[Zope3-dev] Re: ZCML

Martijn Faassen faassen at vet.uu.nl
Tue Aug 26 23:31:22 EDT 2003

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> It might be nice to write that like this:
> mapper(name="foo", parent="bar"):
>     serializer(name="baz", factory="zope.baz.factory")
>     gateway(name="baz", factory="zope.xyz.factory")
> However, I didn't think that was different enough from XML to justify 
> the extra work.  I'd have to document it.  Someone else has probably 
> already done it, too.  (If not, someone should. ;-) )

Yes, a number of efforts. This discusses a few:


SLiP in particular is close.

YAML is likely also interesting to explore here. It's not so much syntax
related, but it's basically "Why don't you use use Python/Perl/etc lists
and tuples and hashes and dicts and so on instead?" taken a few steps further.

If instead you want to treat XML as a bunch of objects, there are a number
of such efforts in Python. There's eXist, ElementTree, the Gnosis XML
tools, various systems which exploit schema information (GenerateDS, anobind)
and so on.



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