[Zope3-dev] Re: i18n domains vs. unique message ids -OR- whyShakespearean English was better

Martijn Faassen faassen at vet.uu.nl
Wed Aug 20 15:16:57 EDT 2003

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> I might want to write the above directive this way:
>  <browser:editform name="edit">
>    <schema src="some.schema"/>
>    <label msgid="my-form-msg-id" text="Default form label"/>
>    <menu id="menu_id" msgid="my-menu-msg-id" text="Default menu title"/>
>  </browser:editform>

Note that an XML design pattern is to avoid putting human-readable text
in attributes. That is, text that passes along to some user interface or
readable document format or whatnot would need to be element content:

<browser:editform name="edit">
   <schema src="some.schema"/>
   <label msgid="my-form-msg-id">Default form label</label>
    <menu id="menu_id" msgid="my-menu-msg-id">Default menu title</menu>

> but I'd rather ignore implementation issues for now.

Thinking about the semantics without worrying about implementation issues
is indeed important if you're going to design a decent XML schema.

The [] thing that now got implemented cannot so easily be dealt with (extracted,
transformed, parsed) with XML tools, which is a shame. It even has its
own non-XML escaping rules, I believe. If we're going to use XML then make 
it good XML, otherwise, what's the point of using XML in the first place?



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