[Zope3-dev] ZODB or zodb

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Tue Jan 13 10:21:28 EST 2004

[Jim Fulton]
> I ended up doing this a bit differently. Windows checkouts
> *should* work properly now and existing Zope 3 checkouts
> should update and work properly.

On a Windows box, a fresh checkout of Zope3 doesn't raise any complaints.
That is, CVS doesn't complain, and I'm using a native Windows cvs.exe here,
not Cygwin (I don't know whether that's relevant, just saying what I did).

That fresh checkout can't be updated, though.  "cvs up" is unhappy with the
zodb subtree, with many complaints.

The initial fresh checkout, and two update attempts, are shown in the screen
scrape attached.

Not shown in the attached:  If I build Zope3 from another fresh checkout
(with no intervening "cvs up" steps, which don't work), it seems to build OK
(no compiler errors or complaints).

The test suite doesn't get off the ground, though:

C:\Code\ztemp>\python23\python test.py -vv
Running unit tests at level 1
Running unit tests from C:\Code\ztemp
No module named zodb.btrees.OOBTree
['C:\\Code\\ztemp\\src', 'C:\\Code\\ztemp',
'C:\\PYTHON23\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin', 'C:\\PYTHON23\\DLLs',
'C:\\PYTHON23\\lib', 'C:\\PYTHON23\\lib\\plat-win',
'C:\\PYTHON23\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\PYTHON23']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 923, in ?
  File "test.py", line 913, in process_args
    bad = main(module_filter, test_filter, libdir)
  File "test.py", line 674, in main
    files = find_tests(module_filter)
  File "test.py", line 506, in find_tests
    walk_with_symlinks(walkdir, finder.visit, rx)
  File "test.py", line 481, in walk_with_symlinks
    walk_with_symlinks(name, func, arg)
  File "test.py", line 481, in walk_with_symlinks
    walk_with_symlinks(name, func, arg)
  File "test.py", line 481, in walk_with_symlinks
    walk_with_symlinks(name, func, arg)
  File "test.py", line 481, in walk_with_symlinks
    walk_with_symlinks(name, func, arg)
  File "test.py", line 475, in walk_with_symlinks
    func(arg, top, names)
  File "test.py", line 448, in visit
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\__init__.py", line 18, in ?
    from _app import config, Application
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\_app.py", line 23, in ?
    from zope.app.publication.browser import BrowserPublication
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\publication\browser.py", line 20, in ?
    from zope.app.publication.publicationtraverse \
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\publication\publicationtraverse.py", line
25, in ?
    from zope.app.traversing.namespace import namespaceLookup
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\traversing\__init__.py", line 225, in ?
    from zope.app.traversing.adapters import traversePathElement
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\traversing\adapters.py", line 26, in ?
    from zope.app.traversing.namespace import namespaceLookup
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\traversing\namespace.py", line 147, in ?
    from zope.app.applicationcontrol.applicationcontrol \
"C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\applicationcontrol\applicationcontrol.py", line
19, in ?
    from zope.app.content.folder import rootFolder
  File "C:\Code\ztemp\src\zope\app\content\folder.py", line 16, in ?
    from zodb.btrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
ImportError: No module named zodb.btrees.OOBTree


The gross reason for that appears to be shallow but nasty:


 Volume in drive C is HOMEDRIVE
 Volume Serial Number is 2637-18E7
 Directory of C:\Code\ztemp\src

.              <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a .
..             <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a ..
BTREES         <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a BTrees
CVS            <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a CVS
DATETIME       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a datetime
DOCUTILS       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a docutils
LOGGING        <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a logging
PERSIS~1       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a persistence
PERSIS~2       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a persistent
PYTHON~1       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a pythonlib
THREAD~1       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a ThreadedAsync
TRANSA~1       <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a transaction
ZCONFIG        <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a ZConfig
ZDAEMON        <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a zdaemon
ZLOG           <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a zLOG
ZODB           <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a ZODB
ZOPE           <DIR>        01-13-04  9:49a zope
         0 file(s)              0 bytes
        17 dir(s)        8,159.02 MB free


That is, CVS is still picking up a ZODB (not "zodb") directory, and


shows that "ZODB" and "zodb" are still both there.

If I rename my ZODB directory to zodb, the tests at least start to run OK.

We've had problems of this nature in the Python project, when non-Windows
checkins managed to create files with names identical except for case.  But
these have generally been a single file, and so infrequent that I don't
remember what was need to truly repair them.  IIRC, problems persist until
surgery is performed on the Attic too.  Fred may remember this stuff better
than I do, so I copied him on this msg.


+ Initial checkout seems to work but may not really work.
  Renaming "src\ZODB" to "src\zodb" may repair that.
  "src/ZODB" and "src/zodb" both still exist in the CVS repository,
  so this is a crapshoot.

+ "cvs up -Pd" doesn't work correctly.
  This may simply be due to that src/ZODB and src/zodb both still
  exist in the CVS repository (or maybe not).
-------------- next part --------------
Initial checkout is fine.

C:\Code>cvs -d:ext:tim_one at cvs.zope.org:/cvs-repository co -d ztemp Zope3
U ztemp/.cvsignore
U ztemp/utilities/ZODBTools/tests/test-checker.fs

Attempting to update goes crazy, deleting files, fetching new ones,
complaining about others.

C:\Code>cd ztemp

C:\Code\ztemp>cvs up -Pd
cvs server: src/ZODB/__init__.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/_timestamp.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/component.xml is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/config.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/conflict.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/connection.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/db.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/dbdump.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/export.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/interfaces.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/lockfile.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/serialize.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/timestamp.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/transact.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/utils.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/winlock.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/ztransaction.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/__init__.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/emailbench.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_connection.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_invalidation.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_pool.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_timestamp.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_txn.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_utils.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_zodb.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/undo.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/util.py is no longer in the repository
U src/zodb/__init__.py
U src/zodb/_timestamp.c
U src/zodb/component.xml
U src/zodb/config.py
U src/zodb/conflict.py
U src/zodb/connection.py
U src/zodb/db.py
U src/zodb/dbdump.py
U src/zodb/export.py
U src/zodb/interfaces.py
U src/zodb/lockfile.py
U src/zodb/serialize.py
U src/zodb/timestamp.py
U src/zodb/transact.py
U src/zodb/utils.py
U src/zodb/winlock.c
U src/zodb/ztransaction.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BTreeItemsTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BTreeItemsTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BTreeModuleTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BTreeModuleTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BTreeTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BTreeTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BucketTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BucketTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/IIBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/IIBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/IOBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/IOBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/Length.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/Length.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/Maintainer.txt; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/Maintainer.txt
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/MergeTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/MergeTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/OIBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/OIBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/OOBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/OOBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/SetOpTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/SetOpTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/SetTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/SetTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/TreeSetTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/TreeSetTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IIBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IIBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IOBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IOBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OIBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OIBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OOBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OOBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_fsBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_fsBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/check.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/check.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/fsBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/fsBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/intkeymacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/intkeymacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/intvaluemacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/intvaluemacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/objectkeymacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/objectkeymacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/objectvaluemacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/objectvaluemacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/sorters.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/sorters.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btrees.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btrees.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btreesubclass.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btreesubclass.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_check.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_check.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_compare.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_compare.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_conflict.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_conflict.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_setops.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_setops.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_unicode.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_unicode.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/class_.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/class_.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/function.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/function.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/module.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/module.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/module.txt; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/module.txt
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/patch.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/patch.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/_pmtest.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/_pmtest.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/atestmodule.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/atestmodule.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/test_class.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/test_class.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/test_module.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/test_module.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/test_patch.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/test_patch.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/_helper.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/_helper.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/base.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/base.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/bdbfull.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/bdbfull.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/bdbminimal.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/bdbminimal.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/demo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/demo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/fsdump.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/fsdump.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/fsrecover.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/fsrecover.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/mapping.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/mapping.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/memory.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/memory.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/copy.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/copy.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/dump.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/dump.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/errors.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/errors.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/format.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/format.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/index.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/index.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/main.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/main.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/pack.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/pack.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/recover.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/recover.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/base.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/base.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/basic.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/basic.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/bdbmixin.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/bdbmixin.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/conflict.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/conflict.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/corruption.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/corruption.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/history.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/history.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/iterator.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/iterator.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/local.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/local.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/minpo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/minpo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/mt.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/mt.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/packable.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/packable.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/persistent.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/persistent.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/readonly.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/readonly.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/recovery.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/recovery.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/revision.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/revision.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/speed.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/speed.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/synchronization.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/synchronization.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_autopack.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_autopack.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_berkeley.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_berkeley.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_create.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_create.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_demo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_demo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_file.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_file.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_fsindex.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_fsindex.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_mapping.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_mapping.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_memory.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_memory.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_recover.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_recover.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_virgin.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_virgin.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_whitebox.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_whitebox.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_zodb_simple.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_zodb_simple.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/timeiter.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/timeiter.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/timepickles.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/timepickles.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/undo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/undo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/undoversion.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/undoversion.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/version.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/version.py
U src/zodb/tests/__init__.py
U src/zodb/tests/emailbench.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_connection.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_invalidation.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_pool.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_timestamp.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_txn.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_utils.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_zodb.py
U src/zodb/tests/undo.py
U src/zodb/tests/util.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/cache.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/cache.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/client.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/client.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/commitlog.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/commitlog.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/component.xml; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/component.xml
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/monitor.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/monitor.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/runsvr.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/runsvr.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/runzeo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/runzeo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/schema.xml; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/schema.xml
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/server.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/server.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/simul.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/simul.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/stats.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/stats.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/stubs.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/stubs.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tbuf.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tbuf.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/threadedasync.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/threadedasync.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/utils.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/utils.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/auth/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/auth/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/auth/auth_digest.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/auth/auth_digest.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/auth/base.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/auth/base.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/auth_plaintext.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/auth_plaintext.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/basethread.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/basethread.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/cache.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/cache.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/commitlock.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/commitlock.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/common.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/common.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/connection.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/connection.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/forker.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/forker.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/invalid.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/invalid.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/multi.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/multi.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/speed.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/speed.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/stress.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/stress.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_auth.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_auth.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_cache.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_cache.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_conn.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_conn.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_mon.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_mon.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_options.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_options.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_tbuf.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_tbuf.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_zeo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_zeo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/threadtests.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/threadtests.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/zeoserver.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/zeoserver.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/client.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/client.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/connection.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/connection.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/log.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/log.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/marshal.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/marshal.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/server.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/server.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/smac.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/smac.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/trigger.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/trigger.py

And trying again is much the same.

C:\Code\ztemp>cvs up -Pd
cvs server: src/ZODB/__init__.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/_timestamp.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/component.xml is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/config.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/conflict.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/connection.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/db.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/dbdump.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/export.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/interfaces.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/lockfile.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/serialize.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/timestamp.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/transact.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/utils.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/winlock.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/ztransaction.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/__init__.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/emailbench.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_connection.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_invalidation.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_pool.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_timestamp.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_txn.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_utils.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/test_zodb.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/undo.py is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/ZODB/tests/util.py is no longer in the repository
U src/zodb/__init__.py
U src/zodb/_timestamp.c
U src/zodb/component.xml
U src/zodb/config.py
U src/zodb/conflict.py
U src/zodb/connection.py
U src/zodb/db.py
U src/zodb/dbdump.py
U src/zodb/export.py
U src/zodb/interfaces.py
U src/zodb/lockfile.py
U src/zodb/serialize.py
U src/zodb/timestamp.py
U src/zodb/transact.py
U src/zodb/utils.py
U src/zodb/winlock.c
U src/zodb/ztransaction.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BTreeItemsTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BTreeItemsTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BTreeModuleTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BTreeModuleTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BTreeTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BTreeTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/BucketTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/BucketTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/IIBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/IIBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/IOBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/IOBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/Length.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/Length.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/Maintainer.txt; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/Maintainer.txt
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/MergeTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/MergeTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/OIBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/OIBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/OOBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/OOBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/SetOpTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/SetOpTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/SetTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/SetTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/TreeSetTemplate.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/TreeSetTemplate.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IIBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IIBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IOBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_IOBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OIBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OIBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OOBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_OOBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_fsBTree.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/_zodb_btrees_fsBTree.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/check.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/check.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/fsBTree.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/fsBTree.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/intkeymacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/intkeymacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/intvaluemacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/intvaluemacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/objectkeymacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/objectkeymacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/objectvaluemacros.h; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/objectvaluemacros.h
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/sorters.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/sorters.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btrees.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btrees.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btreesubclass.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_btreesubclass.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_check.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_check.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_compare.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_compare.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_conflict.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_conflict.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_setops.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_setops.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_unicode.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/btrees/tests/test_unicode.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/class_.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/class_.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/function.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/function.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/module.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/module.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/module.txt; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/module.txt
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/patch.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/patch.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/_pmtest.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/_pmtest.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/atestmodule.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/atestmodule.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/test_class.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/test_class.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/test_module.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/test_module.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/code/tests/test_patch.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/code/tests/test_patch.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/_helper.c; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/_helper.c
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/base.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/base.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/bdbfull.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/bdbfull.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/bdbminimal.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/bdbminimal.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/demo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/demo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/fsdump.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/fsdump.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/fsrecover.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/fsrecover.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/mapping.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/mapping.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/memory.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/memory.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/copy.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/copy.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/dump.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/dump.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/errors.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/errors.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/format.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/format.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/index.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/index.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/main.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/main.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/pack.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/pack.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/file/recover.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/file/recover.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/base.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/base.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/basic.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/basic.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/bdbmixin.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/bdbmixin.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/conflict.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/conflict.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/corruption.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/corruption.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/history.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/history.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/iterator.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/iterator.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/local.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/local.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/minpo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/minpo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/mt.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/mt.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/packable.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/packable.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/persistent.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/persistent.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/readonly.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/readonly.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/recovery.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/recovery.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/revision.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/revision.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/speed.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/speed.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/synchronization.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/synchronization.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_autopack.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_autopack.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_berkeley.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_berkeley.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_create.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_create.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_demo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_demo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_file.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_file.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_fsindex.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_fsindex.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_mapping.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_mapping.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_memory.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_memory.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_recover.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_recover.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_virgin.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_virgin.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_whitebox.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_whitebox.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/test_zodb_simple.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/test_zodb_simple.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/timeiter.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/timeiter.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/timepickles.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/timepickles.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/undo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/undo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/undoversion.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/undoversion.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/storage/tests/version.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/storage/tests/version.py
U src/zodb/tests/__init__.py
U src/zodb/tests/emailbench.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_connection.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_invalidation.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_pool.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_timestamp.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_txn.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_utils.py
U src/zodb/tests/test_zodb.py
U src/zodb/tests/undo.py
U src/zodb/tests/util.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/cache.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/cache.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/client.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/client.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/commitlog.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/commitlog.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/component.xml; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/component.xml
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/monitor.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/monitor.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/runsvr.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/runsvr.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/runzeo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/runzeo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/schema.xml; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/schema.xml
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/server.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/server.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/simul.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/simul.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/stats.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/stats.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/stubs.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/stubs.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tbuf.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tbuf.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/threadedasync.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/threadedasync.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/utils.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/utils.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/auth/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/auth/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/auth/auth_digest.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/auth/auth_digest.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/auth/base.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/auth/base.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/auth_plaintext.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/auth_plaintext.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/basethread.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/basethread.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/cache.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/cache.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/commitlock.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/commitlock.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/common.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/common.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/connection.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/connection.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/forker.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/forker.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/invalid.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/invalid.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/multi.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/multi.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/speed.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/speed.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/stress.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/stress.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_auth.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_auth.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_cache.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_cache.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_conn.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_conn.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_mon.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_mon.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_options.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_options.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_tbuf.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_tbuf.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_zeo.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/test_zeo.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/threadtests.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/threadtests.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/tests/zeoserver.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/tests/zeoserver.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/__init__.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/__init__.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/client.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/client.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/connection.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/connection.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/interfaces.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/interfaces.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/log.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/log.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/marshal.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/marshal.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/server.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/server.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/smac.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/smac.py
CVS.EXE update: move away src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/trigger.py; it is in the way
C src/zodb/zeo/zrpc/trigger.py


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