[Zope3-dev] Plugin?

Chris Withers lists at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Apr 1 16:16:47 EST 2004

Martijn Faassen wrote:

> It fails the 'application' test.
> This application consists of plugins for Zope 3.
> This framework consists of plugins for Zope 3.
> Plone consists of plugins for Zope 3.

For me, these are all true...

> I don't think people want to develop applications that are then 
> considered to be just plugins for the Zope 3 system. 

Well, I think the difference depends on the app. If the app imports bits of Zope 
3 and uses them, I'd say it is an app that uses bits of Zope.

If the app is installed into a standard Zope installation, then I'd say it is a 

Take for example KPT in Photoshop. KPT works in a number of graphics programs, 
Adobe being one of them. It is used as an app by people, but it is still 
referred to as a plugin without people misunderstanding...

> 'package' (or Zope package) 
> doesn't. Distribution doesn't either.

Indeed. I see package as the clear winner so far. And I really feel Zope 
packages should BE python packages with a lump of zcml that tells zope how to 
use them when they're added to Zope's central config file, whatever that is called.

BTW, Twisted has already had success with exactly this approach! With the 
plugins architecture, as used by, for example, twistd. A "plugin" is a python 
package that has a "plugins.tml" file in it.

> We wouldn't be very happy if Linux applications or Windows applications 
> were called 'Windows/Linux addons/plugins/extensions' (or distributions 
> of multiple such things) either.

Internet Explorer anyone? *extra wry grinz*



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