[Zope3-dev] queryAdapter via __conform__

Dominik Huber dominik.huber at projekt01.ch
Mon Feb 23 12:50:29 EST 2004

If queryAdapter is called by a view, the result is an unproxied adapted object.
If __conform__ is invoked during this call, the resulting adapted object is proxied.

I would suggest to extend queryAdapter by a removeAllProxies to provid a consistent behavior. Thus for example 
the __conform__ mechansim could also used in the widget framework (editview).

I will checking this changes if nobody has objections.


see ..\src\zope\component\__init__.py

def queryAdapter(object, interface, default=None, name='', context=None):
    conform = getattr(object, '__conform__', None)
    if conform is not None:
            adapter = conform(interface)
        except TypeError:
            if adapter is not None:
                # CHANGE 
                from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
                return removeAllProxies(adapter)

    if interface.isImplementedBy(object):
        return object

    return queryNamedAdapter(object, interface, name, default, context)

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