[Zope3-dev] Other (than GET and POST) HTTP Methods

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Wed, 08 Jan 2003 11:40:17 -0500

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> In special cases, you *can* distinguish WebDAV from browser GETs (using 
> user-agent sniffing, IP address sniffing, special URLs, or custom 
> headers), so it should be possible, but not required, to accept WebDAV 
> and browser requests on the same port.

BTW I just thought of a great way to accept WebDAV and browser requests 
on the same port: use virtual hosting.  Let's say I'm running 
"www.example.com".  Both "www.example.com" and "dav.example.com" map to 
the same host and port, but Zope examines the "host" header to decide 
whether to interpret it as a DAV request or a browser request.

That would work really well, I think.  No firewall troubles, no need to 
run multiple processes or ports, no confusion over whether the request 
is WebDAV or not.  Now I feel dumb for not having thought of it before. 
  It's blazingly easy. :-)
