[Zope3-dev] More thoughts on packaging

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Tue Feb 17 08:36:40 EST 2004

Jim Fulton wrote:
> A major problem I have with distutils is that I have to write rather
> complex scripts to do somewhat simple things.  I don't
> necessarily have a problem with capturing this meta data in Python.

Ok, then, as a step forward - perhaps someone who's familiar with the
current Z3 setup.py could do a first cut of what their new setup.py
would look like, assuming the backend magically appears. This at least 
allows those of us with some knowledge of distutils innards (my eyes, my 
eyes!) to get an idea of what the solution might entail.

I'm not saying "come up with the perfect answer" but instead saying "if 
distutils was implemented in a way that your current needs were met, 
what would the setup.py say?"

I know, for instance, that in my perfect world, there wouldn't be little
dinky text files (or xml crud) required - this stuff _can_ be expressed 
in Python, and I'd prefer that it is.


Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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