[Zope3-dev] ZopeX3 3.0.0 beta 2 released

Fred Drake fdrake at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 19:32:51 EDT 2004

Release date: July 29, 2004

The Zope 3 development team is proud to announce the second
beta release of Zope X3 3.0.0.

Zope X3 is the next major Zope release and has been written
from scratch based on the latest software design patterns and
the experiences of Zope 2. The "X" in the name stands for
"experimental", since this release does not try to provide
any backward-compatibility to Zope 2.



  Installation instructions for both Windows and Un*x/Linux
  are now available in the top level README.txt of the
  distribution.  The binary installer is recommended for Windows.

Changes since beta 1

  - Separated the trusted and untrusted behaviors of page
    templates in the application server.  File-system-based
    templates are trusted, and database-based templates are

  - Improved using documentation files as tests. (Needed to test
    new security policy):

    Changed !DocFileSuite:

    o If a package is passed, it must be passed as a keyword argument.
      (For now, a package can also be passed before passing any file
      names, but this generates a deprecation warning.)

    o File paths may contain '/'s as separators. These will be converted
      to native file separators at run time.

    o It is now possible to pass set-up and tear-down methods

    o It is now possible to pass a dictionary of initial global variables.

    o Error output is improved as is meta data used for verbose output.

  - Fixed issue 248.  Path expressions in page templates that
    contain empty segments now cause an error to be raised when
    the expression is compiled rather than when it is evaluated.
    This has always been illegal according to the specification,
    and most often caused a runtime error before.  Template
    authors can now get an error up front, avoiding embarrasment
    when once an application is moved into production after
    insufficient testing.

  - Fixed the default 'text/*' content type for file objects.
    Backport of the fix for bug 201.

  - Changed the security policy:

    o Fix a bug (actually a missfeature). It wasn't possible for
      local settings to override global (zcml) settings.

    o Changed the way role denies work.  A role deny simply
      prevents a principal from having a role.  A principal may
      still have access through other roles or through principal
      grants.  Role grants or denies never override principal
      grants or denies *even* if the role-based grants or denies
      are more local.

    o Implemented a caching scheme that provides huge performance
      benefits when the authenticated principal is defined in a
      local auth service, rather than a global one (zcml).

  - Fixed bug in !TypeRegistry for
    zope.app.publisher.browser.globalbrowsermenuservice which allows
    passing classes instead of interfaces as well but has a missing

  - A monkey patch to cope with weakref problems in Python 2.3.3
    was removed, so Python 2.3.4 is required now.
  - Views for I18nFile/I18nImage now use the contentType attribute
    instead of outdated getContentType method.


  The API is frozen for X3.0.0. We would like to ask all people to test
  this release and report any bugs or mis-behaviors!

  The entire beta period will likely last for about 2 months. During
  this time we will try to complete the following tasks:

    - Fix outstanding bugs.

    - Optimize critical components to speed up the system.

    - Write and update documentation.

    - Add and complete translations.

    - Remove as many XXX comments as possible.

  Though much progress has been made since the first beta, there is still
  much to do!  Even if you are not a programmer, you can help!

  Please send any bug reports and comments to zope3-dev at zope.org! Thank you
  very much in advance for your help!


  Jim Fulton, Marius Gedminas, Fred Drake, Philipp von Weitershausen,
  Stephan Richter, Dmitry


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at gmail.com>
Zope Corporation

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