[Zope3-dev] apidoc (and notfound) break the introspector 'modify' button

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Mon Feb 9 22:50:21 EST 2004

At the moment, the 'introspector' modify button gives an error, 
AttributeError: 'Implements' object has no attribute 'names' 
from line 184 of zope/app/introspector.py

Modifying the code like so:

--- introspector.py     21 Nov 2003 17:10:44 -0000      1.19
+++ introspector.py     10 Feb 2004 03:34:19 -0000
@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@
         results = []
         iservice = getService(self.context, Interfaces)
         for id, interface in iservice.items(base=base):
+            if not hasattr(interface, 'names'):
+                print "no names", interface
+                continue
             if base in interface.__bases__ and not interface.names():

produces the following output:

no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.zcmlmodule.Directive> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.utilitymodule.Utility> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.APIDocumentation> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.servicemodule.Service> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.classmodule.ClassModule> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.servicemodule.Service> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.utilitymodule.Utility> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.utilitymodule.UtilityModule> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.zcmlmodule.ZCMLModule> 
no names <implementedBy zope.products.apidoc.viewmodule.ViewModule> 
no names <implementedBy zope.publisher.interfaces.NotFound> 

Looking further - the above are all of type 
while everything else is of type

The error is because Implements doesn't have a 'names' method.

I'm not sure if it's the introspector or the code doing the 
provideInterface that's doing the wrong thing here.


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