[Zope3-dev] State of Virtual Hosting

Marius Gedminas mgedmin@centras.lt
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 18:16:24 +0300

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On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 12:44:32PM +0300, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> Here's what I use for zope3-checkins on codeworks.lt [1]

The missing footnote:
  [1] that site is currently frozen and is likely to move soon

>   RewriteRule ^/zope3-checkins(/?.*) http://localhost:3080/zope3-checkins=
/++vh++http:www.codeworks.lt:443/zope3-checkins/++$1 [P,L]

Should be

  RewriteRule ^/zope3-checkins(/?.*) http://localhost:3080/zope3-checkins/+=
+vh++http:www.codeworks.lt:80/zope3-checkins/++$1 [P,L]

I copied the https rule and changed the protocol, but forgot to update the =
port number.

Marius Gedminas
Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised)
are called hardware; those program instructions that you can only curse
at are called software.
                -- Levitating Trains and Kamikaze Genes: Technological
                   Literacy for the 1990's.

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