AW: [Zope3-dev] Pluggableauth / IPrincipalSource interface proposal

Phillip J. Eby pje at
Sun Jul 11 01:06:28 EDT 2004

At 02:46 AM 7/11/04 +0200, Roger ineichen wrote:

>Should we inject a IPrincipalManager interface
>on the fly for to add this support? Or is it
>better to have to different PrincipalSource.
>One "managed" and one just readeable?

It's not a problem to have sources support IPrincipalManager, since 
presumably the extra features can be disabled via permissions.

What's important is that nothing depend on principal sources supporting 
IPrincipalManager.  If a user installs a read-only principal source, the 
system should "degrade gracefully" rather than breaking.

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