[Zope3-dev] Store information to principals

Kapil Thangavelu hazmat at objectrealms.net
Sat Aug 21 02:21:27 EDT 2004

On Aug 19, 2004, at 12:36 PM, Florian Lindner wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to store further information to principals, like email or 
> homepage.
> How can I achieve this in the best way?

using the principal annotation service

> Can it be done through a web interface?

you'd have to make one, zope3 is very much python developer oriented at 
this stage.

>  What is the PrincipalAnnotation
> Utility doing?

its storing annotations ( transparent property bags) in a 
service/utility (the distinction between the two, imho was always 
weak.) keyed by the principal id. via the annotations/property bag you 
can store arbitrary persistent properties on the annotation like 

> Or do I need to create a new principal object? (subclass of
> zope.app.services.pluggableauth.SimplePrincipal?)

if you have specialized needs beyond the attribute storage covered 
above maybe.

> At a later point a principal should be able to create user groups 
> (groups of
> other principals). How would you do that?

give them the appropriate permissions.

> I'm not expecting complete implementations here (altough I'd be happy 
> about
> it) but I need some information to start (like what Interfaces to 
> subclass
> and implement).

untested, but something along the lines of the following might suffice.

from zope.app import zapi
from persistence.dict import PersistentDict

app_namespace = "http://my.example.com/principal_properties"
app_homepage_key = "homepage"

# some class method, where self is context wrapped

def store_homepage( self, principal, homepage ):
     annotation_service = 
zapi.getService(zapi.servicenames.PrincipalAnnotation, self)
     annotations = annotation_service( principal.id )
     app_annotations =  annotations.setdefault(  app_namespace, 
     app_annotations[ app_homepage_key ] = homepage


Kapil Thangavelu <hazmat at objectrealms.net>       Vision Implemented
objectrealms.net <http://www.objectrealms.net>

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