[Zope3-dev] Python 2.2 or 2.3?

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 06 Jan 2003 21:25:21 -0500

> When is Python 2.3 final due?  Before or after the second Zope 3x alpha?

Read PEP 283.  Quoting from the latest version:

    There will be at least two alpha releases, two beta releases, and
    one release candidate.  Alpha and beta releases will be spaced at
    least 4 weeks apart (except if an emergency release must be made
    to correct a blunder in the previous release; then the blunder
    release does not count).  Release candidates will be spaced at
    least one week apart (excepting again blunder corrections).

    Based on the first alpha release, which was made on Dec. 31, 2002,
    here's a fairly aggressive release schedule that follows the above

      alpha 2  --  late January
      beta 1   --  late February
      beta 2   --  late March
      rc 1     --  late April
      final    --  early May

> If the final will be released by the second Zope 3 alpha then I
> think it makes sense to switch development now.  FWIW, that's also
> my selfish desire.

I think Jim's plan for Zope3 is more aggressive than a second alpha by
early May... :-)

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)