[Zope3-dev] More thoughts on packaging

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Feb 17 10:04:41 EST 2004

At 09:28 AM 2/17/04 -0500, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
>I'm in the minority, apparently, but I like having a single, top-level
>setup script for ZODB.  It's a central point of control.  There's only
>one place to look when a module isn't getting compiled or installed, and
>there's a single list of all the software that should be installed.

I agree with the DRY principle.  There should be only one authoritative 
source for a piece of information.

However, for larger systems, that principle isn't served by putting 
everything into one setup.py, any more than we put all our Python code into 
one big module.  We ought to be able to "import" the metadata from modular 
setup files.

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