[Zope3-dev] needing views clues - template/title troubles

Troy Farrell troy@entheossoft.com
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 10:30:37 -0600

This is not about developing Zope 3.  This is about a new user's 
experience.  If you don't have time for this, press delete now.

Greetings zopethreestas.
Having heard much of Z3 and planning developement using it in the 
future, I decided to give it a whirl.  I cvs co'd Zope3 last night and 
got it running.  I tried a few things that seemed familiar from Z2. 
Files and images are neat and worked fine.  Next up was pagetemplates.

I remember in an email from Steve A that 'here' had become 'context', so 
that wasn't a problem.  I decided to start with one line :)  The problem 
came in the form of a NotFoundError when I tried this and only this in a 

<span tal:content="context/title"/>

That didn't work, so I tried

<span tal:content="template/title"/>

I know that both the container (a folder) and this template have a 
title.  From browsing source and seeing lots of @@somethingHere (not to 
mention all the ++etc++Services that keep showing up :), I've deduced 
that I need to be able to use a @@somethingHere, but I have no clue what 
a @@somethingHere is.  I was wondering if a kind soul could point me in 
the right direction.  If I'm asking in the wrong place or at the wrong 
time, let me know.
