Better access to APIs in paths (was Re: [Zope3-dev] needing viewsclues - template/title troubles)

Shane Hathaway
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:14:02 -0500

Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 02:13  AM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> I also want to clarify that in this syntax, you're not allowed to use 
>> a  namespace qualifier for the first name in the path.  The first name 
>> must be a local or global variable (just like today).  So 
>> "dc:context/title" is not allowed, but something like 
>> "context/zope:services/events/dc:title" is allowed and probably > common.
> I originally started with "context/dc:title", but added more magic by 
> making the namespaces map to a ZPT expression type (so it could be 
> done). But this is probably silly since you then have to make sure so 
> twonk tries to to map XPATH to the 'path' prefix... Although 
> tal:content="dc:title" looks nicer... so I'm confused.

It's not explicit enough.  You could mean context/dc:title, 
container/dc:title, template/dc:title, etc.

> One issue I just thought of - how does this map to METAL? If we allow 
> the 'namespace prefixes' to be changed
> in the TAL, this could change the interpretation of the macro so that 
> instead of the Dublin Core title being
> rendered, some other bit of metadata called title is. Is this a feature?

No, and now I realize why I envisioned the implementation differently 
from Evan.  I don't think of "dc" as a variable name, I think of it as a 
namespace abbreviation.  "dc" would be expanded to a namespace when the 
template is compiled.  So you'd always get the Dublin Core title.
