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Ian Beatty beatty at physics.umass.edu
Wed Apr 28 12:11:19 EDT 2004

On 2004-04-28 11:45 AM, Jim Fulton is reputed to have said:

> If you actually worked through the previous parts of the tutorial,
> it shouldn't be black magic.

Sorry. The only way I really learn this stuff is by trying to do something,
and digging through the tutorials and references looking for examples that
are similar to my goal. I read over most of it first, but not everything
sticks on the first pass.

And I'm trying to reconcile differences between the Cookbook, Tutorial, and
Short Tutorial, figuring out which work and which are "out of sync", which
approaches are to preferred over others, etc.

Just the usual new-framework learning curve, I guess.

> What part of this is magic?  It's all very explicit.

No, not "magic", just complex and quite different from Zope 2. I've sat
through graduate-level physics lectures that were very explicit --
everything was precisely defined -- but the whole, and the implications of
the various statements, still took a lot of time to grasp.

I hope it's not too long before Z3 stabilizes enough for some thorough
references to be written -- for example, definitive documentation of the
legal tags and attributes in zcml and their purposes. In Java work, I
absolutely depend on JavaDocs.

Thanks for responding! I'll keep digging.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty                           beatty at physics.umass.edu
Physics Education Research                    voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics                           fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts              AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-9337 USA       http://umperg.physics.umass.edu/
-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --

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