[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app - configure.zcml:1.27 meta.zcml:1.13

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred@zope.com
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 12:15:11 -0400

Stephan Richter writes:
 > okay, I actually hooked up the vocabulary directive and registry, so that 
 > we can do actual useful things with vocabularies. 

Not all uses need the registry, though many of the more interesting
things will require that.  Vocabulary configuration via ZCML certainly

 > I also had to fix a call that could not be run due to a context wrapper, so
 > I had to remove all proxies, which is probably not the right thing to do.
 > Fred, could you look at this?

Seems reasonable to me, since we're getting another wrapper layered on
by the "outer" getView().

 > Finally, it seems that I am the first one that seriously plays with 
 > vocabularies, since it is impossible that vocabularies are usable as they 
 > were before this checkin. Furthermore, many parts of the framework are in 
 > a sorry state; for example the widget for the IVocabularyField requires 
 > really an implementation of ITokenizedVocabularyField and ITokenizedTerm. 
 > Why? This beats the heck out of me.

The tokens are needed by widgets; this is a widget requirement, not a
vocabulary requirement.  Just use the tokenized form of terms, and
you're set.  There's no need for another type of field.

 > I really thought that after so many people told me they studied 
 > vocabularies and that I should have a look, that they also wrote some semi-
 > serious code in it. But this cannot have been the case. I think studying
 > means "I read the docs." in this case.
 > Vocabularies are definitely not in a ready state for the first beta and
 > need to be added to the to do. (I will do that, as soon as I have the bug 
 > tracker setup.)

We (Casey, Chris, Gary and myself) used several vocabularies for a
project, and developed some rather elaborate widget support for those
vocabularies.  The caveat is that we weren't exactly working with Zope
3, but a Zope 2 + Zope 3 hybrid, so anything related to security and
proxies in the vocabulary code is suspect.  (That's also why there
isn't anything done about security.)

So we have used it extensively, but not "out of the box."  We're
looking forward to your corrections and bug reports.

 > Finally, I will check in some code tomorrow, which demonstrates how 
 > vocabularies work, in one of the most common use cases (in my opinion).

Looking forward to it!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation