[Zope3-dev] apidoc is crowling outside my Zope3 root?

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Thu Apr 1 21:27:13 EST 2004

On 04/01/04 19:42, Stephan Richter wrote:
> This is because Mount.py requires Acquisition to be there. Shrug. Why in the 
> world is this there? I noticed it before, but was able to work around. 
> Once zope.app.advanced is removed, I will tell the code crawler not to look at 
> Mount.py.

Mount.py is a remnant from Zope 2.6.  In Zope 3 (and maybe Zope 2.8), I 
expect it to be replaced with cross-database persistent weak references. 
  That's a mouthful, but it's a much nicer concept than mounting 
databases.  Such an entity would be able to cross database boundaries 
while failing gracefully if the other database isn't available.  It also 
doesn't rely on __of__.


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