[Zope3-dev] Re: Moving more stuff to zope.products

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Thu Feb 5 05:43:27 EST 2004

>> From a philosophical point of view, content objects are custom to any 
>> application. I have application where I never need Folder, File or 
>> weird (forbidden?) stuff like Templated Page. Thus, one could argue 
>> that all optional stuff belongs in zope.products, not in the core.
> It's a bit hard to imagine a Zope without folder.

It's hard to imagine Zope without a *container*... :) But ok, I can see 
why folders should maybe remaing a part of zope.app. The other stuff 
should move to zope.products, though.

Btw, I also feel kind of strongly about making Templated Page and Python 
Page (and possibly Catalog!) separate from the other 'sane' content 
objects, such as File, Image, etc. *and* disable them by default. If 
people do not want to disable them by default, it should at least be a 
matter of one line in products.zcml to disable them.

We could make two packages in zope.products:

- zope.products.basiccontent or defaultcontent
- zope.products.codecontent


- zope.products.content
- zope.products.content.code

I prefer the first one, mainly because of the hierarchy depth and the 
hierarchy straight-forwardness (interfaces, browser, etc.)


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