[Zope3-dev] Store information to principals

Kapil Thangavelu hazmat at objectrealms.net
Sat Aug 21 10:05:35 EDT 2004

On Aug 21, 2004, at 9:27 AM, Florian Lindner wrote:

> Am Samstag, 21. August 2004 08:21 schrieben Sie:
>> On Aug 19, 2004, at 12:36 PM, Florian Lindner wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I want to store further information to principals, like email or
>>> homepage.
>>> How can I achieve this in the best way?
>> using the principal annotation service
> Ok, thats what I thought.
>>> Can it be done through a web interface?
>> you'd have to make one, zope3 is very much python developer oriented 
>> at
>> this stage.
> Ok.
>>>  What is the PrincipalAnnotation
>>> Utility doing?
>> its storing annotations ( transparent property bags) in a
>> service/utility (the distinction between the two, imho was always
>> weak.) keyed by the principal id. via the annotations/property bag you
>> can store arbitrary persistent properties on the annotation like
>> homepage.
>>> Or do I need to create a new principal object? (subclass of
>>> zope.app.services.pluggableauth.SimplePrincipal?)
>> if you have specialized needs beyond the attribute storage covered
>> above maybe.
>>> At a later point a principal should be able to create user groups
>>> (groups of
>>> other principals). How would you do that?
>> give them the appropriate permissions.
> I don't really understand how want to do that with permission. Can you 
> explain
> a little detailed?

the zope3 security model is similiar to zope2 afaics, principals map to 
roles, and roles map to permissions. permissions guard access to 
attributes, including those to create other principals (although from 
the code it looks like you can grant principals permissions directly 
but its not exposed through the ui) . so if you setup a principal auth 
service, and a principal source within it you can then add new 
principals ttw. then to selectively give the ability to create 
principals to to others users you would grant them the appropriate role 
with the appropriate permission (for example "Manage Principals").

>>> I'm not expecting complete implementations here (altough I'd be happy
>>> about
>>> it) but I need some information to start (like what Interfaces to
>>> subclass
>>> and implement).
>> untested, but something along the lines of the following might 
>> suffice.
>> from zope.app import zapi
>> from persistence.dict import PersistentDict
>> app_namespace = "http://my.example.com/principal_properties"
>> app_homepage_key = "homepage"
>> # some class method, where self is context wrapped
>> def store_homepage( self, principal, homepage ):
>>      annotation_service =
>> zapi.getService(zapi.servicenames.PrincipalAnnotation, self)
>>      annotations = annotation_service( principal.id )
>>      app_annotations =  annotations.setdefault(  app_namespace,
>> PersistentDict)
>>      app_annotations[ app_homepage_key ] = homepage
> What type is zapi.getService returning? I have't found in the apidoc. 
> Is it a
> zope.app.principalannotation.interfaces.IPrincipalAnnotationService?


> What is type annotations?

its a mapping.

> How do I need to register this component with ZCML?

the annotation stuff is built in, afaics.

> How to create a Webinterface for the ZMI to change the annotations? 
> With
> schema like ContentObjects?

i dunno..  i suppose it would depend on the application.. perhaps just 
map some views onto a containment based principal source and its 


Kapil Thangavelu <hazmat at objectrealms.net>       Vision Implemented
objectrealms.net <http://www.objectrealms.net>

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