AW: AW: [Zope3-dev] Propose interface change (well not really)

Jim Fulton jim at
Thu Jul 8 19:13:38 EDT 2004

Roger ineichen wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:


>>Roger, I'm confused. Are you talking about the principal 
>>source? Or the auth service?
> About the IPrincipalSource. I was lookig at the implementation of
> BTreePrincipalSource which is a sample of read/write principal source.
> Because it implements a IContainer. Then I was thinking of a
> read only principal source should at least provide IReadContainer.
> But this isn't the case. I was wrong because that's just one implementation.
> with a BTree container. What do you think about to have a Interface for to
> add principals like setPrincipal(self, login, ob) instead of 
> __setitem__(self, login, ob)?

The point is that a principal source need not support principal
management.  A principal soures only responsability is to provide
access to principals.  Principal sources may provide additional features,
like principal management.

> Do we have to provide everywhere IContainer where we add object in Zope
> or can we use the method setPrincipal() instead if we have to add new
> interfaces?

It's up to an object to decide if and how to manage subobjects.
If an object is going to allow an arbitrary number of subobjects,
then the container framework is very convenient.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at       Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

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