proposal in the Zope 3 Wiki, if the Zope 3 wiki was writable.

   Status: IsWorkInProgress




     Zope organizes objects into a containement hierarchy.  Zope uses
     this organization to share information among objects, including:

     - Software and configuration settings

     - Security statements

     The sharing of information in a containment hierarchy mirrors the
     sharing of information of information on class hierarchies
     (directed acyclic graphs if we're being fussy).

     The use of containment hierarchies to help organize information
     has served Zope very well.

     The original technology for sharing information in containment
     hierarchies in Zope was Acquisition.  Acquisition allowed
     attributes to be be looked up in containment hierarchies in much
     the same way that they are looked up in inheritance hierarchies.
     Acquisition was implemented using wrappers.  An acquisition
     wrapper contains a reference to the object wrapped object
     ('aq_self') and to the object the wrapped was accessed through
     ('aq_parent').  A wrapper-based approach was used to avoid
     circular references. Acquisition was originally implemented for
     Python 1, which lacked a cyclic garbage collector.

     Zope's acquisition facility was highly automated. Acquisition
     wrappers were created whenever a Zope object was accessed as an
     attribute of another Zope object.  Zope programmers rarely had to
     create acquisition wrappers manually. When an object method was
     called, the method was bound to the acquisition wrapper.  Object
     methods had full access to acquisition.  This high degree of
     automation made acquisition quite ubiquitious and and easy to use
     in Zope 2.

     Acquisition did have some disadvantages:

     - The commonly used form of acquistion was "implici"t acquisition.
       With implicit acquisition, a normal attribute access was
       satisfied through acquisition if it could not be satisfoed
       through inheritence. This was actually a feature most of the
       time. It mad efinding information easy. Unfortunately, it was
       too easy and powerful. You'd sometimes get information you
       didn't expect.

     - Wrappers obscure object identity and type.  When wrappers are
       widely used, it becomes harder to test an object's identity
       because a wrapper has a different identity than the object it
       wraps. Similarly, whille wrappers have a different
       type. Software that introspects an object's type can be confused
       by wrappers.

     - Acquisition required a special meta class.  The implementation
       of acquisition relied on a special meta class, Extension Class.
       This meta class was used throughout Zope for other reasons, such
       as providing type class unification and persistence, so this was
       not a burden in Zope 2.

     - Acquisition wrappers added a number of specialized attributes to
       the objects that they wrapped. Some of these, namely 'aq_self'
       and 'aq_base', introduced security problems.

     Zope 3 doesn't use Zope 2's acquisition mechanism for a number of

     - While Zope 3 still uses a containment hierarchy to share
       information, it uses far more explicit lookup algorithms:

       o An API call is required to look up an object using containment.

       o There are different APIs for looking up different kinds of
         objects, For example, services are looked up with a different
         API than views are looked up.

     - Zope 3 seaks to be as open and inclusive of other Python
       software as possible.  We don't require Zope-specific mix-in
       classes. We don't require objects to implement specific APIs to
       be usable in Zope 3. We are certainly unwilling to require
       specialized meta classes.

       We are trying hard not to cause surprises for the Python

     Zope 3 does use a wrapper-based model for sharing information.
     Zope 3 has "context wrappers":

     - Wrappers are not created automatically when an attribute is
       accessed. Wrappers are only created automatically dureing URL
       traversal.  They must be created manually at other times.

       To the degree that creation of wrappers is automated, we provide
       the automation externally to the wrapped objects.

     - Wrappers don't provide any attributes that can be accessed
       directly. Rather API's are used to access wrapper information.

     - When calling a method on a wrapped object, the method isn't
       bound to a wrapped object unless the method is marked as a
       context-aware method.

     Difficult to maintain context information

       Zope 3 context wrappers are far more explicit that Zope 2
       acquisition wrappers, or, in other words, Zope 3 context wrappers
       are far less automated than Zope 2 acquisition wrappers. This
       presents some risk.  There is a danger that Zope 3 code will
       become littered with excess context-wrapper manipulation code.

       Early on, it appeared that creating context wrappers through
       traversal would be sufficient.  Views and adapters, created
       externally to objects were given context wrapped objects and,
       this, have full and sufficiently automatic access to context
       information. As Zope 3 software has become more sophisticated,
       however, the level of automation provided by context wrappers
       seems to be less adequate:

       - More sophisticated and more zope-specific content objects need
         access to context information.  This has been especially true of
         "meta content" objects, like services and the objects that
         support them.

       - As object's became more sophisticated other access meachanisms
         other than URL traversal became common.  When objects are
         accessed in other ways, context wrappers aren't created
         automatically. Access methods must create the wrappers, which
         can become quite burdonsome.

       An added challenge is that context management must be complete.
       Context wrappers must be maintained throughout the
       chain. Consider three objects, A, B and C, such that B is
       contained in A and C is contained in B.  Suppose we access B
       through A and C through B.  If a context wrapper is created for
       C in B but not for B in A, many context dependent operations on
       the resulting context-wrapped C will fail.

       Bugs in context management are hard to debug and are
       increasingly common.

     Context wrappers complicate object references

       Containment is just one of many interesting relationships that
       can exist between objects.  We often need to model other forms
       of relationship between objects. There are two common ways to
       think about this:

       - Direct associations between objects.  Associations are model
         as direct references between objects. Containment is one form
         of association.

         We don't want to mix up containment with other associations.
         In Zope 2's Acquisition model, all associations were treated
         as containment.  To avoid this, we made it difficult to store
         references to objects obtained from elsewhere by making.

       - Relations betweed objects.  Relations model relationships
         between objects externally to the objects.  A "relation" is a
         set of such relations. Each entry in the relation is a "tuple"
         (not to be confused with Python tuples) containing the related
         objects. For example, we might have a table that models a
         relation. Each entry in the table includes references to the
         related objects along with additional data about the

       Historically, we tried to prevent storing acqusition wrappers in
       object attributes to prevent circular references.  We did this
       by making acquisition wrappers non picklable. Thus, an error
       would occur if someone tried to store an acquisition wrapper in
       a persistent object.  We retained this limitation in context

       The inability to implement non-containment relationships through
       direct references between objects has led to the use of object
       identifiers of various forms.  Objects don't refer to other
       object's directly. Rather, objects store identifiers of objects
       they refer to. When they want to get to the referenced object,
       they must somehow evaluate the identifier.

       The most common form of identifier is an object path.  Such
       references are similar to unix symbolic links and have the same
       strengths and weaknesses.  References can become stale if a
       referenced object is moved or deleted.

       An alternative to storing paths directly is to use an object
       directory, called an "object hub" to keep track of object
       locations. Refering objects store a hub ID. When they need to
       accessed a referenced object, they ask the hub to get the
       objects associated with a hub id. The hub looks up the object
       path and used the path to look up the object.  The hub has the
       responsibility for tracking the current location of the
       object. With a suitable notification system, the hub can keep
       the location of the object up to date.  In this way, an object
       reference is not broken when an object is moved, although it may
       still be broken if an object is deleted.

       The use of indirect references betwen objects introduces
       referential integrity issues with solutions that are similar to
       those found in relational databases.

       Certainly, the use of indirect references introduce significant
       complexity and overhead into applications.  Direct references
       would be simpler and more efficient in many ways.

       Fortunately, with the advent of Python 2, we are free to create
       circular references between objects.  Python's cyclic garbage
       collector will still be able to free unuded objects.

       Note that ZODB has always mitigated circular reference problems
       among saved persistent objects. Cycles are broken when
       participating objects are deactivated after periods of unuse.
       Cycles are not broken among objects that haven't been stored in
       the database, however, and among non-persistent objects.

       Also note that new ZODB storages will benefit from a lack of
       cycles among objects. These newer storages use reference
       counting to speed detection of objects that can be removed from
       the database, obviating the need for heavy pack operations. For
       this reason, avoidence of large amounts of cyclic garbage is
       worthwhile. This is why we have gone to great lengths to avoid
       cycles in our BTree implementation.

     Parent references considered desireable

       It would appear that a simpler and more direct approach to
       maintaining containment relationships is to actuallt store
       references to containers in contained objects.  I've considered
       this for some time. Guido van Rossom suggested it on a number of
       occasions. Recently, Phillip Eby suggested it on the zope3-dev
       mailing list:


       This spured much comment favorable to at least trying this

       Using parent references has several obvious issues:

       - It introduces circular references. As noted above, this is not
         much of an issue, especially for Python 2.

       - It makes it impossible for an object to be contained in
         multiple containers.   After some debate, it appears that this
         is a feature. In general, people don't really want an object
         to have multiple containers. People do want to be able to
         reference an object from multiple places, but these references
         need not be containment references.  There is a strong desire
         to be able to mirror an object system to a file-system through
         various forms of file-system synchronization or
         representation. Because file-stems are hierarchical,
         synchronization is simpler if there if the object system is
         hierarchical.  Containment relationships provide a basis for
         such a hierarchy. (Conceiveably, applications could employ
         additional or alternative hierarchies.

       - The most significant problem with requiring parent references
         is that it adds a requirement for objects to be used in Zope.  I
         *really* don't want to require zope-specific interfaces for an
         object to be usable in Zope.  It appears that this problem can
         be mitigated using decorators that wrap objects and provide
         the extra information. Unlike acquisition and context
         wrappers, these decorators must be picklable, as they are
         stored in referncing objects.

   Prototyping parent references

     To pursue the idea of using direct parent references instead of
     context wrappers to represent containment relationships, a
     prototype effort is underway.   This prototype effort has
     uncovered additional issues that need to be resolved.

     Progress to date

       To begin with, an IContained interface was defined::

         class IContained(Interface):
             """Objects contained in containers

             __container__ = Attribute("The container")

             __name__ = schema.TextLine(
                 """The name within the container

                 The container can be traversed with this name to get
                 the object.  """)

       Three implementations of this interface were provided:

       - A (trivial) mix-in class for content objects that need to
         access their containment context.

       - A decorator that can wrap non-context-aware objects. The
         decorator manages the '__container__' and '__name__'
         attributes for objects that haven't been modified to support

       - Context wrappers were extended to implement 'IContained'.

       Having context wrappers implements `IContained` allows the
       interface to be used to introspect the containement relationship
       regardless of whether it is implemented through direct
       references or through context wrappers,  Anything that needs to
       search containment context uses this common interface.

       All code that searches context has been modified to use the
       IContained interface. Doing so has revealed a number of issues.

       There are facilities for supporting context sensitivity through
       context-aware methods. These facilities are unnecessary with
       direct parent references.  Classes for context-aware context
       objects were modified to implement 'IContained' and were
       modified to not use context methods.

       Note that, context wrappers are still used for objects that are
       traversed to, but not stored, most notably, for views.

   Issues uncovered so far

     A number of issues have been uncovered by the prototype effort to

     1. It isn't enough for contained objects to implement IContained.
        Containing objects need to manage the '__container__' and
        '__name__' attributes.  In addition, containers need to assure
        that contained items implement 'IContained', wrapping objects
        in contained proxies as necessary.  As with context wrappers,
        it's essential that this be done consistently. It's not enough
        for a container to satisfy this requirement if one if it's
        containers does not.

        It appears that 'IContainer' should be expanded to collaborate
        with 'IContained'.  At first, this seems a bit onerous,
        however, 'IContainer' is already a Zope-specific interface, so
        perhaps this isn't such a problem.

     2. Context wrappers have evolved to provide more than context
        management. They provide dictionaries that can be used for
        caching. They also provide support for context aware
        decoration. When we create a context wrapper for an object, we
        do so through adaptation. Specialized adapters for containers
        provide support for generating expected events when containers
        are modified.

        With the move toward parent references, context wrappers are
        not used in many places there were used before.  It no longer
        seems appropriate to rely on context decorators to ensure that
        necessary modification events are generated.

        Three posible ways to generate modification events are:

        a. Move the responsability for generating modification events
           back to applicatin code (views or or adapters used by views).

        b. Add the responsability for for generating modification
           events to IContainer.  This begins to make 'IContainer' a much
           richer interface than might be appropriate. There might be
           some interest in using the containment framework outside of
           Zope, where requiring Zope's event framework might be a

        c. Continue the use of a decorator model, but decouple
           decorating for the purpose of supporting the Zope application
           framework from decoration to support context management.

     3. It would be useful to unify the context managemnt used by views
        and the 'IContained' framework. It would simplify matters if
        one accessed the context of a view the same way one accessed an
        object's container.  This would avoid the need to put context
        wrappers around views.

        Right now, we require views to provide a context attribute.

        We could:

        a. Optionally allow views to implement 'IContained'.
           We could encourage this, for example, by modifying
           'BrowserView' to implement 'IContained'. Views would still
           be required to provide a context attribute.

        b. Require views to implement 'IContained'.  At this point, it
           wouldn't make sense to require a 'context' attribute.

           If we do this, does it makse sense to name the attribute
           '__container__'?   Would '__parent__' be better?
           '__context__'? Would we need to rename the the assiated ZPT

     4. The attributes defined by 'IContained' need to accessable
        through security proxies.  I think that these attributes should
        be unconditionally accessable in all objects.

   Comment desired!

     I'd really like to get comment on the issues above.  Absent,
     comment, here is how I'm thinking of resolving these issues:

     1. Add responsability for collaborating with 'IContained' to

     2. Move responsability for generating modification events for
        containers back to application code.

     3. Optionally allow vies wo implement 'IContained' and add
        'IContained' support to BrowserView.

     4. Modify the security framework to allow access to
        '__container__' and '__name__'.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at zope.com       Python Powered!
CTO                  (703) 361-1714            http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org

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