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The Life of a Request






    Contributor Level  


    - You should be well-familiar with the Zope 3 framework.

    - Having a general idea of internet server design is also very


    When developing Zope 3 applications, the coder is commonly dealing
    with the 'request' object to create views without thinking much
    about the details on how the request gets into the view and what happens
    with the response that is constructed in it. And this is fine, since it
    is often not necessary to know. But sometimes one needs to write a custom
    server or change the behavior of the publisher. In these cases it is good
    to know the general design of the Zope servers and publishers. This
    recipe takes you on the journey through the life of a request using the
    browser (special HTTP) request as an example.  


  What is a Request

    The term "request" appears often when talking about Zope 3. But what
    is a request? In technically concrete situations we usually refer to
    objects that implement 'IRequest' . These objects are responsible to
    embed protocol-specific details and represent the protocol semantics to
    provide them for usage by presentation components.

    It is not enough to only think of request objects. For me, anything
    that the client sends to the server after connection negotiations is
    considered a request. So on the very lowest level, when the user agent
    (in this case the classic Web browser) sends the HTTP string::

    GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
        it could be considered a request (raw) as well.

  Finding the Origin of the Request

    Now that we have an idea what the request is, let's take a more
    technical approach and find out how connections are handled technically
    and how a request is born in the midst of much redirection and many
    confusing abstraction layers.

    When a server starts up, it binds a socket to an address on the
    local machine 'bind(address)' ) and then starts to listen for
    connections by calling 'listen(backlog)' . When an incoming
    connection is detected, the 'accept()' method is called, which
    returns a connection object and the address of the computer to which the
    connection was made. All of this is part of the standard Python 'socket' 
    library and is documented in 'zope.server.interfaces.ISocket' 

    The server, which is mainly an 'IDispatcher' implementation, has a
    simple interface to handle the specific events, by calling its
    corresponding 'handle' method. A complete list of all events that
    are managed this way is given in the 'IDisplatcherEventHandler' 
    interface. So when a connection comes in, 'handle' is called, which
    is overridden in the 'zope.server.serverbase.ServerBase' class
    around line 130. This method tries to get the connection by calling 'accept()' 
    (see previous paragraph). If the connection was successfully created, it
    is used to create a 'ServerChannel' , which is the next level of
    abstraction. Most of the other dispatcher functionality is provided by
    the standard 'async.dispatcher' , which fully implements 'IDispatcher' 

    At this stage the channel is taking over, which is just another
    dispatcher. So the channel starts to collect the incoming data (see 'received(data)' 
    ) and sends it right away to the request parser, which is an instance of
    a class specified as 'parser' . Obviously, this class will be
    different for every server implementation. The way the parser functions
    is not that important. All we have to know is that it implements 'IStreamConsumer' 
    , which has a way of saying when it has completed parsing a request. Once
    all of the data is received, the 'IServerChannel' method 'receivedCompleteRequest(req)' 
    is called, whose goal is to schedule the request to be executed. But only
    one request of the channel can be running at a time. So if the cahnnel is
    busy, then we need to queue the request, until the running task is

    Whenever the channel becomes available (see 'end' , the next request
    from the queue is taken and convered to an 'ITask' object. The task
    is then immediately sent to the server for execution using 'IServer.addTask(task)' 
    . There it is added to a task dispatcher (see 'ITaskDispatcher' ),
    which schedules the task for execution. But why all this redirection
    through a task and a task dispatcher? Until now, all the code ran on a
    single thread. But in order to scale the servers better and to support
    long-running requests without blocking the entire server, it is necessary
    to be able to start several threads to handle the requests. It is now up
    to the 'ITaskDispatcher' implementation to decide how to spread the
    requests. Theoretically, it could even consult other computers to execute
    a task. By default, we use the 'zope.server.taskthreads.ThreadedTaskDispatcher' 
    though. Using its 'setThreadCount(count)' method, the Zope startup
    code is able specify the maximum amount of threads running at a time.

    Once, it is the task's turn to be serviced, the task dispatcher
    calls 'ITask.service()' which should finally execute the request.
    Specifically, when the 'HTTPTask' is serviced, the method 'executeRequest(task)' 
    of the 'HTTPServer' is called. The 'zope.server.http.publisherhttpserver.PublisherHTTPServer' 
    , which is the one used for Zope 3, creates a 'IHTTPRequest' object
    from the task and publishes the request with 'zope.publisher.publish(request)' 
    . The server has an attribute 'request' in which the request class
    that is used to create the request is stored.

    So what did the system accomplish so far? We have taken an incoming
    connection, read all the incoming data and parsed it, scheduled it for
    execution and finally created a request that was published with the Zope
    3 publisher. Except for the last step, there was nothing Zope-specific
    about this code, so that all of this could be replaced by any other Web
    server, like Twisted.

    ** Diagram of interactions and sequence diagram. **

  The Request and the Publisher

    With the birth of the request and its start to walk the path of a
    request's life by entering the publisher using 'zope.publisher.publish.publish()' 
    , it also enters a Zope-pure domain. In fact, Zope does not really care
    how a request was created, as long as it implements 'IRequest' . For
    example, when functional tests are executed, they create the request
    purely from fictional data and pass it through the publisher to analyze
    the response afterwards.

    From a high-level point of view, the publisher's 'publish()' method
    is responsible of interpreting the request's information and case the
    correct actions. It starts out by traversing the given object path to an
    actual object, then call the desired method and finally writing the
    result in the response. Everything else in this method is about handling
    errors and exceptions as well as providing enough hooks for other
    components to step in.

    The 'publish()' method is so central to the entire Zope 3 framework,
    that we will now go through it very carefully trying to understand each
    step's purpose. Whereever necessary we will take a rest and examine side
    paths closer. It might be of advantage to open the 'zope.publisher.publish' 
    module at this point, so that it is easier to follow the text.

    The work of the 'publish()' method starts with a infinite
    while-loop. The first step inside the loop is to get the publication.

    The publication provides the publisher with hooks to accomplish
    application-specific tasks, related to data storages, transactions and
    security. The default implementation is 'DefaultPublication' , which
    is located in 'zope.publisher.base' and can be used by software that
    do not make use of the entire Zope framework. For Zope 3, however, there
    is a specific Zope implementation in 'zope.app.publication.zopepublication' 

    Now, wrapped inside three 'try/except' statements, we tell the
    request to look at its data and process what every needs to be processed.
    In the case of a browser request, like the one we use as example, the 'processInputs()' 
    tries to parse all HTML form data that might have been sent by the
    browser and convert it to Python objects.

    The next step is to convert the request's object path to an object,
    a process known as traversal. Besides calling all the event-hooks, the
    first step of the traversal processs is to determine the application or,
    in other words, the object root. For a common Zope 3 installation, the
    application is of course the root of the ZODB. Then we use the request's
    'traverse(object)' method to get to the desired object. Let's have a
    closer look at this method for the 'BrowserRequest' .

    First of all we notice that the 'BrowserRequest' 's traverse method
    does not do any of the heavy lifting, but only covers a few
    browser-specific corner cases, like picking a default view and using the
    HTML form data (by inspecting form variable names for the suffix
    ":method") for possible additional traversal steps. It turns out that the
    'BaseRequest' 's traverse method does all the work. At the beginning
    of the method there are several private attributes that are being pulled
    into the local namespace and setup.

    -'publication' : It is simply the 'publication' object from
      before, which gives us access to the application-specific

    -'_' : A simple stack (i.e. list) of names that must be traversed.
      These names came from the parsed path of the URL. For example
      "/path/to/foo/bar/index.html" would be parsed to '['path', 'to', 'foo', 'bar', 'index.html]' 

    -'_' : This is a list of names that have been already successfully
      traversed. The names are simply the entries coming from '_' .

    -'_' : This variable keeps track of the last object that was found
      in the traversal process.  

    Now we just work through the traversal stack until it has been
    completely emptied. The intersting call here is the 'publication.traverseName(request, object, name' 
    ) which tries to determine the next object using the name from the
    traversal stack and the request. The 'traverseName()' method can be
    very complex. The Zope 3 application version, found in 'zope.app.publication.publicationtraverse.PublicationTraverse' 
    , must be able to handle namespaces ("++namespace++"), views ("@@") and
    pluggable traverser lookups, so that objects can implement their own
    traversers. To discuss the details of this method be beyond the goal of
    this recipe.

    If everything goes well, and no exception was raised, meaning that
    the object specified in the path was found, the 'traverse()' method
    returns the found object and we are back in the publisher's 'publish()' 
    function. The next step is to execute the object.

    Calling the object assumes that the object is callable in the first
    place. Therefore, the traversal process should always end in a view or a
    method on a view. But since all common content objects have
    browser-specific default views, we are guaranteed that the object is
    callable. For other presentation types, similar default options exist.
    Even though the object is formally executed by calling 'publication.callObject(request, object)' 
    , eventually 'mapply()' is called, which is defined in the 'zope.publisher.publish' 
    module. 'mapply()' does not just call the object, but takes great
    care of determining the argument and finding values for them.

    When an object is called, it can either write the result directly to
    the request's response object or return a result object. In the latter
    case, the 'publish()' method adds the result to the body of the
    response. Here it is assumed that the result object is a unicode string.
    For the Zope application the 'afterCall(request)' execution is of
    importance, since it commits the transaction to the ZODB. This process
    can can cause a failure, so it is very important that we do not return
    any data to the server until the transaction is committed.

    When all this has successfully finished, we call 'outputBody()' on
    the response, which sends the data out to the world going through the
    tsak, channel and eventually through the socket to the connected machine.
    Note that the 'output(data)' method, which is called from 'outputBody' 
    , is responsible for converting the internally kept unicode strings to
    valid ASCII using an encoding. If no encoding was specified, "UTF-8" is
    used by default.

    Once the response has sent out its data, the request is closed by
    calling 'close()' on itself, which releases all locks on resources.
    This will also finish the running task, close the channel and eventually
    disconnect the socket. This marks the end of the request.

    Let's now look at some of the possible failure scenarios. The most
    common failure is a ZODB write conflict, in which case we simply want to
    rollback the transaction and retry the request again. But where does the
    'Retry' error come from, when the ZODB raises a 'ConflictError' ? A
    quick look in the publication's 'handleException()' method reveals,
    that if a write conflict error is detected, it is logged and afterwards a
    'Retry' exception is raised, so that the next exception handler is
    used. Here we simply reset the request and the response and allow the
    pulishing process to start all over again (remember, we have an
    everlasting while loop over all of this code).

    In general, though, exceptions are handled by the 'handleException()' 
    method, which logs the error and even allows them to be formatted in the
    appropriate output format using a view. See the recipe on "Changing
    Standard Exception Views" for details on how to define your own views on

    ** Diagram of interactions and sequence diagram. **

    This concludes our journey through the life of a request. Sometimes
    I intentionally ignored details to stay focused and not confuse the
    reader. The interested reader will find that the interfaces of the
    various involved components serve well as further documentation,
    especially for the publisher.  

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