[Zope3-dev] ComponentLookupError

Joel Boehland joel@memes.com
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 19:18:53 -0800

I am new to this list, and new to zope3. 
  I have just started exploring the code 
and documentation while trying to "grok" 
how zope3 works.  Anyhow, this is just a 
long way of saying that I'm not a 
hard-core developer, and if this isn't 
the proper forum, just point me to the 
right place.

On with the question. :-)
So I have the latest zope3 from cvs as 
well as the alpha that was released a 
couple weeks ago. In both of them, when 
browsing to the /manage url, using the 
following browsers:
1. Linux (RH 7.2) + Mozilla 1.0 
(Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; 
rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020607)
2. Linux (RH 7.2) + Netscape 4.78
3. W98 + IE 5.5

I get an error page:

Traceback (innermost last):

     * Module zope.publisher.publish, 
line 129, in publish
     * Module zope.publisher.browser, 
line 609, in traverse
     * Module zope.publisher.http, line 
435, in traverse
     * Module zope.publisher.base, line 
234, in traverse
     * Module 
line 56, in traverseName
     * Module 
zope.app.traversing.namespace, line 71, 
in namespaceLookup
     * Module 
zope.app.traversing.namespace, line 228, 
in view
     * Module zope.component, line 106, 
in getView
     * Module zope.component.view, line 
61, in getView

ComponentLookupError: (<security proxied 
instance at 0x8aacc64>, 'contents.html', 
<type 'type'>)

However, It works fine when browsing 
from W2000 + IE 5.5. For some reason 
returns null when requesting from the 
above browsers. I tried running zope 
under pdb, and stepped through a couple 
good and bad requests, but couldn't see 
why it happens. Anyhow, I'm mostly just 
curious as to why a null view is 
returned when using these browsers 
(although it would be nice to test out 
the managment interface under 
linux/mozilla). Thanks for any 
help/pointers anyone provides.
