[Zope3-dev] guessing where zope.conf is

Steve Alexander steve at z3u.com
Tue Jun 15 14:09:06 EDT 2004

Hi folks,

I'm making myself a kind of customized "zope 3 instance home" for a 
project I'm working on.  I've run into an inconvenience in how the 
system finds a zope.conf or zope.conf.in file.

In src/zope/app/server/main.py, the code looks for a zope.conf file in 
the directory:

     dir = os.path.normpath(
                        os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))

That's basically $(zope.app.server.main.__file__)/../../../../zope.conf

The problem is that it is looking for a zope.conf file (which belongs in 
"server instance space") by starting off from 
zope.app.server.main.__file__ (which is in "python library space").  The 
guess will be wrong a lot of the time.

I propose that zope.app.server.main should not try to guess where config 
files live, but that it should always be passed a place to look 
explicitly.  The z3.py start script and any other start scripts should 
be responsible for working out what directory to look in, and passing 
this to zope.app.server.main.

Steve Alexander

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