[Zope3-dev] Service names Proposal

Gregoire Weber gregoire.weber@switzerland.org
Wed, 05 Mar 2003 10:00:06 +0100

>Nouns derived from verbs, for providing the means to do something
>    Authentication, EventSubscription, EventPublication, ErrorCollection
>                                       EventDispatch
>or perhaps the participal form of the verb
>    Authenticating, EventSubscribing, EventPublishing, ErrorReporting
>                                                       ErrorLogging
>or perhaps the infinitive of the verb
>    Authenticate, SubscribeEvents, PublishEvents, ReportErrors
>                                                  LogErrors
>Godefroid was in favour of some kind of grammatical consistency, on the
>grounds that it helps new developers build a mental model of the framework.
>Or, we could decide that grammatical consistency isn't so important after=
 all, and go for the best of the bunch. My own selection of the best is:
>    Authentication, EventSubscription, EventDispatch, ErrorLogging
>These are the names that I feel best reflect what services the services
>provide to the code that uses them.
>I prefer EventDispatch over EventPublication because it is shorter, and
>because I think users of the service want to dispatch the event to that
>service. The service itself does the publishing.
>By analogy with something in the real world, if I write a book, I dispatch=
 the finished manuscript to my publisher, who does the actual publishing. My=
 publisher receives mail, and so provides me with the means to dispatch=
 manuscript to them.
>However, I'm also happy with EventPublication, so Gary, please speak up if=
 you're very much against EventDispatch.
>---- proposal --------8<-----
>So, here's my proposal: clarity is more important than consistency.
>    Authentication, EventSubscription, EventDispatch, ErrorLogging
>Steve Alexander

Sorry about beeing late in the discussion. What about=20

    Authenticater (-1), EventSubscriber (-1), EventDispatcher (-0),=
 ErrorLogger ?

Authenticater sounds a little strange in my ears. I'm not sure about=20
if the above gramatical forms exist and make sense in Zope3.

Gr=E9goire Weber